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Wednesday 11:23AM 27 February 2008 7 days since the total lunar eclipse occurred at exactly 7:00PM

The United States as a "Vassal State" of the European Union

Vassal: A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance. From the 1982 American Heritage Dictionary

This describes the present government of the United States.

Since March of 2007 I have been struggling to understand what God has been showing me here in Grants Pass. In my sleep last night, God revealed the "Vassal" description. God always gives me something extra when I'm near emotional collapse. Clearly, the Prophesied end time Invasion and Captivity is underway here in End-Time Israel. Living through it from a victim's perspective has been a challenge to say the least. When God is protecting you, all you can do is just roll with it. When I started witnessing the Airbus A380's and a320's flying in large numbers in Oregon's airspace through my binoculars, I knew we were entering the REALITY phase. Throughout 2007 I was still thinking Grants Pass had a legitimate citizenry, and consequently tried to warn everyone of the unfolding Invasion. It's NOW obvious to me that most of the population in Grants Pass were already Vassals. In God's good time they will comprehend the error of giving their allegiance to a nation of such HORRIFFIC history.

7's all over the place God's number of completion

2007 began with Comet Mc Naught during the first full week of January for exactly 7 days. The 7th day of the 7th year of the new millennium for exactly 7 days! God makes it pretty obvious, doesn't HE! Once 7 weeks were completed in 2008, the total lunar eclipse of the moon occurred at exactly 7:00 PM in the middle of the following week. Now a total Solar Eclipse is going to occur in the 8th Month of the 8th Year of the new Millennium. Does anyone care to venture a guess as to what God has planned for us between now and then? God has plans for Grants Pass and they don't include members of the European Union. Just a little food for thought as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ. Another Message from God's End-Time Watchman Kenyon Donald Williams

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