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paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states

republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

April 2nd, 2013 Charles Timothy-Chuck: Hagel (Private Capacity) c/o Office of the Secretary of Defense (de jure office) Attention: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400 cc International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State c/o Office of the ITCCS Secretariat Attention: Kevin Annett Canada Erkki Kourula Presiding judge for the International Criminal Court Information and Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands email to, by facsimile to +31 70 515 8555. cc.

[By Registered Mail]

Louis W. Uccellini, Ph.D National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW Room 5128 Washington, DC 20230 cc Gina McCarthy c/o: Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 272-0167


Dear Timothy-Chuck: [Hagel], Since this matter concerns all people of the world this is an Open letter and it is being shared with the world at large. This letter is addressed to you in your Private and de jure capacity (Secretary of Defense for the United states republic); as an American and as a father to two children. This is a Petition for grievances and redress, and NOTICE THAT NO CONSENT WAS EVER GRANTED TO THE DOD FOR MYSELF OR MY CHILDREN TO BE USED BY UNITED STATES CORP.(, ITS AGENTS/ OR ASSIGNS) DESIGNATED LAB RATS for DOD experimentation and

Others on trial for carrying out Orders and violating their fellow man. A shame the real culprits the banksters were never tried. Not too late!

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

acts of insanity by lunatics.? My children and I have never offered ourselves up for Lab Rate experiments by lunatics. You may well have done so and that is your prerogative but unless you specifically requested the same from every American I suggest that you bring an abrupt end to experimentation currently ongoing. Seriously - did the DOD learn nothing from history. Dr. Mengeles DOD Operation Paperclip ancestors you or the DOD do not get to decide what I or fellow Americans can breathe. That is not a choice open to the DOD or any other rogue corporation. I hope the following makes this abundantly clear. I suspect other Americans who have had enough criminals in government follow this with a letter letting you know how they also feel about a rogue de facto government dumping pathogens in to our environment designed to cause death and disease. This Notice is in accordance with the The Bill of Rights to the de jure constitution for the United States [see Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by [a corporate] Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.] which placed certain constraints on the Activity of the Federal Government and the right of We the People to have a mechanism for any department thereof, for the redress of grievances. Please note that the undersigned is Petitioning the United states republic as one of the people, not as a 14th amendment UNITED STATES PERSON (Decedent, indentured slave, chattel of the IMF under the 1933 Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES CORP see HJR 192 PL 73-10 et al); but as the living beneficiary of my family ESTATE (One of the United (E)states; as the secured party, administrator for the Corp, Executor of the Estate and Trustee of the Foreign Trust). The undersigned is an internationally protected foreign official, International Diplomat at peace with the FOREIGN United States Corp. and its many Corporate franchised County, City, Towns and States thereof, undersigned is at peace with the CROWN and the VATICAN and has made notice of such; and has filed notice of living capacity rebutting the The Cestui que Vie Act 1666. Please take note that the UNITED STATES, agents and assigns are bound and liable under the following, to wit: TITLE 18, PART I; CHAPTER 1 Sec. 1.; Sec. 11.: Sec. 11. - Foreign government defined: The term ''foreign government'', as used in this title except in sections 112, 878, 970, 1116, and 1201, includes any government, faction, or body of insurgents within a country with which the United States is at peace, irrespective of recognition by the United States.; 18 U.S.C. 112 - Protection of foreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected; 18 U.S.C. 878 - Threats and extortion against foreign officials, official guests, or; 18 U.S.C. 1116 - Murder or manslaughter of foreign officials, official guests, or; 18 U.S.C. 1201 Kidnapping; 18 U.S.C. 877 - Mailing threatening communications from foreign country. Undersigned makes it know that I am not accident prone, I am not suicidal have never had a suicidal thought in my life and I do not expect to start having them after publishing my thoughts about cowards in government poisoning the American people and committing crimes against humanity! Please pay particular attention to following passages of the Bill of Rights;

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

The Preamble to The Bill of Rights reads: Congress of the United States, begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution. RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz. ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution. The following text excerpt is a transcription of amendments I, IV and V to the Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights." Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The people of the world know that America has strayed far off its foundation. That it was undermined by the banksters who saw to the UNITED STATES Corporation being established in 1871.

