Essay About What Im Thinking

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2.4 Siti Zulaikha Binti Norman 2.4.1 Individual Essay. The Use and Overload of using technologies in Teaching and Learning Process Gives Positive and Negative Impacts to the Teachers and Students. Some issues and challenges of education that I will face in the next decade is about the use and overload of using technologies in teaching and learning process gives positive and negative impacts to the teachers and students. As we know, technologies in education are very important in order the educational system runs smoothly in terms of classroom management as well as classroom environment for students and teacher. Technology has certainly changed the way we live and this change gives a huge impact to our education. Technologies in education facilitate students with modern and power facilities by making the particular task easy and effectives to be done. Some positives impact of education in the next decade is technology becomes the teaching aids in the classroom where the traditional teaching and learning process fully been abolished. As we know, traditional teaching method is a teacher-centered method emphasizes learning through the teachers guidance at all times. Students are expected to listen to lectures and learn from them (Arzel, 2013). Unlike modern teaching method, students are exposed with interactive teaching and learning process by the help of technology such as the used of laptop or computer generated simulation, internet as well as audio-visual presentation such as digital presentation software. For example, in Science subject teacher can teach about the flow of blood cycle in the heart of human body by showing it through laptop generated simulation that display through white screen where it can exposed the students with the real situations that happen in the body. With vivid video and audio clips able to help student understands better and enhance students interest in learning Science because it help them to stay focus and alert. Therefore, in the future, there is no chalk and whiteboard anymore in the classroom but only laptop, LCD projector and internet connection being used. Next, technologies made students and teachers life easy. In the next decade, my prediction is that technologies in education made the students to not compulsory to go to school to have interaction with the teacher in the classroom where home-schooled becomes popular among parents and their children. This is because teaching and learning process can happen through only your fingertips by using video conferencing via Skype, email, as


well as social networking like Facebook nowadays. Students can get lectures from the teacher by only making the video conferencing through internet and webcam. This shows that technology has eliminated the space and time constraints. For example, students from rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak will not have problems in learning process if their home is far away from school because they can do distance learning by directly interact with their teacher through email and video conferencing at anytime and any place with the help of internet connection and laptop where I believes that in the next decade, wireless and internet connection coverage is advance. Next, overload of technologies in the next decade also can give negative impact where it can harm students thinking and learning styles. As we know, each student has their own learning styles from the effect of their different environment such as through visual, audio and kinesthetic styles (Noriati A. Rashid, 2013). For example, internet can be used as an effective tool for acquiring knowledge where all a web user needs to do is to key in queries to search engines presented with thousands of search results. Therefore when students are being ask to complete some assignment and action research, they will depend on the information they search on the internet only where it lead to the development of plagiarism in education. This downgrading the students thinking abilities where the laziness to learn in different style make the students only know to copy and paste and declare it as their idea. In contrast, students can learn through observation, making experiment as well as listening where it can foster their thinking skills and generate students capabilities to think with high order thinking skill (HOTS). Besides, overload of technologies in education in the next decade can change the way students communicate in the classroom. There are some changes in communication and interaction between students and students as well as teachers and students. The more
time students spend on internet or online social networking, the less time they spend socializing in person or face to face interaction. For example, in the next decade, students will not have good quality of interaction with their multi-cultural friends irrespective of religion, races and background. This is because students only emphasize on the important of online interaction such as through Facebook, video conference such as Skype without noticing the important of having face to face interactions with their multiracial friends. This is because real and effective communication needs verbal and non-verbal communication skills. When you have good interaction with your friends, you will be able to know in depth our uniqueness of Malaysian culture such as Malay, Indian, Chinese, Iban, Bidayuh culture. These can enhance students appreciation towards their own roots and culture heritage so that it will not fade away. Plus, we learn to respect our differences of culture too.


