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Fractions with M&Ms

To create a fraction you need two pieces of information, the part and the whole. The denominator represents the whole and the numerator represents the part. (Do you remember what these are?) The number of M&Ms in a color is placed in the numerator; the total number of M&Ms is placed in the denominator.

M&Ms Data Chart

Color Total All Colors Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Brown

M&Ms Graph

Fractions with M&Ms

Creating Fractions
Green Blue Brown Use the data above to create fractions for each color of M&M. (The number of each color is represented as what in the fraction?) Red Orange Yellow

What color represents the largest portion of your M&Ms?

Which one represents the smallest?

Are there any that are equally represented?

Create 5 fractions by combining the data for at least 2 colors from above. Then draw and color a picture to represent each fraction.

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