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

That those who unlawfully created the UNITED STATES Corp unlawfully usurped the foreign titles of nobility act when the foreign UNITED STATES Corp was created in secret. That the Original 13th Amendment was never rescinded by congress. That this act ensured that no public office was seated by those beholding to a foreign power ie the BAR, Bilderberg Group, CFR, Israel , Club of Rome, Committee of 300 et al all those now seeking to destroy the republic! The corporate Constitution was enacted unlawfully (Through Fraud) outside the constraints of the Original Constitution by foreign agents and it was an act of TREASON on the American people which has been perpetuated by every Administration of the Corporation since that day to this - all whom are actors pretending to be officers for the United states republic. We further note the De facto is erroneously operating under Emergency War Powers that should have long ago overturned another fraud on the American people. Many in this nation now awakened by the rogue criminal acts of the UNITED STATES de facto government are now aware that the Corporation continues to usurp the blood, sweat and toil of the American people while trying to kill them off at an increasing rate through a Silent War (GMOs, ChemTrails, Fluoride, Radiation, EMR, Micro Wave radiation, GWEN, ELF, VLF etc) . As one of the people, and a father of two like yourself, I now address my grievances with your office and those with which it conspires to carry out a Quiet War against the American people and the world. Your answer or silence will allow me to make some decisions for the future of my family. The million dollar question is do I stay in America or abandon it to Psychopaths, Sociopaths and the parasite class is it remotely possible that those in power will realize the tragedy of their ways and find another path forward or will they destroy everything only to find that what they create pales in to insignificance to what was once had. My grievances are now mirrored by millions of other awakened American People including, our brothers and sisters around the world who now see us increasingly as One standing against the Oligarchs trashing the world. Over the last several years I have interacted with more 8000 activists observing the ChemTrail issue globally and the verdict is clear. Please do note that the grievances detailed herein have on numerous occasions been raised by myself and thousands of others. In my case my concerns were raised with San Francisco FBI; the DHHS, EPA, FAA, The California State Senate, the California State Senate Audit Committee and communications to numerous other agencies and politicians - including the White House. Not unsurprisingly - all have failed to answer to the main complaint raised herein which is why this is now an open document for the entire world to see. To the ordinary many not intent on dominating all resources of the planet or intent on being able to destroy everything and anyone on the face of the globe in violation of every honorable law made by the men that have lived before us the concept of dumping million of tons barium, aluminum in to the air we breathe so as to be able to

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

bounce military radio and radar beams, as well as HAARP, over the horizon is an insane notion and one that a five year old would realize has nothing to do with the defense of this nation per our Organic Constitution. That chemtrails (geoengineering) to fight a manufactured threat (Hegelian dialectic Anthropogenic Global Warming) to enable ChemTrailing has nothing to do with defending our nation or a climate crisis. In fact Chemtrailing is now widely believed to be the Cause of Climate Change and the #1 Cause of Ozone Shredding and depletion! So please lets dismiss the DOD/NWO/Cabals childish arguments up front. ChemTrails Geo-engineering (CTs) is "the greatest threat to our planet that we will ever have and it is being perpetuated by the UNITED STATES rogue agencies. FACT: Toxic aluminum oxide is being sprayed into the atmosphere to modify the Earth's climate. The stated goal of the geo-engineers is to mitigate the effects of global warming is an act of LUNACY and a threat to this nation and the American people! If you doubt this fact please have the same chemicals being dumped in to your home 24/7 and lets see how you fair in 6 months, 12 months through to 5 years. If you can still function after 5 years then maybe we can debate this issue and if not I rest my case! Your own people have stated saving the planet has nothing to do with their real agenda... for CTs / HAARP et al Quite simply those at the DOD / UN have lost your minds and forgotten why governments were created by the people in the first place! They were created to protect we the people not destroy the planet and humanity! Please get a grip on the lunatics! When one considers what the EPAs Mission: to protect human health and the environment and that they have not once to my recollection talked about CTs once is left feeling decidedly ill: My concerns about Aerosol Disbursements were raised with the FBI in 2011 I was soon after greeted by an unannounced visit from the Terrorism task force who suggested why would the American Government be spraying chemicals on the American People and dont you have something more important to be doing [than warning the American people that their government is engaged in an act of genocide against them]. Ironically a year or so later I was incarcerated for 88 Days without trial arrested without warrant without charge without any charge or evidence being presented against me in 88 days and all the while being denied access to my own appointed council. In that time four judges and four DAs were caught by numerous witnesses setting me up to be dumped in to an institution where those are sent today that do not agree with the acts of Psychopaths Sociopaths working for the CORPORATION. Many witnessed a lunatic judge proclaiming in an open court to the so called DA - thinking no one was watching - that SHE would appoint two Alienists and they would find him incompetent and unable to go to trial the two alienists were then appointed and they wrote up reports saying they interviewed me which of course they never did do. They then concluded what the judge already concluded they would conclude! I was held in the County farm in Ad-seg for never breaking any law, lifting a finger to harm anyone - EVER. While in the UNITED STATES Private for profit kangaroo Court / Star Chamber system my $850,000 home and everything I owned was stolen by agents operating for the UNITED STATES CORP. and their foreign banksters / BAR agents. On exit I was issued with papers indicating that a TRO was issued against the FRANCHISE NAME implying I would not be able to see my children until 2016 a ruling handed down without trial, without charge and without cause such is this land of the Free and the brave that we live in today; and an insight it to what the shadow government have in line for the American people if the lunatics behind the curtain get their way! NOW - your PUBLIC response to this NOTICE will enable myself and other Americans that have similar concerns to myself to make plans for our well being and who we wish to contribute out labor to in the future. A rogue criminal State or more deserving one.