Next, technologies in education can affect the language of Bahasa Malaysia and other languages such as Tamil and Chinese languages as the medium of instruction in delivering the knowledge of Science and Technologies in the next decade too. This is because of the globalization and development of our country that focuses on the economic global system. The contribution of Bahasa Melaysia decreases as it is an early language for the Science and Technologies scientific terms where English language will be used in giving knowledge about Science and Technology to the students (Yahya Don, 2005). The factor of easy access the knowledge in the internet using English language in the future leads to the mastery of English language to the future teachers and students. Serious Social Problems that occur among Students become Common Issues

in School. The next issues and challenges of education that I will face in the next decade are about the serious social problems that occur among my students in school. In the next decade, social problems will be a challenging task for me to handle as it is becomes a common among my students. Some example of social problems that I have to face in the future is about the pregnancy among girls student as well as the wrong practice of dating relationship between students in school. As we know, sex before marriage had already happen in our current education among young teenagers in secondary school as well as in late primary school. Therefore, my prediction in the next decade about this issue in education is there will be an expand amount of girls student in my school who having their first pregnancy. Why I said so? This is because of the percentage of teenagers who had pregnant before marriage increases from time to time. Based on the Health Ministry record taken in Harian Metro newspaper, in the period time of 18 month from January until June last year, there were six thousand three hundred and ten girl teenagers who get pregnant and registered in government clinic and hospitals who are not married yet. These include the school students. What I can say from this record is that this issue will happen because of the technology and cultural boom that happen among teenagers. As we know, technologies become essential needs in the human life as it can help to make life easy and fast. But the misused of technologies leads to negative impact like this pregnancy issues. It happen because students are influenced with the mass media that over exposed about sex acts in TV dramas and films that cause the teenagers who are not yet mature enough to handle the emotional effects of sexual activity. They tend to try new things


and they want to experience it by themselves not only by looking at it. As a result, the dating relationship becomes common to the student and they will bring it into the classroom. Besides, other social problem is they are influenced by the Western culture through watching movies that display the wrong relationship of gay, lesbian, and homosexual lifestyle. This is a culture of lifestyle that permitted in the Western countries. The religious concept of marriage is no longer use in the society and this lead to the destructive of moral and behaviours. So, in the next decade, students no longer follow our East culture that emphasize on the good courtesy and morality. Furthermore, social problems may lead to the emotional and physical abuse among students in school. These problems may challenge me as a teacher for the next decade. For example, physical abuse may happen in a dating relationship between students with different gender and same gender. The partner may use forced sexual interactions as a way to show their power and control. A good example is the effect of sexual assault and rape. The victims will have problems in school where they trauma and leads to zero attendance to the classroom as they afraid to meet their partner in school. Besides, they will be a negative sentiment towards different gender in school which is girls and boys. For example, girls are afraid of boys because the boys use their power and control to ensure their relationship last longer in the classroom so that the boys can show off with their relationship to other students whereas girls will lose their respect to the boys as they shows a bad and aggressive attitude. This also makes a new situation to occur in the classroom which is gender discrimination. It leads to emotional problems where the victims feels afraid and anxiety to go to school. These abuses happen because the globalization era in the future exposes students with the negative influences of mass media for example, when they watch something aggressive behaviour shown in the television. The School System Changes in term of School Culture. ```````Lastly, the issues and challenges of education that I will face in the next decade are about the school system changes in term of school culture. The changes of culture can occur in a particular society because of the impact of urbanization, education roles as well as social changes (Abd Rahim Abd Rashid, 2001). School culture includes relationship and roles of school community and student culture. ````````In the next decades, I believes that there is a new culture pertaining relationship and roles of school community which is where teachers as knowledge delivers and facilitators is


