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Reading Strategies Metacognitive Journal: Chapter 1-15, Part 1

Strategy Predict: Make a smart guess about whats going to happen next Quotation Initials were scrawled on the diagram: H.M. Blood rushed in my ears, drowning out the sound of the boys and the rabbit and the clicking electric sound. H.M. Henri Moreau (Shepherd, 19) *** Juliet, stop this! he said. I froze at the gruff sound of my name (Shepherd, 32) My Response Right when I read this, I immediately knew it would be her father. The way she had walked into the laboratory, to the way she immediately knew what to do about the rabbit, I knew it would be something about the madman scientist everyone refers to as her father. She kept mentioning a scandal that had happened years before causing her fathers disappearance. From all the facts I had pointing to this, from the laboratory to the last name mentioned pages before, I knew the outcome. *** The sudden cause of her reaction to freeze and spin around must have been because she had been greeted by an old memory or flashback of someone she obviously knew. I knew it must have been an old friend, when he said her name. When I read this, I immediately went back to the scandal. I thought why were you once upon these people? What happened? I guessed that the scandal causing her fathers disappearance had cost the entire family to suffer. *** When I read this word, I had no idea what it was at first. So I took into account that theyd seen a rabbit alive, but barely on the laboratory table. Id assumed that the word would be associated with dissection, considering the atmosphere of the previous events. This part really stuck out, because describing characters are a tricky and delicate task to have to do. You have to provide a visual of the person right at the beginning, so they have an idea of why the characters have chosen or acted in a way. My visuals mostly

Clarify: Look closer when something is confusing

Smile, Mother would have whispered. You belonged amongst these people, once. (Shepherd, 6) *** Vivisection. The word came out of me like a vile thing trying to escape. (Shepherd, 18)

Visualize: Imagine a picture or movie in your mind as you read

Id never been one to trun away from blood, but my heart twisted at the sight. A crusted and seeping gash ran down one side of his face, just

consist of people I know. Celebrities, movie stars, friends, family etc. For example, I visualize Juliet as Emmy Rossum (The Day After Tomorrow) and Montgomery as Sam Claflin (Snow White & the Huntsmen). This description was explaining Edward, castaway. I imaged him as Eddie Redmayne (Les Misrables). But this first description was a really good description of Edward if you have a visual mind. Ask What is the scandal that I really want to know what this scandal that Questions: Juliet keeps mentioning? Juliet keeps mentioning and how it keeps Ask holding her back from the world. I want to questions to know why her father would be drawn to this learn more madness everyone talks about, and why it was enough to drive him away from everything he ever had. Make I thought of you over This is the reason of why I chose this book. Connections: the years, Juliet, he said, The sappy love stories are always my Connect his voice low as he favourite. This scene brought my mind what youre brushed a blowing strand whirling and brought me to the conclusion reading to of hair out of my face. of the overall love story pointing towards the something More than I should. film The Princess Bride of how the stable else (Shepherd, 75) boy fell deeply in love with the princess equals the maids son falling in love with the scientists daughter. So simple, yet so cute! Summarize: So far, we have been introduced to Juliet, the madmans daughter who Retell what no longer has a high reputation in the city of London and is put to work happened in in the gutters as a maid. Later on in the story, Juliet finds a recent the story so diagram of her fathers work, which is allegedly proclaimed dead. Juliet far loses her reputation in England defending herself and has no need to be there anymore. Shes decided with nothing to lose; shell take up the lead about her father. Finding Montgomery, an old friend and the doctors assistant, gives her a helpful start on the process. With his help, she makes it to the island where her father has been hiding for the past 16 years. On the way, she starts knowing Montgomery all over again and falling in love on the way. While on board to the island, she finds a castaway named Edward who survived two weeks at sea. When she makes it on the island, she is stunned as her father is there to greet her. Being the madman hes proclaimed as, he doesnt like visitors as Montgomery stated before cautiously taking Juliet along for the ride. On demand, the doctor/ father tried to drown Edward and told him to behave and not get in the way. {I personally think there is previous

below his eye. Sun blisters covered his cheeks and forehead. His salt-strained dark hair tangles like the seaweed that washed at low tide in Brighton. His eyes were closed. (Shepherd, 79-80)

history between these two, due to his actions, but not sure as of right now.} The first part of the book ended off with Juliet having a dream about Montgomery and Edward and is not sure on which one to choose, as she is drawn between the decision as its pulling the friendship between all three further and further apart.

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