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

I believe it is no surprise to you that the people of the world are NOW well aware that those in control of the UNITED STATES Corp. have created one of the most destructive forces standing against the peace and independence of all free people that this world has even known. We are aware the UNITED STATES Corp and its Industrial Military Complex long ago metastasized in to something abhorrent to the notions on which this nation was once founded We have realized that we can no longer sit idly by and say nothing about its crimes against all of humanity! To those paying attention it appears to the American people that we now have an international sociopath on the loose aided by men and women that no longer have any capacity to remotely critically think and process what they need to to process especially when asked to do the things they do when by men and women of questionable character and questionable motive. As an example we now have brainwashed kids tugging joysticks who have now vaporized three Americans and over 4,700 sovereign people from around the world in violation of every principal of American and international law for innocent until proven guilty right to a fair trial of his/her peers! Now you have morons directed by morons acting as judge jury and executioner and based on what we are seeing you are all itching to bring your war state side! Now why would America trust the DOD to do that based on your track record in Pakistan for example where 49 innocents are vaporized for every man you desire to assassinate in violation of OUR OWN LAWS. It seems the notion that all men were created equal has escaped you. If your kind do not believe in the principal then you are clearly violating your oath of office and would be better served flipping burgers than controlling the most destructive military this world has ever known. The Primary concern that gave rise to me writing this letter was the ChemTrail issue that has disturbed me for many years and caused me to expose UNITED STATES Corp. crimes against Humanity. Now millions around the world now stand together to speak with one voice against the criminally insane who condone crimes against humanity and threaten the very pulse of our planet. I am pleased to note that fortunately, what has not changed in the time that America was overthrown by those holding titles of nobility and allegiances to foreign powers is that many honorable hard working Americans have awoken from their plantation schooling induced sleep and that they still believe in the very foundations on which America was created. Most Americans still despise bigots - bullys liars cheats terrorists and traitors. Today many Americans are no longer under the spell of the foreign East India Company flag and those that profess to support America while their actions belay their alternative agenda a Totalitarian One World Government Police State. The awakened people of the world now know that the actions of the UNITED STATES have no bearing on the aspirations and wishes of the Average American. The acts of the CORPORATION are now an embarrassment to knowledgeable Americans and we now see its actions as a terminal cancer threatening to destroy the American people and this once great republic. The informed in this Nation now know that America was undermined by International Attorneys and their brethren, the International Bankster parasite class. Between them they have destroyed lawful money, our law and they bankrupted the republic in 1871; followed by their planned bankrupting on their UNITED STATES Corp on June 5th 1933 (James Traficant Bankruptcy Speech: United States Congressional Record, March
17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity). Since

that time receivers of the foreign bankrupted Corp have violated the Bankruptcy Act and repeatedly breached

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

their Fiduciary responsibilities to the republic which actors voided the bankruptcy pursuant to international law for their own fraud. We now know that all the wealth in the world is available to reset America back to its roots and yet those in control of wont allow the reset take place because they are still drunk on their POWER and CONTROL of this rogue nation and would rather this nation be destroyed then see it become what it was meant to be. It is now apparent that those that undermine the republic now attempt to un-necessarily destroy this nation through lunatic acts rather than allow it to reset. We see numerous programs away aimed at controlling Americans food, water and by all efforts the bankers now try to finally debauch their private debt based currency system that they created to fail. An act akin to walking America of a cliff in to an abyss for reasons well known to the entire world so the parasite class can create the NWO from the ashes. As always all the lunatic acts to trash America will be perpetrated on yet more lies and propaganda. Just as it did to destroy Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and if it can get its way Iran ... My my how clever are the whores in DC at creating misery and war out of false flags. It is a shame their aspirations were not put to more noble a purpose. Let us be reminded of the screen play - The foreign US CORPORATION persuaded the American people to allow them to make Iraq pay for a false flag on American soil that had nothing to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or any other nation other than those associated with the UNITED STATES Corp and Israel it persuaded Americans that the Iraqis were a threat to the world and that they positively had weapons of mass destruction and were responsible for 911. It turned out they had neither.

It has also turned out that the only one using militarized weoponized Chemical and Biological Weapons against a people is the UNITED STATES Corp! Dumping agents on Americans and most northern nations and it has been doing it since 1997 before 911. That it now flies these pathogens over the entire American populous daily poisoning the American people from 40,000 feet inducing all sorts if disease and problems for the American people! And let us take a look at what a good job we did in Iraq. What did Americans get for giving $3 - $6 trillion hard earner tax payers money to the military Industrial complex as much as $75000 for every household in America. After the war in Iraq some 4,460 American kids are dead, 32,221 wounded. At least 3,400 U.S. contractors died as well, a number barely mentioned or underreported. Over one million Iraqis have met violent deaths as a result of the 2003 invasion, according to a study conducted by the prestigious British polling group, Opinion Research Business (ORB). These numbers suggest that the invasion and occupation of Iraq rivals the mass killings of the last centurythe

