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Students workbook

Dear advanced student; In this last level, you will have the chance to review and integrate grammar structures you learned in the last two levels. You will also get to speak more, listen to more complex dialogues, read about different topics and write e-mails, letters, and other different documents. As you know, you will be taking the TOEIC exam at the end of this course so we need to work together as a team to ensure you get a very good score and also to make sure your profile at the end of your studies at the ITSLP is complete. English is a door-opener and you know this for a fact. If you speak the language and can communicate efficiently in it, you will have no problem to get a good job soon, as well as to get paid a fair salary, too. About this course, it is developed to help you learn business vocabulary, live business experiences and also prepare you to take the TOEIC exam. Your level of English will improve depending on how hard you work in class, how much you communicate using English and also on how much time you dedicate to review and do homework. Remember it is important not to be absent to class, as well as to arrive on time to class. You can ask your teacher for advice or tips whenever you don t understand or know how to use something. Please, remember to take a notebook to class so you can take notes when you listen to some article or conversation in class, or write a letter or document, and keep all of them together. This course is designed to help you be successful in your job and in life. Take advantage of it and have fun!

ABOUT YOURSELF ACTIVITY 1, SPEAKING Imagine you just started working in a new factory or company. Tell your co-workers about yourself. Think about information they may find interesting about you. You can integrate different structures. Hello, my name is Leonor Snchez. This is my first day at work. Im in the Production department and Im an engineer. Im 24. My mobile number isI studied at I used to work for Now, ask your classmates questions trying to get more information. You can answer using short answers. Are you from/Where are you from? Do you like? Do you live? Where did you work before? How long have you? ACTIVITY 2, GRAMMAR 1. Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks using a/an. a. Im engineer. b. Its . nice company. c. Are you sales rep? (sales representative) d. This is interesting job. e. She works for multinational company. f. He isn t . architect.

g. Is that French company? h. Im .IT consultant. (International Trade)

2. Read the following dialogue and fill in the blanks with the missing information. Then, practice it with a classmate changing names and other information. A: . Laura Ramirez in the Maintenance department? B: No, . . A: Where ? B: Im sorry, I don t know. Maybe you should ask Ms Louise in reception.

A: Thank you. Ill do that. Excuse me, where .. Laura Ramirez? C: .. in the financial department. A: she .. a mobile (phone)? C: Yes, . Its 847-52-90-01. ACTIVITY 3, APPLICATION Make sure you can ask for contact details and talk about yourself. Stand up and talk to different people in your group and then fill in this address book. Think about different ways you can ask to get the information needed.


__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

ACTIVITY 4, SPEAKING Work in pairs or trios and answer the following questions: Whats adobe? Where is it used? Do you know anybody whose house was constructed with adobe? What have you heard about the features of adobe?

ACTIVITY 5, READING Read the following information. Building With Adobe (No Computer Required) This is the VOA Special English Development Report. A) This week in our report we are going to talk about adobe. No, not the information technology company in California, Adobe Systems. We mean the traditional building product made of soil and other materials. Adobe is shaped into bricks that are laid one on top of another and used as a low cost way to build walls and houses. B) Adobe is soil that contains at least forty percent clay. In its purest form, clay can be shaped and stretched and used to make objects. Clay becomes very hard when it is put in a fire or a special oven called a kiln. C) Adobe becomes a sticky mud when it is mixed with water. Liquid adobe mixture can be poured into containers called molds. This way the adobe can be shaped into bricks of the desired size. D) Adobe bricks must be dried completely before they are used. This is necessary so that the walls of a building will not shrink or break. E) Too much water can make adobe weak. Sometimes other materials are added to the adobe mixture to strengthen it. These materials help keep the water in correct balance with the soil. This will help the adobe resist changes in the weather and humidity. F) One material that is commonly added to strengthen the adobe is straw. Straw is the dried stem part of plants such as wheat, millet and sorghum. Straw is especially popular in places where the clay content of the soil is high. G) Other materials such as lime and cement can be added to strengthen the adobe. About once a year, houses made from adobe should be given a layer of mud. This so-called paint job helps keep the adobe strong. H) Adobe can take a long time to dry and become hard. So the bricks should be made in hot dry weather. If the weather is right, the bricks should dry in seven to ten days. I) Many people around the world have found that adobe is a good way to make houses or farm buildings. But people who work with adobe must experiment. They must find the right combination of soil mix, water content and drying methods. J) More information about adobe can be ordered from Enterprise Works/VITA, an antipoverty group in Washington, D.C. The Web site is Click on News & Resources, then the link for Publications. And that's the VOA Special English Development Report. Transcripts, MP3s and pod casts of our reports are at I'm Steve Ember. NOW, UNDERLINE THE MOST IMPORTANT IDEAS IN EACH PARAGRAPH.

WHEN YOU FINISH UNDERLINING, TALK TO YOUR CLASSMATES ABOUT THE INFORMATION YOU UNDERLINED AND TELL THEM WHY YOU UNDERLINED IT. YOU CAN USE THE SPACES BELOW TO WRITE DOWN SOME IDEAS BEFORE TALKING TO YOUR CLASSMATES. A) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ B) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ C) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ D) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ E) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ F) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ G) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ H) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ J) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 6, VOCABULARY Read the words below. They were taken from the Building with Adobe article. You need to analyze whether it is a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb, an article or any other part of speech. Select the corresponding meaning taking into account the context of the text and the kind of word. 1. SOIL a) Noun. The material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow. b) Noun. LITERARY A country. c) Verb. To make something dirty, especially with solid waste