decreases as their roles in education system becomes less. This is because the technologies in the future limits teacher role in the teaching and learning process. For example, students will depends on the modern gadgets such as tablets and future gadget that is more advance in the usage to access information to get any knowledge. This only challenges me as a teacher because the students can just download the notes and learn through home-school. As a result, it just limits the time of interaction with the teachers collaborations to discuss a particular task as the students can just interact with their online tutor from any countries without being too dependent to their teachers. Students will get busy and teachers roles in the teaching and learning process become less important as technologies controls the students. As a result, there is small number of teachers in the future that really productive and able to do multitask at one period of time. Teacher will lose their respect from their students as the students feel that there is no necessity in having a teacher to teach them. ````````Next is regarding students culture. As we know, Malaysia is a multi racial country with society of different background, religion and culture. Some challenges of education that I will face in the next decade are the discrimination and segregation of different kind of ethnic of students in the school environment. Why I said so? This is because students in the future will not having a harmonious classroom environment as they tend to do their own work in the classroom. Plus, through television, students learn about other cultures. In some ways, it is good as one can know more about other identities. However, in other ways, it leaves a negative impact on the society, particularly on the young generations who are still searching for their own identity. This is because they tend to listen to the rumors of some ethnicity that bring some negative influences that telling bad things on a particular ethnic group. As a result, it creates a negative culture in the students where Malays students only talk with the same ethnic only and create unhealthy and dull environment. This becomes a challenge to the teacher to create a bond between them so that there is no boundary. `````````Besides, there are some issues and challenges of education that I will face regarding the education opportunities and inequality in the next decades. As time passes, the economic growth rises day by day and it gives some impact to the cost of living in Malaysian society. Because of that it creates two group of social class which is high class group and low class group. Therefore, it built some negative culture among the students where they does not interact with each other and feel that there is a huge boundaries between them that make them to not to be friend. For example, high class social status of students comes from rich families with high income whereas low class social status of students comes from poor families with low income to support loving. Therefore, in school, rich students only communicate with the rich students too and their opportunity to get more knowledge is high because they are equip by their families with the latest gadget technologies that offer them to


easy access the knowledge. Besides, they have high opportunity to get good education as their parents able to support them to study overseas. Unlike students from poor family background, their education opportunity is limited. Therefore, it gives bad impact on the students culture where some of them feel that they are good from others and downgrading the other students. This only leads to the destruction of human relationship in school system.

2.4.2 Reflection.


`````````In my opinion, some recommendations on school culture that can enhance the meets of the socio cultural diversity is the teacher is responsible to be a role model to the pupils by showing good moral values so that we can inculcate good moral values and be a good values inculcator to the students. In order to be a values inculcator a teacher often shows a good quality values in our life so that the students will follow our footstep. `````````Besides teacher should be the main agent of socialization where it is about an interaction between human where social contexts is occur. For example as I mentioned in the individual essay above the teachers as knowledge delivers and facilitators is decreases as their roles in education system becomes less. Therefore, in order to strengthen teachers role in education, teacher has big roles to be the agent of socialization where he or she will teach students to respect and communicate well with their friends. This can make a culture for students to practice in school. If the teachers socialize well in the teaching and learning process with the student, the teacher is manage to be a good agent of socialization. This is because there is successful interaction between the students and the teacher. As a result, a conducive and quality teaching and learning environment can be achieved where there are harmonious multi racial student who can lives together in a classroom. ````````` Next, in order to strengthen the interaction and communication among the multiracial students in school so that they will be no discrimination and segregation of ethnic, teacher can do the Cultural Day Campaign in school. This campaign needs to fill in with variety of activities that promotes unity among different races, religion and culture in Malaysia. For example, we can do some exhibition that can attract students to go by make it as a grand event. Through this program, students will be able to appreciate and understand better about the uniqueness of our multiracial society. ````````` Some tentative program that can be plan for this campaign is we can show the cultural characteristic such as about traditional clothes for different races, traditional play such as congkak and many more. This campaign can open students eyes about the variety of socio-cultural in Malaysia and able to appreciate their culture heritage. ```````````Next, to decrease students social problem in school, teacher should plan some beneficial activities that social friendly to the teenagers. For example, school organise camping that involve different background of students. Some activities that can be carried out are cooking session, cultural night as well as Sukaneka. Cooking session is a session of students to cook traditional foods. In cultural night, students will be able to see the interesting dance from different races where it can make them aware the importance of culture diversity in Malaysia.


