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Planned Parenthood Votes 1110 Vermont Ave Washington, DC 20005 NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID TPG

Who can We trust With our health care future?

M o n t a n a,

Jon TesTer and sTeve Bullock

standing up for Montana woMen
PPF12_019 Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes, Aaron Samulcek, Treasurer, 434 West 33rd Street, NY, NY 10001. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Generations of women fought for us to get where we are today

Now dennis rehBerg and rick hill want to deny women health care coverage?

will protect Montana womens health.

Yes, congressman Dennis rehberg and former congressman rick hill actually tried to deny us health care coverage.

Jon TesTer and sTeve Bullock

Jon Tester for u.s. senate

congressmanDennis rehberg
Votedtoeliminatefederalfundingfor26healthcentersinMontana and to end the federally funded family planning program that provides lifesaving cancer screenings and preventive care to working women.1 Supports a bill that would have allowedourbossesandhealthcare providerstodenyanyessentialhealthservicetheyobjectto including preventive care and birth control.2

steve Bullock for Governor

tester and Bullock support Planned Parenthood and publicly supported family planning programs. last year, the federally funded family planning program helped 27,268 Montana women and families gain access to preventive health care, cancer screenings and affordable birth control.

M o n t a n a,

we can TrusT our fuTure wiTh Jon TesTer and sTeve Bullock.

Former congressman rick hill

SupportsrepealingMontanasunisexinsurancelaw. He would make it legal for insurance companies to discriminate based on sex forcing women to pay more.3 He actually attacked a female opponents lifestyle, suggesting she was not as qualified to serve in Congress because she has never been married and obviously has no children.4 Really?

CHeCk tHe faCtS: 1. H.R. 1, Roll Call vote 147, 2/19/11. 2. Billings Gazette, 3/1/12; H.R. 1179. 3. Billings Gazette, 4/19/12. 4. Roll Call, 5/14/99.

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