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1. Root Chakra - Represents self-awareness. Physical body. Survival center money, food, freedom, etc.

. Location: base of spine in the tailbone area. CARD: 2. Navel - Sacral Chakra The ability to be ourselves. Creativity. Pleasure/Addiction (sexual) center. Location: lower abdomen - a few inches below and into the navel. CARD: 3. Solar Plexus Chakra The self-control center. Represents self-worth, personality, ego and intellect. Location: upper abdomen known as stomach area. CARD: 4. Heart Chakra Self love and loving others. Location: above the heart in center of chest. CARD: 5. Throat Chakra Communication and speech. Location: throat CARD: 6. Third Eye Chakra Intuition and Imagination. Ability to perceive. Location: middle of forehead just above the eye brows CARD: 7. Crown Chakra Connectivity to the flow of Universal energy. Spiritual Awareness. Location: top of the head. CARD:

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