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

human toll exceeds the 800,000 to 900,000 believed killed in the Rwandan genocide in 1994, and is approaching the number (1.7 million) who died in Cambodias infamous Killing Fields during the Khmer Rouge era of the 1970s. More than 1.1 million U.S. soldiers served in Iraq and most have been alienated by the UNITED STATES De facto government on their return - now targeted by the ZIONist Rothschild Soros funded Southern Poverty Law Centre the lunatics that now program DHS hate speech paid for those that have made it known they wish to destroy America and turn it in to a park for billionaires (Agenda 21). Many more than died in combat have killed themselves on their return to America. The National Council on Disabilities says up to 40 percent of veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. The U.S. invasion of Iraq was the most widely and closely reported war in military history. Yet the enormity of the crime committed against the Iraqi people, the hundreds of thousands of silent deaths from lack of medical infrastructure, the millions of refugees, the environmental catastrophe, the radioactive and chemical waste left behind were ignored in coverage then, and today are barely noted. At the start of the war in March 2003, 775 reporters and photographers were registered and traveling as embedded journalists. The number grew to thousands. These reporters signed contracts with the military that limited what they were allowed to report on. So it should come as no surprise that what is completely missing from coverage is any responsibility for the calculated destruction of Iraq, the massive corruption and systematic looting, or the conscious policy of inflaming sectarian hatred and violence as a tactic to demoralize the resistance. Statistics cannot convey the human loss. One out of every four Iraqi children under 18 lost one or both parents. In 2007, there were 5 million Iraqi orphans, according to official government statistics. By 2008, only 50 percent of primary-school-age children were attending classes. Iraq was reduced from having the lowest rate of illiteracy in the region to having the highest. Women suffered the greatest losses in education, professions, childcare, nutrition and their own safety in the brutal occupation. According to figures of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, there are now 2.7 million internally displaced Iraqis and 2.2 million refugees, mostly in neighboring states. More than one-fourth of Iraqs population is dead, disabled or dislocated refugees due to the years of U.S. occupation. This is hardly liberation and this hardly an act that a seine thinking American ever wants to have associated with something done in the name of America or the American people. And thankfully now most know now that it was not done for the American people but for the International Banksters who the US DOD truly serves as the new Vatican army continuing the 1513 requerimiento in every word and installing another Vatican System Ponzi Scheme Central Bank in every nation it rapes and pillages.

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

As a waking people now see what the District of Columbia Corp has done to Iraq we now seeing it casting its aspirations to do the same to America and Americans. All of the signs are there, the infrastructure, a purposely designed debauched currency being prepared for collapse, the propaganda machine from all of its departments banging out the same lies; The Black Shirts already in place, and so are the guns, Ammo and standing armies all ready in wait for the next false flag abomination to be executed. What it has done to the rest of the world appears to be nothing but a training exercise for what it wants to do here at home. It seems history has taught us that before any rogue Empire falls it turns in on itself just as the UNITED STATES Corp now does! Lets look at the signs! It is now plain to the entire world that the UNITED STATES is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world. The use of false flag wars, violence and threats was used to build its Military Industrial Complex to enable it the muscle it needed to take over the world for the central bankers staffed by blind Americans still believing the lies and rewritten history; the same machine is now used to intimidate or coerce the American people, especially for political purposes. It now effects policy specifically to threaten its own people. It uses violence to intimidate and coerce the American public to comply with STATE corruption and for its political purposes. Right now it terrorizes the American public into leaving their homes in what everyone knows are unlawful fraudclosures 20,000,000 since 2000; it terrorizes them in to docility and compliance by attempting to labeling peaceful protest as terrorism threats. It uses the Soros Zionist funded Southern Poverty Law Center propaganda shop to direct the DHS to create laws to crush dissent label those who store food and fuel, ex servicemen, Ron Paul Supporters, Bible followers, those who KNOW the LAW, constitutionalists as terrorist threats. The DHS just issued target practice signs of children and pregnant women labeling them no hesitation signs an indication that every normal person is now seen as a threat to the 4th Reich - DHS; other alphabets now spy on Americans in violation of the law using Fusion centers and their updated cold war apparatus ; the FBI keeps getting caught staging their own false flag terror events; other recent events are now proven to be nothing more than false flag events to take guns of Americans; Foreign lawmakers now threaten to indefinitely detain American citizens without cause and without any due process and even threatening to kill any U.S. citizen on a whim all in undeniable violation of the Organic laws on which this nation was founded on all while the 4th Estate sits on their arses too scared to say a damn thing about lunatics steering the Ship in to an Iceberg. Seems they would rather go down with the ship than to prevent their own demise! Deer in the headlight syndrome! U.S. constitutional law has taught us for hundreds of years that chilling the exercise of our liberties is as dangerous to freedom than directly suppressing them. We see today that American press has become irrelevant because the Corporation has controlled it to death. Anyone still breathing goes to social media and world media before ever going to the self-censored American lamstream media for propaganda or anything other than the weather and even that now is controlled. The weather industry seem to have missed the biggest story of the decade - the massive and obvious ChemTrail and HAARP signatures in our skys! Not one reporter today has the balls to say theres something wrong with our . . Journalists are now too afraid to do what journalists were put on this green earth to do. . . report on a Corrupt rogue government turned terrorist state. The news media business is dying because editors, self-censor their work to please the Tri-City-Cabal cabal and none have the balls to speak the truth anymore. If America goes down the Press will be the one holding the knife dripping with blood for their not speaking the truth to the American people when they could have done so.

