Bardaycard Commercial %J - Bqfclqycqfd: Important Information About Your Account A, - U

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bardaycard commercial %J| bQfClQyCQfd

C^ OmP LfrCWir *^/T * PO Box 3000 Te e s d a l e B u s i n e s s Stockton-on-Tees TS17 6YG Park


Mlb Enterprise Ltd <, 7200 Account number: February 2013 ***********

important information about your account a,~- ^ u\.

Dear Mr Bolton, We are writing to let you know about a change to the standard rate on your Bardaycard Commercial card. We have reviewed your account and decided to increase the standard rate. This is based on a combination of Factors, which might include the risk of lending or the funding and operation costs of running your account. Your standard rate (including purchases) will increase from 14.9% p.a. to 19.9% p.a. Your cash withdrawal rate remains unchanged. What it means for you The new rate is effective from the day after your May 2013 statement and will be applied to any outstanding standard balance on your June 2013 statement onwards. Your minimum payment may also increase. As an example, for every 100 worth of purchases that you make, this will cost you an extra 0.36 per month in interest. What you need to do You don't need to do a thing. However, if you decide not to accept the new standard rate, please call Customer Services on 0844 822 2140* by 30th April 2013. Your account will be closed and you can pay off your balance as normal at your current rate. There is a factsheet available if you would like more information on the changes. You can nd it at





Tom Frosina Head of Business Services

Available in large print, Braille or audio format please call 0844 822 2140*
*For BT business customers, calls to 0844 822 numbers will cost no more than 5.5p per minute, minimum call charge 6p (current as at February 2013). The price on non-BT lines mag be different. Calls may be monitored and/or recorded.
Bardaycard is a trading name of Barclays Bank PLC. Barclays Bank PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and subscribes to the Lending Code -Ahich is monitored and enforced by the Lending Standards Beard. Registered m England No: 1026167. Registered Ofce: 1 Churchdl Place. London Eia 5HP. 3CD111826LTRB2 10/2012

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