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Site Annual Reporting

Teacher Qualifications
Teacher Qualifications Background Regulation 2.6 of the Commonwealth Schools Assistance (Learning Together through Choice and Opportunity) Act 2004 requires schools to report to their communities on a prescribed set of indicators. A list of teachers qualifications. It is suggested that schools provide a statement relating to qualification requirements of all teaching staff. Schools will also need to provide summary statistics showing the percentage of teaching staff with qualifications.

Definition Suggested Reporting

Examples and Minimum Reporting All teachers hold qualifications required for teacher registration in South Options Australia. Of our teaching staff, 70% hold undergraduate tertiary qualifications and 30% have post-graduate qualifications. Additional reporting The following is a breakdown of the percentage of teacher qualifications held by teachers at the school. 5% Doctoral degrees 35% Masters degrees 35% Bachelor degrees 40% Diplomas 2% Graduate Diplomas 10% Graduate certificates In our school there are a number of teachers who have two or more qualifications in education and there are 5 teachers who are currently completing an additional qualification in education. Narrative Reporting All teachers hold qualifications required for teacher registration in South Australia. In our school we are fortunate to have a number of teachers with two or more qualifications in education. 5% have Doctoral degrees, 35% Masters degrees, 35% bachelor degrees, 40% Diplomas, 10% Graduate certificates and 2% hold

Produced: 30/06/06 Updated: 10/07/07


Graduate diplomas. Staff in this school are dedicated to increasing their skills and knowledge to improve the outcomes of students. We congratulate Bonnie Hill and Clyde North who have both just completed their Masters degrees in Education. Related Reporting Source of Information Support Materials Further Information For more information and resources go to the DECS Data Management and Accountability website at: Resources relating to data management are available on SSONET: Choose Admin>Data/Info Services For further advice and support contact your District Improvement Coordinator. Schools are advised to use their own local information for reporting this item.

Produced: 30/06/06 Updated: 10/07/07


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