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

Another case in point the lamestream media recently issued an article regarding the The Environmental Protection Agencys new clean-fuel standards stating the new standards reduce sulfur levels in gasoline in order to reduce toxic air pollution, which proponents say will help avoid up to 2,400 premature deaths per year and 23,000 cases of childhood respiratory ailments. Democrats, environmentalists and the auto industry have come out in support of the new rules, arguing they will save lives and protect public health. Really what a joke! This is a move to enable big business to extract more from the American people blaming environmental concerns further unmobilize America. The EPA does not give a crap about Americans dropping dead or does the Democrats, environmentalists and the auto industry or it would have spoken out about Now lets see what is a more news worthy story what about the most devious act against humanity ever!
What Do Chemtrails Contain? Independent tests across the U. S. have shown chemtrails to contain the following substances: Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus), Arsenic, Barium salts, Cadium, Desiccated human blood cells, Ethylene dibromide, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Mold spores, Mycoplasma, Polymer fibers, Radio cesium, Sharp titanium shards, Stonthium, Submicron particles, Unidentified living bacteria, Uranium, And many other toxins Short Term Effects of Chemtrails: Allergies, Anxiety, Asthma, Brain Fog, Breathing difficulties (Unexplained), Chronic sore or raspy throat, Dizziness, Ear aches, Eye and skin irritations, Flatulence (gas), Flu-like symptoms, Headaches, Heat flashes, Itching (Unexplained), Metallic taste in mouth, Nausea and Vomiting, Nose bleeds (Unexplained), Panic attacks, Persistent coughing, Rashes (Unexplained), Respiratory problems, Short term memory loss, Stomach aches, Suicidal thoughts, Tinnitus (short term ringing In the ears after spraying), And many other symptoms Long Term Effects of Chemtrails: Acid Reflux, (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Allergies, Alzheimer's Disease, Aluminum build up in Pineal Gland, Asthma, Autism (evidence links autism to mercury), Autoimmune Diseases, Blood in the Urine, Borderline personality disorder, Cancer (linked to many types of cancers), Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Depression, Easy Bruising, Eye problems - * Nearsightedness & Farsightedness (by altering interocular fluid eye pressure), Fibromyalgia, Floaters In the Eyes, Gastritis, Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Insomnia, Learning Disabilities, Lung diseases, Lupus Erythematosus, Multiple Sclerosis, Oily Skin (Elevated DHT), Parkinson's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Schizophrenia, Short-Term Memory Loss, Sleep Disorders, Spider Veins, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears 700 million cases of Tinnitus reported worldwide), White Coating On the Tongue, And many other symptoms.

CTs in my humble opinion are aimed at bringing about the death of billions in a combination with other programs! Now why in hell does the lame stream media find that NOT to be a news worthy topic to write about! If that is not good enough what about: Chemtrails and Monsantos/UNITED STATES New Aluminum Resistance Gene Coincidence with Aluminum rich CTs? Could the lame stream media not get on that boat at least! Fortunately: many of us do not any longer give a %^%$ that the government is spying on us - and using the information to launch political witch hunts. If everyone did the same then no one would have to watch their back or what they say, or would we be concerned about who we talk to. In the land of the

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

Free and the brave - Peaceful protesters should not be treated as potential terrorists nor spied upon by the CORPORATIONS lobotomized agents who have been educated by Rothschild ZIONazi / Soros via the SPLC via the DHS. If anything the NDAA's provision allowing indefinite detention of Americans without due process is designed to have a chilling effect on Free Speech! To shut people up from speaking the truth about lunatics running this nation and our planet in to the ground. The threat of being labeled a terrorist certainly dissuades some Americans to exercise our unalienable rights, especially when power has become so concentrated that the same agency which spies on all Americans may well decide on who should be assassinated with the drones they now control. And fear of terror makes people docile and stupid ... and the government has intentionally whipped up an exaggerated hysteria of terror by "others" in order to scare the people, and fortunately like the last false flag has proven the psychopaths have played the FF card one to many times the people of America now see straight through the lies and the intent of those who want to raise the 4th Reich New World Order flag in plain site of the American people! Lets us be very clear - the awakened in America are aware of how our law form has been undermined, how the United (E)states of the American people are being pillaged today without the American peoples knowledge; that Americans have been turned in to foreign UNITED STATES CITIZENS (IMF) debt slaves acted on as though they only have corporate rights over their unalienable rights dealt them under the Organic Constitution; that America operates on a Privately owned Debt money of account system - over lawful money; that Americans treated as UNITED STATES CITIZENS do not own anything in their living name any longer; that their unalienable rights have been leased back to the American people for a fee; that millions are rotting in jail for breaking no AMERICAN law sitting in jail simply to enable the foreign bankers and their closed UNION shop BAR attorneys to raise BONDS on the living beneficiaries ESTATES. We are aware who is being served by the UNITED STATES today and its not the American people but those who control and are aligned with a core of some 1318 interlocking companies that now control most of the planets cash flow ( corrupt debt currency); that these firms operate for the benefit of a few private parasitic foreign bankers, monopolistic powers, who have never done an honest days work in their lives; that the PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE systems is a criminal foreign banking ponzi scheme operated by foreign criminals and was designed to do what it has done to America to rape and pillage the American people and the republic. For example those who have studied the law know that every one of the TWENTY MILLION foreclosures taken place in America since 2000 is a FRAUD that this manipulated CRISIS was a planned take down of the American people an act to extract the wealth of America and leave Americans with out - that every Fraud-closure is UTTERLY ILLEGAL

