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MANAGEMENT BY: VALUES AND VISION ™ Salsupa Sen Bhatachaya mit Goel is nor juse | Ava person, fam adaptive and | Poverty, So, sinew childhood [ futher seudeat of | inquisitive by natute and have | have heen involved inn Munagement, Just ay | good listening skills. F always | community wouk, whether IRMA is not just tale crises ina eonseuctive | chrough cole tty Funds foe another manage | wa Taatespeciallyintereced in | Hepa Todi or Ws regula blood donor Ima chae with the mag. | community seavice. research and Amit discusses in detail his nor. | investment ine estate sector IRMA isa premier instinive and rea passion, s-common transition from: IT ing business news is my | Which focuses aly on rueal (© rural mranagemenc and dhe ‘ulin philosophy behind his decision, and sharcs important jnwighes wich aspicamts who wane to build careers in paral marprgemens, AST aime to ise th eget woking | ecw so about IRMA, 1 i i | #2727 frm. dnd TRAA is ne | seact ts hen Towould lees | just auather Bschool that tabes | management skills whieh T | sefreare engineers and mates | oul cffectively employ in the RE, nee busines managers ext of \ cones of ura Jac sant this Tell usa bit about youreelf them It isa school with might be a begining for me | | 047 life education sead career | different vison aud vijective. So | give shape 1 my dreams before IRMA, | ow did you come to share thar | Pision aid ened ap in IRMAP Practical exposure woul! give me insights inra the iseues that T Jalways Bad givi an answer to ok ie Ring an answer sought co make a difference in, this question most diffiaale | Thaves lot of respect for the IT. | Well, Tam fiom Dethiand I did | industry and do agree that itis | ‘ay schooling from Centeal a hucrative career option, | School Dethi Canc. ThenT | especially if one mesures i) moved to Bhiwani, Mazyana to | stecess by maccrial yardsticks, Complete my degece in | But withoue meaning to sound Conuputer Engineering from | Pompous, I must say that { heve ‘Technological Institute af | a different approach towards Fensile and Sciences (YTS) in | THE1 have heen greatly | 2005. 1 Was placed in HCL. | influenced by the words of RD. | Tech, Noid from campus as 4 Tata who ouce said that he did | & software engincer and worked | Setwane his companies abe | there for 3 years, | islinds of prosperity in-a soa of i So I chose IRMA, knowing that | ic would enable me to make a | positive impact on sociew: How difficult was it 10 prepare for entrance even a you were a earn lead at HCD Teoh? How did you manage time ard schedule for seudies? ‘To be honest, itis certainly dlifficulr 10 prepate for MBA enerance exams when You aie burdened with stich enormous job responsibiligies, During that time, Talso had to go 10 Malaysia cue 1 project requirements. This increased the: pressure on me and I had ro scady really hard over the list 2 3 months leading to the ccamination. The oaly ching which saved me was that L was a classroom student ar IMS, ‘Noida and got tremendous support from them. T kept weekends exclusively for studies and apare fiom that, put in 2 hours of work every day after requming from office. Whar car the greatest leering _frams your professional sine at HCL? Do they help yon in anyway today? Definitely. HCL has expanded iny vision and made me professionally matuee; today, 1 | understand how big onganivations work, how work is allocated, how issues are escalated. HCL also taught me che importance of time management and how to ewacnarigeor fo acreagal 8 vnch 208 balance my personal and professional lives, I huve become ‘a good ceam player now, All these reasons cnsared chat I was with a single compaay for three years post qualification. This is very unusual from an TT industry point of view, where people change companies very frequently. Within 2 year at HCL, 1 as mentoring steam of 7-8 software engincers. It tured out t0 be a great learning ‘experience for me and [ tnuanaged effective relationships wich both junior as well as seniors in my teat apart fiom concenttiting on my own deliverables. Looking back, ro what would you aceribace your sucess in rermas of successfully crackineg che different rounds of seectiun? Was there anything in your profile, apare from performance «atthe wees and CDIPL, which you fee! gave you an edge? Here, my thorough and daily reading of the newspaper became 2 hig advantage. Since iy days in enginzering college! developed a habit of reading any news abour rural lndia, My understanding of rural society gave me an edge over others in the selection rounds Lalso feel chat a goad academic background coupled with around 3 years of work ‘experience made a difference. Incdepeh reading of business magazines, cogether with long, discussions with my elder