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Name: __________________________

Writing an Introductory Paragraph

Return to Menu C Directions: Print this paper. Look at the thesis statements below. Write introductory paragraphs for each thesis statement using one of the methods you learned in this lesson. Discuss your introductions with a tutor. Be sure to save your introductory paragraphs. You will need to use them in another writing assignment later on.
1. Coming to the United States as an immigrant has been difficult, but through this experience, I have learned some very important lessons. 2. Cell phones should be illegal for people to use when driving. 3. If I won the lottery, the first three things I would do with the money would be 4. Transportation in Modesto could be improved by 5. All children should seriously consider going to college after high school.

Directions: Now, write an introductory paragraph for your essay. Share your introductory paragraph with a tutor. Have your tutor rate the strength of your introductory paragraph. If the introduction could be made stronger or more effective, discuss the questions below with your tutor.

Does your introduction use one of the techniques mentioned in the lesson to catch the readers attention? If so, which one? If not, which method might be appropriate for your essay? Does the introduction make the focus of your essay clear to the reader?

Does the introduction provide enough general information on the subject of the essay?

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