``````` Besides, in the era of globalization that emphasize on the importance of technologies, we can plan some campaign on Innovation & Technology week in school. This can foster student interest in ICT as well as to create an innovative and creative students and teachers who can design modern and useful teaching aids that can help students in teaching and learning process. This can help students to stay active and encourage the participation of students in teaching and learning process. Besides, teacher can implement the culture of good courtesy among the students and teachers. For example, students need to greet teachers and their friends in good manner by saying Assalamualaikum for Muslim students. This can teach them to respect their teachers as they are person that gives you knowledge. Next, school can also create the implementation of Sekolah Penyayang where it focuses on the program of Sekolahku Syurgaku. These program create a new culture for the students to love their school as same as they love their home. Good values can be instill to the students so that they will help to maintain good school cultures by showing good respect, fair, kind, moderate as well as loving values. As a conclusion, there are many recommendations on school culture that can be done in school so that young generation today will know their own culture. This can lead to an effective interaction between students and teachers irrespective culture, races and religions. `````````

2.4.3 References


Abd Rahim Abd Rashid. (2001). Nilai Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Budaya Baru: Nilai-nilai ````````murni dalam pendidikan. Menghadapi perubahan dan cabaran alaf baru. Cheras, `````` Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd Arzel. (2013). Are Traditional Teaching Methods Still Efffective?. Retrieved from ``````````````````effective/ Noriati A. Rashid. (2011). Gaya Berfikir dan gaya Belajar: Budaya dan pembelajaran. Shah ````````` Alam, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd Yahya Don. (2005). Perlaksanaan Bahasa Melayu: Kepimpinan pendidikan di Malaysia. Bentong, Pahang: PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd

2.4.4 Appendices Appendix A


6,310 hamil hingga Jun

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KUALA LUMPUR: Peringatan kepada ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak gadis. Rekod Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) dalam tempoh 18 bulan dari Januari tahun lalu hingga Jun lalu mendapati, seramai 6,310 remaja perempuan yang hamil dan berdaftar di hospital atau klinik kerajaan tidak berkahwin, termasuk pelajar sekolah.

Jumlah itu tidak termasuk remaja menggugurkan kandungan secara haram di klinik swasta seluruh negara. Pengarah Bahagian Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga KKM, Dr Safurah Jaafar berkata, seramai 9,082 remaja hamil berusia 10 hingga 19 tahun berdaftar di hospital atau klinik kerajaan, dengan purata 1,500 kes sebulan dari Januari hingga Jun tahun ini. Daripada jumlah itu, 2,088 (23 peratus) tidak berkahwin. Tujuh kes kematian remaja hamil dilaporkan dan empat daripadanya tidak berkahwin. Ini menunjukkan risiko kematian di kalangan remaja hamil, khususnya tidak berkahwin, tinggi iaitu 57 peratus. Tahun lalu, 18,652 remaja hamil mendapatkan perkhidmatan di fasiliti kesihatan kerajaan dengan 4,222 atau 23 peratus daripada jumlah itu tidak berkahwin, katanya. kepada Metro Ahad.

Appendix B \


Methods Still Effective?



Education has been an integral part of human life as eating and sleeping. It has shaped so many generations for thousands of years and remains doing so in our present. These days, however, technology has changed so many things as well as the manner we digest information. Digital tools, such as computers, audio and visual tools, are slowly replacing traditional teaching methods. What Are Traditional Teaching Methods? Before we tackle the issue of technology as replacing conservative traditional teaching methods, we must first discover the basics of traditional teaching methods. The three main types of methods used in traditional education are as follows:

Lectures and Direct Instruction Traditional teaching, as most of us have experienced, is classroom-based and consists of lectures and direct instructions conducted by the teacher. This teacher-centered method emphasizes learning through the teachers guidance at all times. Students are expected to listen to lectures and learn from them.

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