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

and violates EVERY law on the books of this nation including the 5th Amendment; that Trillions of dollars of wealth are being stolen from the American people week by week. By those who are intent on destroying this republic; those who now act on AMERICANS under letters of Marque and reprisal with impunity and in opposition to American law and the original 13th amendment that would have banned them from operating in this nation. The awakened - are aware that Planetary Elders have offered to pay off all of the worlds debts including America fiat debt with real wealth. I should say contrived debts for all the sovereign nations bankrupted in the Treatys of Geneva in the late 20s and early 30s were bankrupted through fraud. We are aware that the pathologically corrupt Central Bankers will attempt to do what they did recently in Cyprus to America unless some brave men start stepping up to the plate to take out Americas trash and try them for treason and for their crimes against humanity like Iran and Iceland has recently done to their criminal bankers. The bottom line is that - like Stalin, Mao or Hitler - the U.S. government is using violence and threats to intimidate and coerce its own people for political purposes ... to consolidate power and suppress dissent so ultimately it certainly appears so it can finally destroy America and the threat that it has always presented to the Powers that Were the threat that a truly Free and Independent people present to other people of the world who will never allow themselves to be ruled or controlled by parasites. The fact that an increasing number of Americans now know they were lied to ABOUT EVERYTHING that American has been controlled by parasites since acts of 1871, 1913, 1933 et al - is already beginning to reshape the American consciousness and form a resolve to ensure that America again finds its foundation or that it re-invents a new one more befitting of a Free and Independent people now knowing what we now and those who lurk in the dark to bring down this nation. Now to my main point - the evidence is in that the UNITED STATES Corp has been dumping bio-chemical agents on the American People and it has been doing so systematically since at least 1997 under a lunatic notion that we the people gave the DOD our INFORMED CONSENT to do so. I have been photographing this lunacy since 2007. Only a foreign BAR agent could invent JFK warns of the Military Industrial Complex ten such a deranged notion, assumption presumption that people would days before he was assassinated. Click for speech. provide their freewill consent to being poisoned by a De - facto government so that we contract a disease and die a premature death! We the people are aware that those responsible for authorizing the dumping of Bio-Chemical-toxins and pharmacopeia on the American people now sit in the Whitehouse and the legislative houses created by We the People. That we are aware that PUBLIC LAW 10585NOV. 18, 1997, 111 STAT. 1915 is the confession and

admission an attempt at an act of Genocide against the American people and TREASON by those madmen that authored and voted on such a Bill. Of course all acts like PL105-85, NDAA and other that violate the de jure constitution is an act of Treason on the American people.
Now the people deserve some straight answers from the DOD on why it allows the American people, your children and my own to be poisoned directly by it Departments, or why does the DOD look the other way and allow others to conduct these crimes against humanity? Observations and lab tests would suggest to us that since the founding of

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

the de jure War Department in 1789, it appears DOD administration since 97 are the first to go from protecting the American people to performing an act of blatant and obvious genocide on the American people by directly allowing crimes against humanity to be inflicted on the American People under false pretenses of fighting yet another false flag WMD myth this time - anthropogenic Global Warming. I have checked through my records and I can not find any record that I have provided the DOD, its parent Corps., its assignees, agents or any contractors working for the UNITED STATES Corporation or any other foreign power/agency (UN, Vatican, Crown et al) to fly in AIRSPACE above my home, County, county, California republic or the United states republic to dump experiential contaminants on myself, my children, my lands or for anyone to use me or my children as lab-rats. NOW if those Representatives Senators that wrote this bill or voted for it acted in any way in any capacity to support it; those firms that drive trains/trucks carrying NWO Military Industrial Complex toxins destined for ChemTrail aircraft tankers and civil aviation jets additional tanks or those that work on American USAF/ Naval air bases or Private Contractors engaged in this activity (CIA, CFR, EvergGreen et al); those who knowingly modified aircraft manufactured the pathogens ; who worked on the aircraft; published anthropogenic global warming lies and spread their lunatic propaganda; those that signed off on orders to enable this program or that have funded it those who fly their aircraft; those who do not have the balls to report those that act in this program; those that work for the FAA/EPA, ABCs and do not expose these crimes against humanity, et al then by all means please instruct those sad human specimens to equip their OWN homes with Aerosol nano particulate generators and please have them dump their pathogens in to their own homes 24/7 at full capacity or 100% recirculation. Indeed why not have these machines directly fed in to the House Chambers, sub meeting rooms, offices, committee chambers and any other government agency that is associated with this bill. It would please Americans immensely for these parasites to take their own medicine for a change. This program will help enable the rest of us peace loving Americans to dispense with the 4th Reich and their supporters those who would play god with our lives and the integrity of our biosphere. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses means mean We the People get to breath what nature put in the air not what the DOD, Rothschilds, Vatican, Crown, CFR, Bilderbergers, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, UN decide I should breath! YOU DO NOT HAVE MY INFORMED CONSENT TO DUMP CONTAMINENTS ON ME OR MY CHILDREN or on fellow Americans or anywhere for that matter. HOWEVER - YOU DO HAVE MY CONSENT TO SHOOT DOWN ANY AIRCRAFT THAT IS DISCHARGING AERSOLS IN TO THE EARTHS ATMOSPHERE IN AN ATTEMPT TO MANIPULATE - WEATHER AS A FORCE MULTIPLYER; ALTER THE EARTHS BIO-CHEMICAL INTEGRITY or any other act of insanity / crime against humanity. Please inform those who need to know that any prior assumed consent that DOD or other agencies thought the undersigned provided, is hereby rejected. Any that have suggested were acting with my consent WERE NOT - and any such assumptions or presumption is hereby rejected. NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT AND NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL. Please note if other Americans add their name as a signatory to this letter then they are further confirming that they also DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY UNITED STATES Corp USAF DOD NAVAL WEAPONS et al; UNITED STATES Parent Corps or affiliations / foreign agency (NATO/UN) et al or Private Contractors like CFR-CIA (Evergreen, Omega

