Little Children Script

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are Tompecectig~ Little Children NEW LINS CINEMA, childre Screenplay by Todd Field & Tom Perrotta Pased on the novel by ‘Ton Perrotta 25 July 2005 FADE IN: SIGHTS & SOUNDS OP WINDING MOVEMENTS ON VARIOUS TIMEPIECES. ‘Tick Tock, the rhythm overwhelming: Ansonia shelf, wall, santel, long-case, table, and bracket. Each movement open escapenent.. ‘THE HARD SCREAMING OF A RAIL ENGINE HOUSE AFTER HOUSE — TOWN APTER TOWN — AS SEEN FROM A TRAIN. The strains of a NEWSCAST. ‘An ANCHOR ROMAN front end center, super-imposed inages behind her. ANCHOR WOMAN Tt has only been two weeks since an East Wiyndam man, Ronald Janes McGorvey returned home from prison after serving a two-year sentence for indecent exposure to a minor. And already a grassroots movenent is clamoring to Femove him from the comunity. News B-Roll: BADLY KEROXED FLYERS on TELEPHONE POLES depicting a plimp nan vith wiry, thinning hair and an anxious expression. rn ld script it reads: Are your children safe? ANCHOR WOMAN ‘The group is called The Comittee of Concerned Parents. [A CLOSER DETAIL on the BOTTOM EDGE identifies the supplier of the flyer as The Committee of Concerned Parents. ANCHOR WOMAN Police are advising parents to... ‘The newscast continues as we WIDEN within a dark livingroom to REVEAL AMON sitting in a LA-Z-BOY watching the broadcast. His hand crips a glass of soda and ice, He takes a sip. BLACK, COMPLETE SILENCE. A LEGEND APPEARS: LITTLE CHILDREN Then — WOMAN'S VOICE My husband and I had an actual spiritual experience... EXT, WALKER STREET PLAYGROUND - DAY ‘This is THERESA, mid-thirties, a pale woman, but in her tine a real beauty. ‘THERESA +;.We were on our vacation in Cabo with eight other couples, and this Nayan woman... a goddess, just a goddess... cur 10:

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