brother, ha increased my general awareness and understanding of business sues and management, People rranaement is my forte and the faer that [had won the BRAVO award at HICL was testimony to that abo know Fench and Japanese which enhanced my profile and projected my learning, eal (One importane point - [had figuted our char the IRMA. written tose was really about clearing the GK section as other sections int the test are quite manageable, The Institute asks ‘ery relevane questions regarding the rural sector in GK, and one needs a yood understanding, of the scetor to clear this section. What is your typical day at the Inssieute like? Our asses art at 9 in the moming and go on tll 1 in the afternoon with Lunch between and 2 pm. The postiunch session is reserved primarily for seminacs, lecures from, visiting faculty or any other extra lecture, if its needed. After tea, students enige sheimelyes in different acsiviies some yo out to play Badminton/TT/Baskecbaly some prefer to go ourand hang sonnel while ochers prefer to slecp so chat they ean study late svchost cm fnto the night, Dinner is served from 8 pn (0 9 pm and most of the gossip happens ever dinner. Smdents stovld note thar ie is routine for professors w assign a for of readings, and quizzes can talee place during any clas, s0 ome needs to study regularly. Bach day, therefore, is very hectic, Alvst a year inta the Pregytrarne, what bas been your retest learning? Also, what would you describe us the greatest challenge that you foresce abead? IRMA is wuly a Mecca of nvoviledge with world renowned Gichy, Bu of comms, i is also up to the individual to extracx as ruck knowledge as possible fiom the instruction on a Continents basis. At IRMA, 1 imet and made ftiencl wich people whose sheer talent ae whotever they do made me look: like a shoeshine boy in comparison, Laks learned not t9 hase Grades, asin the end whar atrets is knowledge and nor Grids: There is abways a weadeot® beeen good grades and good Inowlexpe and one should strike the sight balaace benween these ovo Thave alse learne that development certainly ina long road bus, ia 2 world wliere most paths wash ou long belure you reach anywhere, itis certainy a vwad worth extending and pursuing 12 meee ue hush 2 | Whar ic your long erm ‘aspiration? As an IRMA graduate, where do yon see Jyenerself 10 years from now? | want to build a real estate company catering w rural and semi urban people by providing reasonably. iced housing options. | believe « proper oun is one of the basic needs of rural society. Only when a person is assured of 4 proper and permanent shelter will he think of other developmental concerns sich a education of the child ete. I just. prepared = Ibhueprine for this and based ic fon one small calculation - for rural people, 200 square feet ig a decent area for 3 house; price of construction for this would be around Rs 200 per square foor so that a toral of 40 ‘thousand rupees would be required for construction. A good proportion of the sural populace possesses the land and zy aim is t0 ensure lnans of 40 thousand rupees for them just as Grameen Banke docs or sbrough tie-ups with microfinance institutions. My organization would also actively help ceinserucr the house, Moreover, real estate affects 230 other industries directly o: indirectly. So if the natal real estate sector docs well, then it ‘would generate employment in other sectors as well. Finally, bow would you advise an IRMA aspirant to build bis profile and prepare for telecon jnta the prograrnmed How should be determine his “fe” with the Institute? Incellectual curiosity, academic excellence, and a genuine desie to work with institution working for rural development ate the primary criteria thae IRMA looks for in any canulidate, Past record of any social service is an added advantage but not absoltxely ascessury for selection, Clarity of thoughts in terms of long teem and short term vision is very Imporeant. Stick to the basics and dont think you have w poreray that you will die for the rural seecor or that you ur: made for the development secior only, Panelises are inelligent enough to se through pretence Dont join IRMA just for the sake of ts reputation: if the Institutes objective deen’ macels yor ideology of life, you wil fina i very diffcule to adjuse ar IRMA. In our batch three seudeats lef the course after spending abour month ar the Tnstieute 25 they were nat alse to relace with the broad idectegy. In amutshell, do-noe come here if ‘You ate not sure that you are ready for che challenges of the kind of work chas IRMA grarluaces devore themselves 10 for thei lifetime, Good Luck! dn By sl i mo like Bro aff foe hou od or son cor have the eon ep the heat cul) the d mele siruc culm

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