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Application for Certificate of Non-Coverage Proposed Rehabilitation of Seawall-Sofitel, Manila

1. Pre-Construction Phase

Preconstruction phase activities include pre-feasibility, feasibility study and associated surveys and detailed engineering design. The activities during this phase of the implementation of the project are mostly office assignments, except for surveys needed to complete the feasibility study. These surveys are topographic survey, bathymetric, soil boring, sea/ocean gauging and environmental survey work. These activities have very minimal environmental impacts. 2. Construction/Development Phase/Rehabilitation Phase Please input construction Methodology (see template) 3. Operational Phase Please input activities during operations (see sample template)

The operations of the project will entail the raising of water level upstream of the weir, diversion of water from a section of Pacuan-Guinobaan River to generate electricity and the transmission of power into the grid. The relatively significant impact of the operations of the power plant is the reduction of water flow between the weir and the power plant, a distance of about 2 km. This hydropower project is not expected to affect the irrigation project since its intake is located downstream of the power plant. Diverted water for power generation will be discharged back into the river through the tailrace at the power plant located upstream of the NIA irrigation intake. 4. Abandonment Phase

Seawall construction is the primary defense and protection of properties and complexes around the world situated along bodies of water. Upon construction, it is assumed that they will have long service life and eventually became part of the natural landscape or seascape of the area where it is constructed. However, in the event of phase out of the Project due to obsolescence or other reasons, all nonpermanent project components will be decommissioned. As necessary, a systematic dismantling of installed equipment and machinery under proper supervision by the Proponent will be carried out. All used equipment and machinery shall be disposed in accordance with procedures acceptable to the DENR including but not limited to sale of materials to scrap dealers, auction of useable materials and equipment and return to their source of origin.

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