2. BRICKS a) Noun. OLD-FASHIONED OR HUMOROUS A very helpful and kind person who can be trusted. b) Verb. To build a wall of bricks around something, or to fill something with bricks. c) Noun. A rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses. 3. CLAY a) Noun. Thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers. b) Adjective. Dirty. c) Noun. Soil that is hard when wet, and soft when dry or baked. 4. SHAPED a) Adjective. Having a particular shape. b) Verb. To decide or influence the form of something, especially a belief or idea, or someone's character. c) Verb. To make something become a particular shape. 5. SHRINK a) Noun. A psychiatrist or psychoanalyst. b) Verb. To move away from someone or something because you are frightened. c) Verb. To become smaller, or to make something smaller. 6. STRENGTHEN a) Verb. To make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective. b) Verb. To make something weaker. c) Adjective. Hard. 7. WHEAT a) Noun. A plant whose yellowish brown grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself. b) Noun. A fruit which is used to make materials more resistant. c) Adjective. Small. 8. LAYER a) Verb. To arrange something in levels. b) Noun. A level of material, such as a type of rock or gas, which is different from the material above or below it, or a thin sheet of a substance. c) Adjective. Pretty. 9. DRY a) Adjective. With no water or other liquid in, on or around it. b) Adjective. Boring.

c) Verb. To become dry or to make something become dry. 10. RIGHT a) Adjective. Correct. b) Adverb. Exactly. c) Verb. To make something better or to correct it. NOW, UNDERLINE OTHER VOCABULARY WORDS YOU DONT KNOW. ASK YOUR CLASSMATES ABOUT THE MEANING OF THE WORDS. TRY TO PREDICT WHAT THEY MEAN. FINALLY, WRITE SENTENCES OR EXAMPLES TO REMEMBER THE MEANING OF WORDS YOU UNDERLINED. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 7, LISTENING Listen to the following script and read along the text. You can underline words you dont know in order to learn the correct pronunciation but try to pay close attention to get the main points of the listening. Making a Solar Water Heater This is the VOA Special English Development Report. Solar water heaters are devices that use energy from the sun to heat water. Solar water heating is used around the world. The solar water heater described here is based on a design developed some years ago in Afghanistan. Since then, it has been built and used in many countries. It can heat seventy liters of water to sixty degrees Celsius. It can do this between sunrise and noon on a clear day with an average outside temperature of thirty-two degrees Celsius. There are two parts to the solar water heater. One part is made of a sheet of metal painted black. This metal surface, placed in contact with the water, will heat the water. Black-painted surfaces that receive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any other color. The black metal plate is called a collector. There are several kinds of metal sheets that can be used for the collector. Metal sheets that have raised sections will work very well. These corrugated sheets often are used to make the roofs of houses. Once the water is heated, it is kept hot with material called insulation. This allows the water to stay warm for a long time. The second part of the solar water heater holds the water for the system. This storage tank can be a container that holds about one hundred liters. Two rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank. One pipe lets water flow into the system. The other lets water flow out. When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow from the storage tank to the collector and back again. You can use the hot water at the top of the tank for washing and cleaning. You can change the flow of water so that the temperature is hot or warm as desired. This solar water heater is easy to build and operate. It will last about two years before the rubber pipes need to be replaced. There is also something else you will need to make the solar water heater work -- the sun. As you might expect, the heater will heat water only on sunny days. You can get more information about projects like solar water heaters from Enterprise Works/VITA. This nonprofit group works to fights poverty in many countries. The Web site is Choose the link for News & Resources, and then click on Publications.

Transcripts, MP3s and pod casts of our reports are at And that's the VOA Special English Development Report. I'm Steve Ember. Talk to your classmates about the words you underlined and try to find out what they mean. Make sure you clear out all your doubts before you continue with the next activity.

ACTIVITY 8, COMPREHENSION Read the questions below and answer them. Listen to the information once again. DONT READ THE TEXT TO GET THE ANSWERS! 1. What is a solar water heater? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why are surfaces painted black? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Can we use a solar water heater every day? Explain: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Now, listen to the information once again and get more specific information. 1. When was this design developed? Where was it developed? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many parts to the solar water heater are there? Mention them: __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the purpose of a collector? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What material is used to keep water warm? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


5. How much water can be held in the storage tank? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the use of the two pipes and where are they found in the water heater? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 7. How long will a solar water heater last? __________________________________________________________________________ Check your answers with your classmates and teacher. ACTIVITY 9, GRAMMAR Review the information below about conditionals III:

If I went on vacation, I would swim and get a nice suntan. If they didn't work, they could travel around the world. If she had a boyfriend, she might go out every night. This is conditions III. We use this type of conditionals to express a situation that is not real or true in the present. We have two clauses: condition and result. In the condition, we use the subjunctive (verb in simple past). In the result, we can ONLY use would, could or might + VSF. We can use the contracted form of would: Id, youd, hed, shed, itd, wed, theyd. There are no contracted forms for might and could. It's not necessary to always begin the sentence with the condition. We can also begin with the result and the meaning of the sentence is the same.

Now, discuss the following with your classmates: 1. What would you like to do: build your house with adobe or make a solar water heater? 2. What good could you make to ecology if you did any of these two projects at home? 3. If you had a lot of money and you looked for a project to invest some of your money on, which of these two would you choose and why?


ACTIVITY 10, SPEAKING (DEBATE)/WRITING Read the following information and form two teams: one in favor and the other one against the topic.

Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings? For many centuries people have experimented on animals. There are two main reasons for doing this: first, to find out more about the animals themselves, and, secondly, to test substances and procedures to see if they are harmful (with a view to deciding whether or not they can be used on human beings). In the second category fall cosmetic products as well as medicines and surgical techniques. There is a growing consensus that it is not acceptable to test cosmetic products on animals. This debate is about whether we should experiment on animals for scientific and medical purposes. The debate about the pros and cons of animal experimentation (or 'vivisection') is one that elicits very strong emotions: animal rights activists have resorted to trespass, violence, death threats, and hunger strikes in their single-minded (and sometimes illegal) mission to end this practice. Get together with your team and write down the pros. Remember you will be in favor or against experimenting on animals to develop products and medicines. Now, think about the arguments the other team will use against yours. Think about all the cons of your viewpoint. Write them down. Finally, your team will have 5 minutes to talk about their opinion without being interrupted. When you are done, the other team will have the same chance. Your classmates can take notes so you can use your counterarguments and win the debate! Note: dont get angry or irritated if the debate goes on too far; remember youre only practicing your speaking skills.

ACTIVITY 11, WRITING Read the following topics, select one and write what you think about it. You need to write between 100-150 words. Try to integrate different concepts and structures. Should public corruption be accepted as a normal state of affairs in countries at a certain stage of development? Should countries change their official currency to the U.S. dollar? Is the economic development of developing countries more important than protecting the environment? Should the sale and consumption of alcohol the worlds favorite drug be further restricted, or even banned? Are biofuels a better alternative to fossil fuels? Should their use be encouraged by government regulations and subsidy?


ACTIVITY 12, GRAMMAR Review the following information: Where are shoes made? Theyre made in Len. It was composed by Beethoven. A big party will be held.

Who composed The Ninth Symphony?

What will be done to celebrate his birthday?

Remember this is Passive voice. We use it to indicate that the subject of the sentence is receiving the action. We use auxiliary be + VPP to use Passive Voice. We can use Passive Voice in Present, Past, Future, Present Progressive and Past Progressive. ACTIVITY 13, READING/GRAMMAR. Read the following paragraph and underline sentences where passive voice is being used. (CNN) -- An 11-year-old baby sitter in suburban Atlanta, Georgia, has been charged in the death of a 2-year-old, authorities said. The baby sitter is accused of felony murder and cruelty to children, according to Lt. Steve Rose, spokesman for the Sandy Springs Police Department. The baby sitter, who is a daughter of a co-worker of the victim's mother, was caring for Zyda White late Saturday. The mother of the 2-year-old called 911 from the baby sitter's home after returning to pick up her child, police said. Zyda was taken to Scottish Rite Hospital, where she was pronounced dead, Rose said in a statement. An autopsy indicated she suffered blunt-force trauma to her head, torso and buttocks, CNN affiliate WSB reported. Zyda's mother, Ashlea Collier, told CNN affiliate WSB her daughter's eyes were wide open when she got there. The baby sitter's mother started CPR. The 11-year-old told her that Zyda had fallen out of bed, that she put her back and gave her apple juice, Collier said. Sandy Springs police are conducting interviews and examining evidence from the autopsy. The 11-year-old was taken Tuesday to the Metro Youth Detention Center in Fulton County. It was unclear whether the case will be handled by juvenile authorities. Now, work in pairs and prepare a short presentation talking about an invention, discovery or breaking news. Integrate active and passive voice.



Cars have to be given maintenance every six months. Pets should be taken out for a walk at least once a day. A thesis can be done in order to apply everything you have learned in your major. This is Passive Voice with modal auxiliaries. Remember that modal auxiliaries express an idea. Have to: when something is necessary to be done. Should: When you give advice. Can: when you talk about an opportunity or a skill. Must: when something is mandatory. Remember there are other forms of modal auxiliaries, such as: could, had to, will have to, will be able to, etc. You always need the auxiliary be and the main verb in Past Participle, and this works the same with modal auxiliaries. The structure then, is: Subject + Modal Auxiliary + BE + VPP + complement. Read the information above and analyze it. Now, complete the following sentences using Passive Voice and modal auxiliaries. 1. The house __________________________________ (paint/opport./neg.) today because its raining a lot. 2. Kidnappers and rapists ___________________________________ (give/advise) life-time sentences in prison. 3. _______________ wild animals _____________________ (set/advise) free? Yes, they should. 4. Exams ______________________________ (take/necessary) again because some students were caught cheating. 5. The product ___________________________ (remanufacture/necessary) because it was defective. 6. The house ______________________________ (clean/mandatory) as soon as possible because my mother is visiting me tomorrow! 7. Pets _______________________________ (leave/advise/neg.) by themselves for a long time. 8. In case of an earthquake, stairs ______________________________________ (use/mandatory/neg.). 9. English ______________________________ (learn/necessary) in order to get a good job fast.


10. English ____________________________________ (practice/advise) every day to become more independent and fluent in it. ACTIVITY 15, GRAMMAR/WRITING The Titanic shouldve been inspected more closely. That way the fatal accident couldve been avoided. We can also use Passive Voice with modals to express actions in the past. To form a sentence, we use: Subject + Modal Auxiliary + HAVE + BEEN + VPP + complement. Remember that the subject in Passive Voice receives the action. If the subject does the action, then, you are using Active Voice. Read the sentences below and identify the correct voice being used. Write Active or Passive accordingly. 1. Cars have to be given maintenance twice a year. ____________________________

2. Tourists shouldnt be taken to dangerous areas in big cities. ________________________ 3. I couldn t start my car this morning. 4. Engineers should work very hard. 5. Teachers should be evaluated by their students. 6. The accident couldve been prevented easily. 7. The boy could ve gone to the party last night. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

8. Little children should be watched at all times by parents. __________________________ 9. Students could learn faster if they didnt miss classes. ____________________________ 10. Mathematics should be enjoyed by everyone! ____________________________

ACTIVITY 16, SPEAKING. Read the following questions get ready to tell your classmates your opinion about them. You need to integrate different tenses, as well as Passive Voice with or without modals. What wouldve happened if electricity hadnt been discovered? How could we communicate now if the telephone hadnt been invented? What would we use to talk to people in other countries if the internet hadnt been developed? What wouldve happened if America hadn t been discovered by Christopher Columbus? How would our lives be if there hadnt been a conquest?


