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What is ecology?
Many definitions

One for us?


What is ecology?

Does ecology = environmentalism?

A little etymology
Ecology is derived from oikos (Greek) meaning household, and logos meaning study

the study of the household

Ernst Haeckel (1866): oecologiethe economy of nature

Bill Erwin

the management of the household

So why are ecology and economy often at odds with one another?

A true tree hugger

Ecology is a diverse science

Plant ecology Animal ecology Molecular ecology Physiological ecology Population ecology Community ecology Ecosystem ecology Landscape ecology Conservation ecology Restoration ecology

Ecology as a science
Started mainly as natural history Now, ecologists primarily conduct experiments, test hypotheses, and develop models What about natural history?


Ecological experiments
Where should we conduct experiments? Why?

Conducting ecological experiments

Greenhouse Lab vs. field Short-term vs. long-term Spatial scale; replication Limno-corrals

Pros Laboratory Field


Kiddie pool ecology?

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