Celie'S Struggle For Self Identity and Self Esteem in Alice Walker'S The Color Purple

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Chapter I 1.1 Background of study The color Purple is written by a black American novelist and a black feminist as well, Alice Warker. Warker is one of the outstanding black American novelists whose primary concern and awareness are to black womans problems and experiences. The true emphaty Alice Walker has for the oppressed woman comes through in all he writings stories, essays, poems and novels. Even in a very brief review of a book, Walker exhibits her concern for the experience of women especially of black women. Through The Color Purple, Alice Walker proves herself to be an outstanding black female author and was awarded both Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award in 1983. The Color Purple is one of Walkers novels that show her concern on the problems and experiences of black women. It is a story about the struggle of a barely educated Sourthen black woman to get rid from male sexist exploitation and oppression. Cellie, the main female charcater, has experienced the horror and the pain of oppression and exploitation almost her entire life because of her weak position as a woman. She has been raped by a man which she believes to be her father, then married to a man she does not love and is abused by her husband. The rest of the story shows that Celie struggles to construct her identity in order to regain her self-esteem as a woman that has been taken by the men around her. Self-identity provide significant connection between self and society. Before relizing the importance of the struggle for her self-identity and her self-esteem, Celie could only accept her existence as a piece of property which was dominated by husband. She accepted her husband oppression and abuses stoically. Yet, later, she comes to realize the importance of struggling for her self-identity as a woman.

1.2 Statement of Problems 1. How Celies struggle for self-identity and self esteem depicted in Alice Walkers The Color Purple? 2. How does struggle for self-identity and self esteem give impacts on the Celies life in Alice Walkers The Color Purple? Chapter II 2.1 Concept of self-identity and self-esteem 2.2 The differences of gender identity formation between male and female Chapter III 3.1 Celies struggle for self-identity and self esteem 3.2 The significance of the struggle on Celie Chapter IV Conclusion Bibilography

Awliya Rohmah 062154236

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