ACTIVITY 17, READING Read the subtitles below. Write them on the corresponding paragraph matching the subtitle with the content of the paragraph. How can we make adobe stronger? Whats adobe? How can we keep adobe strong? How are adobe bricks made? What is the general impression of building with adobe? Building with Adobe This week in our report we are going to talk about adobe. No, not the information technology company in California, Adobe Systems. We mean the traditional building product made of soil and other materials. ________________________________________________________________________ Adobe is shaped into bricks that are laid one on top of another and used as a low cost way to build walls and houses. Adobe is soil that contains at least forty percent clay. In its purest form, clay can be shaped and stretched and used to make objects. Clay becomes very hard when it is put in a fire or a special oven called a kiln. ________________________________________________________________________ Adobe becomes a sticky mud when it is mixed with water. Liquid adobe mixture can be poured into containers called molds. This way the adobe can be shaped into bricks of the desired size. Adobe bricks must be dried completely before they are used. This is necessary so that the walls of a building will not shrink or break. ________________________________________________________________________ Too much water can make adobe weak. Sometimes other materials are added to the adobe mixture to strengthen it. These materials help keep the water in correct balance with the soil. This will help the adobe resist changes in the weather and humidity. One material that is commonly added to strengthen the adobe is straw. Straw is the dried stem part of plants such as wheat, millet and sorghum. Straw is especially popular in places where the clay content of the soil is high. Other materials such as lime and cement can be added to strengthen the adobe. ________________________________________________________________________ About once a year, houses made from adobe should be given a layer of mud. This so-called paint job helps keep the adobe strong. Adobe can take a long time to dry and become hard. So the bricks should be made in hot dry weather. If the weather is right, the bricks should dry in seven to ten days.


________________________________________________________________________ Many people around the world have found that adobe is a good way to make houses or farm buildings. But people who work with adobe must experiment. They must find the right combination of soil mix, water content and drying methods. More information about adobe can be ordered from Enterprise Works/VITA, an anti-poverty group in Washington, D.C. The Web site is Click on News & Resources, then the link for Publications. Now, check your answers in pairs and then as a group. Tell your classmates why you matched them the way you did. ACTIVITY 18, WRITING A USEFUL GUIDE ON HOW TO WRITE A COVER LETTER. RULES: 1. Never use a generic cover letter with only: "To Whom It May Concern." With tons of work on your desk, would you be interested in such a mass mailing? You would probably consider it junk mail, right? You would be much more likely to read a letter that was directed to you personally and so would human resources professionals. 2. Every rsum sent by mail or fax needs a personalized cover letter even if the advertisement didn't request a cover letter. 3. Rsums sent by e-mail don't need a cover letter. Use only a quick paragraph with three to five sentences telling your reader where you heard about the position and why your qualifications are a perfect fit for the position's requirements. E-mail is intended to be short, sweet, and to the point. This guide will address several cover letter types. A letter to a recruiter requires different information than a letter in answer to an advertisement. A targeted cover letter that tells a story and captures your reader's attention is ideal when possible, but such letters aren't always practical. Before we get into specific styles, let's cover some general rules that apply to most cover letters. The sample cover letters demonstrate most of these rules. 1. Customize each cover letter with an inside address (do not use "to whom it may concern"). 2. Personalize the greeting (Dear Ms. Smith). Try to get the name of a person whenever possible. A blind advertisement makes that impossible, but in other cases a quick telephone call can often result in a name and sometimes a valuable telephone conversation. When you can't get a name, use Dear Recruiter, Dear Hiring Manager, Dear Search Committee, or Dear Sir/Madam.


3. Mention where you heard about the position so your reader knows where to direct your rsum and letter. The first paragraph of your cover letter is a great place to state (or restate) your objective. Since you know the specific job being offered, you can tailor your objective to suit the position. 4. Drop names in the first paragraph if you know someone in the company. Hiring managers take unsolicited rsums more seriously when they assume you were referred by one of their employees or customers. 5. The second paragraph (or two) is the perfect place to mention specific experience that is targeted to the job opening. This is your "I'm super great because" information. Here is where you summarize why you are absolutely perfect for the position. Really sell yourself. Pick and choose some of your experience and/or education that is specifically related to the company's requirements, or elaborate on qualifications that are not in your rsum but apply to this particular job. If you make mention of the company and its needs, it becomes immediately obvious that your cover letter is not generic. Entice the reader to find out more about you in your rsum. Don't make this section too long or you will quickly lose the reader's interest. 6. The closing should be concise. Let the reader know what you want (an application, an interview, an opportunity to call). If you are planning to call the person on a certain day, you could close by saying, "I will contact you next Tuesday to set up a mutually convenient time to meet." Don't call on Mondays or Fridays if you can help it. If you aren't comfortable making these cold calls, then close your letter with something like: "I look forward to hearing from you soon." And remember to say, "Thank you for your consideration" or something to that effect (but don't be obsequious!). Letter Design Letterheads It is so easy to create a letterhead all your own and to make it match your rsum. Just copy into a new document the name and address you have already created for your rsum. It couldn't be simpler! It makes a very sharp impression when your cover letter and rsum match in every respect from paper color to font to letterhead. Paper Colors Color, like music, creates an atmosphere. Everyone knows that different colors evoke different feelings. Red can make a person feel warm, whereas blue does just the opposite. Of course, you wouldn't want to use red in a rsum! . . . Although an artist could get away with just about any color. As a general rule, rsum papers should be neutral or light in color. After 20 years in the rsum business, I have discovered that brilliant white linen paper is still the most popular, followed closely by a slightly off-white and then by shades of light gray. Just make sure that the color of the paper you choose is representative of your personality and industry and that it doesn't detract from your message. For instance, a dark paper color makes your rsum hard to read.


