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Teacher: Eva, Cynthia, Keyla Subject area: science/Reading

Date: March 26, 2013 Grade Level: 5th

District: Unit Title:

School: Lesson Title: Plants are Producers Essential Question(s): 1) Why are plants so important for humans? 2) Why do you think plants are called primary producers? 3) How does a plant survive? 4) Are there any differences between plants in different ecosystems? If yes, why do you think that happens? 5) Where does the food chain begin?

Standard(s): 11. Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. (E) synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres. Science 112.16.b.9. 9 (B) Organisms and environments. The student describe how the flow of energy derived from the Sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers.

Purpose and Lesson Understanding goals(s): Students will understand 1. How to comprehend Informational Text/Expository Text by 2. merging new learning with their background knowledge. 3. The different types of plants and their place in the food chain.

Student Objectives: Students will be able to Reading (11) Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Science (9) The student knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within environments.

Assessment of Objectives: Formal: Working in groups students record What we think we know about a topic, add to their learning and share it on sticky notes and two-column forms. Informal: Students will participate in active listening during the lesson and volunteers will share their what we think we know. Teachers will look for evidence of connections (TT and T-W) as well for evidence that suggests students merged their thinking with new information.

Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan with timeline and specified grouping Anticipatory Set :(5 min, full class) The teacher will introduce herself to the group to later ask students to recall some important information learned the previous week using a copy of the anecdotal notes previously recorded by teachers. Next, the teacher will ask students to focus their attention on essential question #1and #2 while they watch a video about plants. First 3 minutes of video Life: Plants Finally the teacher will give a brief explanation about the procedure: we will be reading a section of an informational book for the purpose of learning important information and making connections to previous knowledge preferably trying to focus our attention on information found in texts or video rather than experiences. Input and Modeling:(10 min, full class) The teacher will introduce the T-chart Building Background by Making Connections to Informational Text and briefly explain the different types of connections. Using sticky notes teacher shows students how reading an informational passage can connect to previous knowledge. With the help of the projector the teacher allows students to observe some of her notes. Then at the end of the passage the teacher will post the sticky note to the T-Chart to later fill in the How it Helps me Understand column aloud. Checking for Understanding:(5 min, full class) Teacher allows for turn and talk with partner for a minute or two to then hear some of the possible answers they will record on the chart. Guided Practice: (10 min, small groups) The teacher will ask students to recall some information they might have heard or learned in another subject to use it as a connection to the text and request one or two volunteers to record in teachers T-Chart. Teacher will guide students to think critically in their How it Helps me Understand column. Independent Practice: (10 min, small groups)

Using provided books by teachers students choose their readings and will work in small groups to find at least one connection either past experience or previous knowledge from text books, video watched or experiences that relates to the informational text. Then they will record that in their sticky notes and place it on their T-Chart under My Connections column and give a brief explanation under How it Helps me Understand column. The teachers will actively assist the students. Closure/Share the Learning: (10 min, full class) The students will come together with the teacher and share their findings. Volunteer students can place their sticky notes on the T-Chart and elaborate on the How it Helps me Understand column.

Language Modifications Copies of the text in needed languages need to be available. or A student helper to assist with reading and writing as necessary. Dictionaries available at all times for ELL students. Several pictures to identify important vocabulary.

Special Needs Modifications: Text on audio with a student helper to write down what the student indicates as important. or A student helper to read and write as necessary. Extra time for students to record their chart.

Materials & Resources: Sticky notes Pens/Pencils Copies of pages 8-11 of book What are Food Chains and Webs? T-Chart Building Background by Making Connections to Informational Text. Copies of T-Charts for students. Large images if possible of each different type of plant.

Technology: Document Camera if necessary during full class involvement. Power point with pictures if available.

Reflection Attached on Lesson Plan Construction What worked: Improvements: Overall Implications for your teaching: The video clip really piqued the students Using the document camera did not seem to It is challenging to keep the attention of 5th attention. It was an excellent idea and worked keep the students attention any better than graders. They all seemed extremely interested very well. The carpet time, coming together to standing at the front of the room with the in the video and in the presentation. However share ideas also worked very well. book. I need to find a better way to share the when the book was being read they ceased to book as I read. I am thinking a Power Point pay attention as much. I am wondering if it is type presentation with movement might work the reading level of the book selected. I have better; if I can find or create one to coordinate learned that several of the students are reading with the book I am reading. book at their level or above. I believe if I knew the students better, I would be able to select a text and a presentation method that would keep their attention. Considering some of the students comments an type of connections, I am wondering if they had the wrong idea about the type of connection they were supposed to be making. Their connections were within the text about the similarities and contrasts of those things.

What to turn in: 1st check lesson plan template filled in and text you will use for modeling, 2nd check lesson plan template with reflection and anecdotal notes.

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