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Setting and Plot of Mice and Men The story takes place in Johns childhood village.

. The scenes that were described were parts of the village john grew up in. Dead puppy unaware of the powers surrounding the puppy just as didnt realize the power surrounding him when he was younger Candys dead dog John was a big fan of dogs. From his biography, it stated that John loved dogs. This story with Candys dead dog represents his unsettling love for dogs Stroking soft things Deadly innocence [unrecognized strength] before he was a writer, he wanted to become several things, he wanted to try to find his purpose and it took him a while and took him lots of sacrifices. He was blind at first just as lennie was, and it took him a devastating incident to finally understand what his strengths were. Curleys wife first a manipulator then Steinbeck presents his sole female character sympathetically john was seen to have engaged in a few affairs and it rendered johns image as a ladies man, yet at the end he showed how he could truly live to love one women Loneliness John had multiple encounters with lots of women and yet he doesnt seem to find the perfect one until his last wife [when he was quite old himself]. He was lonely after a few deaths and separation in his life Denied paradise [the way life should be] john had a dream which he couldnt achieve Curleys wife dead just as john had lost his previous wife Male friendship - Lennie a good friend - John had a friend who died due to a sickness [cancer] which John couldnt visit nor had time to meet that friend for one last time Human nature the uneasy experience of lifes struggles makes man reach for desperate measure, to do things out of the norms [a friend killing his best friend] American dream the impossible idea, a sort of teaching that was taught to john yet never came to reality. This correlates to johns religious views as he was taught Christianity and yet never found God nor accepted Christ as his saviour

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