In a scannable rsum, never use papers with a background (pictures, marble shades, or speckles). A scanner tries to interpret the patterns and dots as letters. This is a good rule to follow even for paper rsums that will never be scanned. Often companies will photocopy rsums for hiring managers, and dark colors or patterns will simply turn into dark masses that make your rsum difficult to read. If a company has multiple locations, the original rsum may even get faxed from one site to another and the same thing happens. The type of paper (bond, linen, laid, cover stock, or coated) isn't as important, although it also projects an image. Uncoated paper (bond, linen, laid) makes a classic statement. It feels rich and makes people think of corporate stationery and important documents. Coated stock recalls memories of magazines, brochures, and annual reports. Heavy cover stock and laid paper can't be successfully folded and don't hold the ink from a laser printer or copier very well, so they must be handled gently. All of these factors play a part in your paper choice.

Regardless of the paper you choose, mail your rsum flat instead of folded. It costs a few extra cents in postage and a little more for the 9 12 envelope, but the impression it makes is well worth the extra cost. It also helps with the scannability of your rsum. Thank you letters and other follow-up letters can be folded in standard No. 10 business envelopes.


1234 Street Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80904 August 1, 2001 Ms. Cindy Smith College Relations Manager Hallmark Cards, Inc. P.O. Box 123456 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 Dear Ms. Smith: It was in my hometown of Bogot, Colombia, that as a teenager I came into contact with Hallmark for the first time. Even though I was not aware of the vision, effort, and commitment of resources that had gone into the Mother's Day card I had purchased, I was a happy customer. I never thought to wonder about the logistics of how that card had gotten to that small store or why a company more than 3,000 miles away was able to appeal to me, a kid from another country, culture, and language. Hallmark's aggressive market penetration in more than 100 countries and its striving to provide employees with a supportive and challenging environment to best develop and apply their individual skills demonstrate to me that Hallmark is a company well worth entrusting with my 20 career. In addition, I am impressed and attracted by Hallmark's commitment to supporting the communities in which it operates. In light of Hallmark's international interest, you may be interested in my background. I started a small business in Colombia, which tested my energy, creativity, and initiative. The business quickly grew to be competitive as a result of innovative marketing and operation strategies. I have since learned to speak English, obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration from a U.S. university, and worked in several countries in varied positions, successfully adapting to both the people and management styles of these countries. Furthermore, in order to be better prepared for today's complex business environment, I am pursuing a Master of International Management degree, which I will complete in December. It is my hope that my solid academic and cultural backgrounds, business experience, and interest in the international arena will convey to you that I have the qualifications to make a valuable contribution to Hallmark's efforts to remain the worldwide leader of the social expression industry. I would like to be part of the Hallmark team that once helped me express myself through that card I gave my mother, and to take part in expanding the company to reach even more people all over the world. I would appreciate the opportunity to interview with you during your upcoming visit to Phoenix and hope that you will give the enclosed rsum favorable consideration. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Jose Castillos.


International Management 1234 Street Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80904 August 1, 2001 Ms. Marilyn Smith Dallas Partnership 1234 Elm Street, Suite 12 Dallas, Texas 75270 Dear Ms. Smith: I am writing you at the recommendation of Mr. Bill Smith of the Arizona Economic Council in Phoenix. I developed a very amicable working relationship with Bill and the rest of the AEC staff during the short time I was there. As of September 1, however, I will be establishing permanent residency in the Dallas area and am seeking employment in the field of international marketing/management. Bill believed you would be a good person to talk with about the Dallas business scene and where the best employment opportunities in my field are to be found. Please, note my qualifications: Advanced Education - Master of International Management: Graduated from "Thunderbird" graduate school, devoted exclusively to international business. Performed extensive graduate research and writing projects demonstrating my understanding of management, marketing, and finance on the international level. Unique International Business Skills - Proficient in German: Earned an undergraduate degree in German. Spent one year living in Freiburg, Germany, while studying German at Albert Ludwigs Universitt. Demonstrated Organizational Skills, Technical Competency: I have a consistent record of achievements and honors. In academics, nonprofit organizations, and employment, I have always taken, or been asked to accept, additional responsibilities, thus reflecting my honest work ethic, skill in organizing work for expeditious completion, and ability to work under pressure.

Enclosed is my rsum for your review. Perhaps you may have a suggestion or two of whom to contact or where to look. Aside from my search for employment, I would genuinely enjoy meeting you, as Bill has spoken so highly of you. Since I plan to make Dallas my permanent home, I am interested in developing a relationship with the city and its people for reasons beyond employment. I will call your office next week to see if you may have 5 or 10 minutes to meet with me sometime in the near future. Sincerely, John R. Wright


Business Development 1234 Street Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80904 August 1, 2001 Business and Technology Center 1234 N. Main Street Pueblo, Colorado 81003 Dear Sir/Madam: Leadership, strategic planning, market analysis, marketing, and business development skills are inherent traits that are fine-tuned through hands-on experience. For the past nine years, I have been using my business talents to help small business owners with marketing, labor issues, and legislative affairs. As you will notice in the enclosed rsum, I have an extensive business development, marketing, and advertising background. I am currently the director of a destination marketing organization located in Manitou Springs. The advertising agency I operate provides media buying services, printing, creative services, and marketing research programs. The Internet service provider program I started has led to the development of a web site with more than 5 million visitors in 1997, and the traffic is growing. From 1998 to date, the site has had nearly 8 million visitors. Nearly $500,000 in sales was attributed to the web site 1997. We tracked a $115 ROI for every dollar spent by our clients since 1994. My diverse business experience has helped me develop strong skills in verbal presentations, meeting planning, financial management, community relations, data analysis, and special events. As with all successful small businesspeople, I can be "the chief cook and bottle washer." I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills would benefit your organization. You can reach me to schedule a personal interview by calling after 6:30 PM or by e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kitty Kocher

ACTIVITY 20, READING/WRITING READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT WRITING A RESUM/CV. Your CV is the main tool an interviewer has to determine your suitability for the role you have applied to. Your cover letter, while equally important, is there to support and complement your CV. So, needless to say, your CV needs to have the it factor. Of course your prized CV will feature your educational history, your work experience and your interests, but it also needs to present your personal attributes. This will be made evident through things such as your attention to detail, your written communication skills and your overall professionalism, and, in addition, your personality will be made evident through your word usage, your interests and skills and your creativity.