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

Refueling) et al - dumping pathogens - containments on them that they are also indicating they have not provided consent to have containments dumped on them any assumption to the contrary or presumption to contrary is withdrawn from Date of signature of this letter or petition. An International court of an appropriate jurisdiction has been copied in this notice so that they may choose to investigate crimes perpetuated against the American people - Crimes Against Humanity performed by the foreign UNITED STATES Corp., its agents, partners, contactors et al. Its getting very old for awake - law abiding men and women of this nation to be associated with a rogue global terrorist state we do look forward to a time in the future in which the DOD cleans up its act, so enabling Americans to again to be able to travel around the world no longer have to apologize for the actions of lunatics in the UNITED STATES government and their rape and pillaging of peaceful people and our planet. Please confirm that my denial of lab rat services to the UNITED STATES is marked on an appropriate map so that the morons flying Auschwitz death dump tankers stay away from the California republic at all times. Ill attempt to have this petition uploaded to a suitable service so others can also indicate their desire NOT TO BE SPRAYED since the UNITED STATES could not figure that out for yourselves. Please pass the word to your co-conspirators - agencies and contractors to create a THE NATIONAL DO NO CHEMTRAIL ME OR WEATHER MODIFY ME LIST [Ref: PUBLIC LAW 10585NOV. 18, 1997, 111 STAT. 1915] - modeled after the National no call list. If the DOD does not create it I will. In closing to save law enforcement the trouble of asking me questions again, as I have instructed them previously I am peaceful law abiding man that believes in the non aggression principal, that believes in lawful government that honors its own laws and that respects everyones (all people of the planet) unalienable rights not just the rights of foreign Federal Reserve System Banksters and other Sociopaths. I understand that those acting as officers the United states republic have agreed to do so on the basis that they swore an oath to fully honor the de jure Constitution for the United States and that confines their actions and activity to strictly operate in accordance with the constraints placed upon them as defined in the Constitution for the United States (i.e. it Constrains government not the people). That those failing to honor a lawful Oath pursuant to the de jure constitution for the United States means that they are not acting as an Officer of the United States but operating as a private commercial capacity for the District of Columbia corporation and their activities are confined to the District of Columbia. That as such, they are not protected from Counter Suit for violations of the law. Whilst I despise all Military Industrial Complex firms engaged in crimes against humanity I have no intention of physically stopping them killing their own families, other Americans through slow kill methods or destroying the planet on which they all rely for their own existence. I will continue to do what I do to educate and peaceably suggest that they could find other activities to occupy their lives that are more worthy of their time their honor - than to do what they now do. All Americans need to know from your office is the Corporation going to finally clean up its act or should we go and make our lives in some other nation more worthy of our labor, talent, our enterprise, one that respects - its own laws, its true heritage, all people, the global environment and truth over propaganda and lies? Thanks for your time. In peace and truth, paul-james

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

ENC: PUBLIC LAW 10585NOV. 18, 1997, 111 STAT. 1915

SEC. 1078. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR 50 USC 1520a. TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS. (a) (1) (2) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.

(b) EXCEPTIONS.Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes: (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity. (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents. (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control. (c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
(d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.Not later than 30 days after Reports. the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Depart-ment of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30- day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees. (e) BIOLOGICAL AGENT DEFINED.In this section, the term biological agent means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious sub-stance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious sub-stance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or (3) deleterious alteration of the environment. (f) REPORT AND CERTIFICATION.Section 1703(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (50 U.S.C. 1523(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (9) A description of any program involving the testing of biological or chemical agents on human subjects that was carried out by the Department of Defense during the period covered by the report, together with (A) a detailed justification for the testing; (B) a detailed explanation of the purposes of the testing; (C) a description of each chemical or biological agent tested; and (D) the Secretarys certification that informed consent to the testing was obtained from each

human subject in advance of the testing on that subject..

