Father Gunther Crowe - XL

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NezziR's Character Helper

Choose your Race: Creation Points Career Primary Statistics: Stats Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Willpower Fellowship Action Package 3 Actions Wealth Package Affluent Skills Package 4 Skills, 2 Specializations Talents Package 1 Talent Total Points Left Starting 2 2 2 2 3 3 Human 25 Willpower Raise Stat Add 1 Add 2 Add 1 Add 1 None None Fellowship Points -3 -7 -3 -3 0 0 Points -2 Points -3 Points -3 Points -1 0 Specs:

Other Details
Name: Father Gunther Crowe Career: Initiate Actions: Sigmar's Hammer Battle's Call Healing Hand Talents: None Yet


Piety Invocation

Intuition First Aid

Piety (Reckless) Invocation (Engaged)


You start play with:

Equipment: Exceptional clothing, a leather (backpack or satchel) with a second set of clothes, a healing draught, a dagger, a few things such as (a candle and tinderbox), and also a (rapier, longbow, great weapon, or hand weapon), and 5 gold crowns. Special: Once per session, add [WW] to any one roll.

Racial Bonuses:

Adaptable, Diversity, Favored by Fate (WFRP 23) 13 Wound Threshold: Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Willpower Fellowship Starting Skills: Starting Talents: Starting Actions: 3 4 3 3 3 3 Pick 4 and 2 Specializations Pick 1 Pick 3


Breast Plate and Chain Great Weapon (Maul)

By: NezziR The BLUE CELLS contain drop-down selections

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