Remember that CV formats and styles vary from industry to industry, so make sure your CV reflects your familiarity with the industry, especially if it is for an entry-level job. It is important to ask yourself, What type of person is this company looking for? and What type of experience and background is most relevant to the job I am applying for?. It could also be useful to find a professional in the sector who can advise you on how to specifically format your CV for the jobs you are pursuing. Remember that for entry level technical jobs, such as in the engineering or technology and telecommunications sectors, it will be more relevant to list your skills and academic background than your service industry experience, whereas work experience and/or internships in media or design combined with a strong portfolio will get you an interview. For careers in the charity and non-profit sectors, listing your volunteer or service-industry experience can be hugely beneficial. The Golden Rules... There is no such thing as a model CV. Make it personal (Note: personal does not mean funny or unprofessional). Tailor your CV to the job you are applying for. You are a graduate with little to no experience. Your degree is your best asset. You have learned from every experience you have had. Translate experience from the service industry into tangible skills that you can apply to your new career. Languages are the diamonds of any CV these days. Awards and honors exist to be included on CVs. Your CV should not be longer than one page. You are a graduate with little to no experience. You don t need two pages. Listing your interests and hobbies proves that you have a personality. That said, watching television is not a hobby and neither is hanging out with my mates. Spelling, grammar and factual errors are a sign of carelessness and will send your CV straight to the trash can. Unless a photo is requested, please do not send one.


ACTIVITY 21, WRITING (PART 1)/READING Complete the following information. It will be useful for you to start building your resume. Make sure you read the tips attached below. GENERAL INFORMATION First name: Middle name: Last name: Website: ADDRESS INFORMATION Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: CONTACT INFORMATION Email: Home phone: Cell phone: TIP: Enter your entire first name. Avoid using short names, such as: Rosy, Mike, etc.; your resume will not look professional if you decide to use short names instead of the full name: Rosario, Miguel, etc. EDUCATION School name: School city: Education level (high-school, training/certification, undergraduate university, graduate university) Years attended: ** Complete the same information for all your educational background. TIPS: For most jobs, a high school diploma is assumed. Only include high school details if you do not have other education or training, or the job description specifically states it is required. List your most recent degree or certification first. The education section is most important early in your career, so be sure to highlight education if you are applying for an entry level job. If you have less than five years of experience, you may want to include your GPA (if over 3.0), academic honors or rewards, and any relevant courses taken in the education section of your resume. If you have five or more years of experience, a basic education section is sufficient. If the employer is interested in education details, they will come up in the interview.


ACTIVITY 22, VOCABULARY. Read the following verbs. Work with your teacher and go over the meaning of the ones you dont know. You can use an English dictionary if you want to look them up. DONT use a Spanish English one! These verbs are meant to be used in the Work Experience Section.
Management skills administered analyzed assigned attained chaired contracted consolidated coordinated delegated developed directed evaluated executed improved increased organized oversaw planned prioritized produced recommended reviewed scheduled strengthened supervised Research skills clarified collected critiqued diagnosed evaluated examined extracted identified inspected interpreted interviewed investigated organized reviewed summarized surveyed systematized Communication skills addressed arbitrated arranged authored corresponded developed directed drafted edited enlisted formulated influenced interpreted lectured mediated moderated motivated negotiated persuaded promoted publicized reconciled recruited spoke translated wrote Technical skills assembled built calculated computed designed devised engineered fabricated maintained operated overhauled programmed remodeled repair solved trained upgraded Clerical or detailed skills approved arranged catalogued classified collected compiled dispatched executed generated implemented inspected monitored operated organized prepared organized prepared processed purchased recorded retrieved screened specified systematized tabulated validated Teaching skills adapted advised clarified coached communicated coordinated developed enabled encouraged evaluated explained facilitated guided informed initiated instructed persuaded set goals stimulated


Financial skills administered allocated analyzed appraised audited balanced budgeted calculated computed developed forecasted managed marketed planned projected researched

Creative skills acted conceptualized created designed developed directed established fashioned founded illustrated instituted integrated introduced invented originated performed planned revitalized shaped

Helping skills assessed assisted clarified coached counseled demonstrated diagnosed educated expedited facilitated familiarized guided referred rehabilitated represented

Notice that all these verbs are in past because they refer to an action that was completed in your previous jobs. However, you can also use them in present. As you can see, most of these verbs are regular, so you will only need to drop the (e)d to make them in present.

ACTIVITY 23, READING/WRITING (PART 2) Lets continue building your resume. Read the information below. RESUMES FOR STUDENTS The primary challenge for a students resume is lack of extensive work history. To compensate, students should highlight their education, internship experience, relevant coursework and extracurricular activities. Focus on experience that showcases your leadership abilities, organizational skills, communication skills and intelligence. You want employers to feel like they can train and mentor you into a future leader. CAREER OBJECTIVE The career objective goes at the top section of your resume. This will make it explicitly clear what your career objectives are. Read the example below: CAREER OBJECTIVE Recent Bachelor of Science in Engineering Graduate seeking entry level System Designer Position in the Boston, MA Area.


