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Cao Quoc Huy

University UPG din Ploiesti, nr 39 Bld Bucuresti, Ploiesti. e-mail:

Line follower robot is a mobile machine that can detect and follow line which is drawn on the floor. The path can be a visible black line on a white surface (reverse). Robot should read for identifying his position in some time, after that, the control system(PIC18F) will create for robot some orders to respect components in purposes of making correct movements of the robot. Key words: line follower robot, black follower

Follower robot is a mobile machine that can follow a path. The path can be a visible black line on a white surface (reverse). In order to lead a robot Trackback. Used the PIC18F458 from Microchip (40 pins) The robot uses 4 IR LEDs (Tx) and 4 IR sensors (Rx) with distance between the two sensors is 25mm. The first Rx receives an analog signal that depends on the intensity of light reflected by the black line of emitted beam by the TX. These signals are sent to the MCP comparator which creates digital signals (0 or 1) that are sent to Microcontroller PIC.
Tx1(left) Rx1(left) Tx2(center) Rx2(left) Tx3(center) Rx3(center) Tx4(right) Rx4(right)

The created signals by comparator are digital, with each set of formed digital signals by MCP , and activities of microcontroller robot knows how follow correct drawn line .
a> Follow a black line Rx1.Rx2.Rx3.Rx4 0000 0110 0100 0010 1100 1000 0011 0001 b> Follow a white line Rx1.Rx2.Rx3.Rx4 0000 1001 1011 1101 0011 0111 1100 1110 Actions of robot Stop Go straight Turn right Turn left Actions of robot Stop Go straight Turn right Turn left

In this robot, using 2 motors 6V DC with this type of engine, you may alter the sense of action but can not adjust engine speed. Because the engine speed is greater than needed speed. However must be reduced his speed To reduce speed, we used a reduction for each engine. Besides him, we used 2 channels PMW (Pulse Width Modulation) at outputs of microcontroller. With PWM method, we can adjust the applied voltage on motor speed so when we adjust the voltage, speed will be changed too. PWM is a method that varies amplitude which is put on motor by modifies of Duty cycle DC

( In the diagram above, V is the voltage through the motor and t is the time of passage)

Block diagram of robot:

Port XOR CBD 486 E( 74HC86)

Comparator MCP

Microcontroller PIC18F458

Implementations: a) Block diagram of control block and PCB

Motor driver L293


b) Sensors Circuit and PCB :

Program Code

: .

The program was written by using MBLAB program . In this program 2 PWM channels are used to reduce engine speeds. For details, you can make contact with author ********************************************* void main(void) { unsigned char i; TmrGen = 0x0; System_Init(); RunFlag = 0; Sensors._byte = 0x0; LED5_On(); if(RunFlag) { i = Sensors._byte & 0xF; switch(i) { case 0b0000: Stop(); break; case 0b0110: case 0b0010: case 0b0100: Run(); break; case 0b1100: case 0b1000: Turn_Right(); break; case 0b0011: case 0b0001: Turn_Left(); break; }//end switch } else }//end main ************************************************* // user.c

Follower robot is a versatile platform that allows developments of various applications. The modern structure, we can easily modify the possibility of functions and add some our new functions. The price, the machine is a good choice for inventions and new applications in human life.

1. Adrian G.Moise. Sisteme de conducere a roboilor. Editura Universitii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieti 2. ndrumator de laborator la disciplina Sisteme de conducere a roboilor 3. 4.

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