NRTEE March 25 2013

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From: NRT President [mailto:President@nrtee-trnee.gc.

ca] Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 12:24 PM Subject: Following up to our recent parting e-mail re NTREE legacy activities

Dear colleagues; We are writing to follow up on our parting email of a couple of weeks ago. At that time we advised you of an initiative we had underway to transfer a legacy NRTEE website to Sustainable Prosperity, who were to host the site under an NRTEE domain name, in a static manner going forward, to ensure Canadians had ready web access to this valuable body of work. This plan has now changed. We were directed in writing by the Minister on Friday March 22nd that we were not to proceed with the transfer of the NRTEE domain name to Sustainable Prosperity, but to transfer it to Environment Canada along with the contents of our external website. He advised us that Environment Canada then intends to make the information publicly available. At this time it is not clear how this will be accomplished in the very limited time remaining before we close our doors March 28th. At the same time we were instructed that no new content was to be added to the website. In an email from Environment Canadas legal services unit in advance of the formal notification from the Minister, it more specifically referred to not uploading the Reflections document (from past Chairs and CEOs) onto the website. Neither the Reflections document nor the retrospective essay on the Round Table by Dr. Bob Page had been uploaded to the web at the time of the Ministers notification, nor have they been since. We cannot provide any explanation for this decision none was provided in the letter or subsequent discussions with the Department. We apologize for the fact this communiqu is in English only but the NRTEE is in the very final stages of preparing to close its doors and translation was not possible.

As we had made this undertaking to you all, we felt it important to clarify the change in circumstances and direction going forwards. As the NRTEE goes permanently off-line tomorrow morning we will not be able to acknowledge any replies you might make to this email. Once again, thank you for all your support over the years.

Yours sincerely,

R.W. Slater, CM, PhD Acting NRTEE Chair

Jim McLachlan Acting NRTEE President & Chief Executive Officer

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