Now, write your career objective. Use the space below: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ WORK EXPERIENCE Place emphasis on any internship experience, especially if it relates to your field of study and target career track. It is fine to place part time jobs while in school, such as waitressing at a restaurant, but do not waste too much valuable resume real estate. Read the example below: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ZOPPAS INDUSTRIALES DE MXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Intern, April 2010-August 2010 Assist drafters in developing the structural design of products using drafting tolos or computer-assisted design (CAD) or drafting equipment and software. Research, design, evaluate, install, operate, and maintain mechanical products, equipment, systems and processes to meet requirements, applying knowledge of engineering principles. Conduct research that tests and analyzes the feasibility, design, operation and performance of equipment, components and systems.

You need to write the same information about other jobs you have had in the past. Notice that it is important for you to highlight your achievements in each of those places. Now, write your professional experience. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION As a student, you should move the Education section to the top of the resume because this is the first thing employers want to see in entry level candidates. Highlight any notable achievements while in school. Include any student leadership associations you might have been a part of. Specify when you graduated or when you are going to graduate. This is important as employers want to understand your availability. Read the example below:

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Instituto Tecnolgico de San Luis Potos - Graduated with the Highest Honors 2010

Now, write your education. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SECTIONS EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Captain of the Soccer Team Participated in The 34th International Mechanical Engineering Congress

LANGUAGES Fluent in English (written and spoken) TOEIC certificate (700 points, January 2009) FCE (Cambridge University, May 2009)


RELEVANT COURSEWORK Business Math for Engineers Adv. Mechanical Engineering

Now, write additional information about yourself. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


Below you can see an example of a complete resume.

Finally, put all your information in order to finish building your resume.


ACTIVITY 24, SPEAKING Now that you have built your resume, you need to start getting ready for the next step: the job interview. Read the following questions and talk to your classmates about your opinion. Lets see how much you know about job interviews. 1. Have you ever had a job interview? How was it? 2. Have you ever had a job interview in English? How was it? 3. What should you do to avoid being nervous during one? 4. During a job interview, what do you think a recruiter takes into account more? 5. What should you wear for a job interview? 6. What is the attitude a recruiter finds shocking in a candidate? 7. Do you think that getting nervous impedes to proceed with the recruitment process?

ACTIVITY 25, READING Recruiters who work for important companies in Mexico were interviewed. However, there was a problem with the computer and questions and answers were placed in disorder. Read the information below and match the questions with their corresponding answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. As a recruiter, what do you see in a candidate on the first interview? What should a candidate wear for a job interview? What attitude do you find striking in a candidate? Do you think nervousness impedes to proceed with the recruitment process? How long does it take you to evaluate a candidate in a job interview? What are good signs that indicate a candidate is doing well in the recruitment process? What follow-up do you recommend?

___ The candidate should call the interviewer 3 or 4 days after the interview, and call back if s/he is told so. Secondly, be very patient. Many recruitment processes are long and many times getting an answer doesnt depend on the Human Resources department, but on the department that requires candidates. Finally, thank the company for the interview and the opportunity. This way, the candidate leaves an open door for possible job opportunities in the future. ___ We send them an e-mail or give them a call to let them know how theyre doing in the recruitment process; otherwise, we send them a thank you letter. Other recruiters tell candidates, at the end of the first interview, they want them to have a second interview. They give them feedback about their performance during the interview and recommendations on how to improve. ___ First, punctuality and formality to take the interview. Second, work experience taking into account stability, achievements and growth in it. Third, behavior during the interview as well as the capability of solving problems and situation analysis. Finally, compatibility of the candidate to the profile and competences that the company needs.


___ The confidence a candidate shows when answering and introducing him/herself, the quality of his/her answers and the proactive, enthusiastic and positive attitude. ___ A job interview lasts approximately 45 minutes, and if psychometric tests are given, it could take 90 more minutes. ___ Both, men and women should wear a suit. They should look formal and coherent with their personality and job position. They should be neat and choose to wear neutral colors. ___ It doesnt impede the process, however, most candidates tend to be nervous during job interviews, especially the first one. It also depends on the recruiter. If s/he uses an effective icebreaker to help the candidate feel more relaxed and confident in the interview. Now, compare your answers to the information above. Talk to your classmates about your findings and opinion.

ACTIVITY 26, REFERENTS Read the interview once again and circle the correct answer to the following questions. Follow the example: Ex. and call back if s/he is told so. s/he refers to a) The recruiter b) The job interview c) The candidate 3. how theyre doing in the they refers to a) E-mails b) Candidates c) Recruiters

1. We send them an e-mail We refers to a) Recruiters b) Job interviews c) Candidates

4. ...and growth in it. it refers to a) Their lives b) Their experience c) The interview

2. give them a call them refers to a) Job interviews b) Candidates c) Recruiters

5. and introducing him/herself him/herself refers to a) The candidate b) The recruiter c) The job interview


6. it could take 90 more minutes. it refers to a) The job interview b) The psychometric test c) The candidate

8. It doesnt impede It refers to a) Nervousness b) The recruitment process c) The candidate

7. They should be neat They refers to a) Recruiters b) Suits c) Candidates ACTIVITY 27, READING/WRITING

9. If s/he uses an effective s/he refers to a) The boss b) The recruiter c) The candidate

Read the following information and answer the comprehension questions below. Getting ready for a job interview Whats a job interview? A job interview typically precedes the hiring decision, and is used to evaluate the candidate. The interview is usually preceded by the evaluation of submitted rsums from interested candidates, then selecting a small number of candidates for interviews. Potential job interview opportunities also include networking events and career fairs. The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees. It also demands significant resources from the employer, yet has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in identifying the optimal person for the job. An interview also allows the candidate to assess the corporate culture and demands of the job. Multiple rounds of job interviews may be used where there are many candidates or the job is particularly challenging or desirable. Earlier rounds may involve fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much shorter and less in-depth. A common initial interview form is the phone interview, a job interview conducted over the telephone. This is especially common when the candidates do not live near the employer and has the advantage of keeping costs low for both sides. Once all candidates have been interviewed, the employer typically selects the most desirable candidate and begins the negotiation of a job offer.