(g) REPEAL OF SUPERSEDED PROVISION (50 U.S.C. 1520), is repealed.
49 USC 303 note.

LAW.Section 808 of the Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act, 1978


For more research:

[To learn more on this subject - google - ChemTrails - HAARP - Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky, Operation Rain Dance, the code names for these ops].

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

JP8 jet fuel is laced with Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), a chemical pesticide banned by the EPA as a definite carcinogen and chemical toxin. In addition, chemtrails contain Aluminum (a metal associated with Alzheimer's Disease) and Barium (a radioactive substance). Fox News reports green lightning in storms. Barium aerosol ionizes green as it electrically conducts from ground to sky. The Chemtrail Ops program is run by the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). The overall scope and agenda behind Chemtrails (Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky, Operation Rain Dance, the code names for these ops, BTW) intertwines several overall objectives deemed imperative by the real power in DC, which is the NSA. It is believed that Barium ionized clouds are used by the HAARP program to alter the climate, set off earthquakes and volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves Research shows the amount of Barium in our atmosphere exceeds by 8 times the level deemed safe for humans to breathe. The toxicity of Barium is comparable to Arsenic. Chemtrails - The Latest Assault on Us PDF Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri 4-19-9 - government-induced poisoning uses chemicals such as barium and fiber-coated nanoaluminum, plus bacteria and viruses that destroy our own body's ability to heal. Chronic barium intoxication disrupts sulphated proteoglycan synthesis: a hypothesis for the origins of multiple sclerosis PDF Purdey M. PubMed Chemtrails, Aluminum Powder And A Mass Aluminum Poisoning In The UK From Steve Meyers IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER KILLING US WITH ALUMINUM??? What do chemtrails, water pollution, and toothpaste all have in common. You guessed it. In fact, the exposure to the metal is reaching epidemic proportions. So what's the big deal you might ask. Well, new studies have suggested that aluminum may be the most toxic substance known to man, even more deadly than mercury or plutonium. In addition, aluminum and heavy metals in your brain may also be acting as an antennae to receive mind control suggestions from the government. For more see the Mind Control Section of the NSA, CIA & Spies page. Aerosol Attack Video - Wake up!!!! Our eyes do not deceive The Deadly Fluoride Deception - Video Dr. Mercola June 05, 2007 Chemtrails - Predictions PDF By Ken Welch in Houston Exclusive to Rense.Com 1-5-6 - for seven years before the great pandemic your government sprayed chemicals on everyone, and this is what it looked like, even though most people didn't even notice. PROJECT CLOVERLEAF Stop Chemtrails Posters An operational term of "CLOVERLEAF" for the criminal aerosol operations that continue to be conducted without informed consent has been corroborated from numerous independent and unrelated sources extending over a period of several years. Source: Clifford E Carnicom A Doctor Speaks Out About Chemtrails PDF Victoria Hardy March 3, 2007 - The second and most secretive project is the United States Navy's, RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system name given to a group of computer programs and one of the supporting, subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program. VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation, It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen. The RFMP system also depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into the RFMP system to be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground thus producing 3-D images. AN AIRLINE MANAGER'S STATEMENT PDF Posted by C.E. Carnicom on behalf of the author May 22 2000 - When we asked them why didn't they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done. That's why Project Cloverleaf was initiated, to allow commercial airlines to assist in releasing these chemicals into the atmosphere. Manufactured Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles Decrease Expression of Tight Junction Proteins in Brain Vasculature Abstract: Manufactured nanoparticles of aluminum oxide (nano-alumina) have been widely used in the environment; however, their potential toxicity provides a growing concern for human health. The present study focuses on the hypothesis that nano-alumina can affect the blood-brain barrier and induce endothelial toxicity. In the first series of experiments, human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) were exposed to alumina and control nanoparticles in dose- and time-responsive manners. Treatment with nano-alumina markedly reduced HBMEC viability, altered mitochondrial potential, increased cellular oxidation, and decreased tight junction protein expression as compared to control nano - particles. Alterations of tight junction protein levels were prevented by cellular enrichment with glutathione. In the second series of experiments, rats were infused with nano-alumina at the dose of 29 mg/kg and the brains were stained for expression of tight junction proteins. Treatment with nano-alumina resulted in a marked fragmentation and disruption of integrity of claudin-5 and occludin. These results indicate that cerebral vasculature can be affected by nano-alumina. In addition, our data indicate that alterations of mitochondrial functions may be the

paul-james: Living Beneficiary/Secured Party Creditor/ Executor/Administrator/Private/Corporation/Trustee c/o General Delivery Post, Oakland, California republic, United states republic [95603-9998][9999] (Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved)

underlying mechanism of nano-alumina toxicity. Keywords: manufactured nanoparticles, nano-alumina, blood-brain barrier, tight junctions The Link between Monsanto, Chemtrails and Wilhelm Reich (Lunatics re-writing the book!!!!)

Why in the world are they Spraying:

What in the World are they Spraying:

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