TIPS FOR HAVING A SUCCESSFUL JOB INTERVIEW Research the Employer Before a Job Interview Before you begin to think about how you will dress for the interview, or answer questions, you should do your homework. Gather as much information about the employer as you can. Not only will you appear informed and intelligent, it will also help you make a decision if the employer eventually makes a job offer. Gathering employer information is not always an easy task, especially if the employer is a small private company, but the Internet has made it much easier than it was previously. Learn About Yourself Before a Job Interview

In order to effectively answer questions on a job interview, you are going to have to know a lot about yourself and know how to present that information to an interviewer. To prepare for answering questions about yourself start by listing your attributes. Think about what you can bring to the employer. To help you come up with your list, talk to former co-workers with whom you worked closely. Ask them to list some traits about you that they most admired work related, of course. Once you come up with a list of attributes, try to find some faults. You won't, obviously, spontaneously tell a prospective employer about these faults, but you may be asked to. One question that sometimes comes up in an interview is "What is something that has been a problem for you at work?" By studying your faults, you will be able to choose one that is somewhat innocuous or could be turned around into a positive. Practice, Practice, And Then Practice Some More

You want to seem somewhat spontaneous when answering questions on a job interview, but that doesn't mean being unprepared. If you have to take a very long pause before answering a question, you won't sound as confident as you should. Before you go out on interviews rehearse , not exactly what you will say, but how you will say it. Many people find it helpful to practice answering questions in front of a video camera. Study your posture, the way you make eye contact, and your body language. If you don't have a video camera, a mirror will do. Have a friend do mock job interviews with you. The more you repeat a scenario, the more comfortable you will begin to feel with it. 1. Why are job interviews useful? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What happens before a job interview? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


3. What is a common initial form to interview a candidate, and when is it useful? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why should you research the employer before the job interview? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What should you do in order to come up with a list of your attributes? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Should you also think about your faults? Why? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 7. According to the reading, whats more important: the way you say something or the information you say? Why? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Read the words in bold print and ask your classmates about the meanings. 9. Write sentences using the new words, trying to use personal information to help you remember the meaning. Use different tenses.

Challenging ________________________________________________________________ (To) Gather ________________________________________________________________ Faults ____________________________________________________________________ (To) Rehearse ______________________________________________________________ Mock _____________________________________________________________________


ACTIVITY 28, READING/SPEAKING During a job interview, you may get to be asked some difficult questions. You need to be prepared and impress your interviewer with a great answer. Below you will find some of these tough questions. 1. Tell me about yourself. My background to date has been centered on preparing myself to become the best engineer I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself 2. Why should I hire you? Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. Im sure there are many other candidates that have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the best person for the job--my attitude for excellence. In quality and management I have consistently reached for becoming the very best I can become by doing the following... 3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? I know its difficult to predict things in the future, I know what direction my career is headed. Within 5 years, I would like to become the best quality inspector your company has ever had. I would like to become the expert that others count and rely on. When this happens, I know I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that come my way. 4. What is your greatest weakness? Id say my greatest weakness has been not being able to get to places on time. Id say its because my lack of time management. I would accept to help others at different times of the day; therefore I wouldnt make it on time to do other chores I had, and even forgot to do some of them. When I realized what the problem was, I decided to take steps to correct it. Now, I get up earlier and I carry a planning calendar in my pocket. I write a to do list every day and make sure I do everything pending by crossing out things I already did. Here, let me show you how I do this 5. How has your education prepared you for your career? As you will note on my resume, I've taken not only the required core classes in the customer service field, I've also gone above and beyond. I've taken every class the college has to offer in the field and also completed an independent study project specifically in this area. But it's not just taking the classes to gain academic knowledge I've taken each class, both inside and outside of my major, with this profession in mind. So when we're studying _____ in _____, I've viewed it from the perspective of _____. In addition, I've always tried to keep a practical view of how the information would apply to my job. Not just theory, but how it would actually apply. My capstone course project in my final semester involved developing a real-world model of _____, which is very similar to what might be used within your company...


ACTIVITY 29, SPEAKING Lets practice asking and answering questions as if we were having a job interview. Below you will find different questions that are usually asked in a job interview. Work in pairs and roleplay. One of you will be the recruiter and the other one will be the candidate, and the other way around. Be serious and answer trying to impress the recruiter. You want to get the job! Questions about you

Tell me about yourself. What is your greatest weakness? What is your greatest strength? How do you deal with stress and pressure? What motivates you? What are your salary expectations? If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say? What are your objectives for the next 5 years?

Questions about the new job and the company

Why do you want to work in this company? What do you know about us? What applicable experience do you have? How can you help this company? Why should you be hired? Are you willing to travel? What challenges are you looking for in this position?


Questions about college

Why did you select your college or university? How did you use to prepare for important tests or exams? What was your favorite subject at school? Why? Which one was your least favorite? Why? Who was your best teacher? Why? Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?

ACTIVITY 30, LISTENING Listen to the following job interview and answer the comprehension questions below. 1. Was she a boss at her previous company? 2. Did she know how many computers there were in her store? 3. Did she like to deal with angry clients? 4. Does her husband have a new job in another city? 5. When will she be able to start in the new position? 6. What opinion do people have about Ms Ballards company? 7. Does the candidate sound confident? 8. Do you think shell get the job? Take notes to remember the answers. Finally, discuss your answers with your group.


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