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Precalculus Name____________________

Chapter 6 Review
1. Given a triangle with 61 , 49 , 5396 A B and c = = = , find a.

2. Given a triangle with 56, 71, 100 a b and B = = = , find C.

3. Given a triangle with 32, 47, 25 a b and c = = = , find C.

4. Given a triangle with 58 , 23, 18 A b and c = = = , find a.

5. Given a triangle with 32, 47, 25 a b and c = = = , find the area.

6. Find the area of the triangle, given 98 , 27, 16 A a and b = = = .

7. Find the height of a giant helium balloon used in a Thanksgiving Day parade given that two guide wires are
attached as shown.

8. A golfer drives a ball 21 from a line between the tee and the hole that is 320 yards away. How far is the
ball from the hole if the ball landed 190 yards from the tee?

9. Determine the magnitude of the vector with initial point ( ) 2,1 and terminal point ( ) 7,6 .

10. Determine the direction of 2,5 v = .

11. Given 4 2 w i and u i j = = , find
2 1
3 2
w u + .

12. A vector v has magnitude 27 and direction 216 = . Find its component form.

13. Find the unit vector in the direction of 4 3 v i j = .

14. Given 4,1 2, 3 v and w = = , find the angle between v and w.

15. Two forces, one of 150 pounds and the other 200 pounds, act on the same object at angles of
20 30 and , respectively, with the positive x-axis. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
Precalculus Ch6 Review.doc
16. Find the component form of u when 5 135
u and = = .

17. Given
1 1
2 2
2 2
u i j and v i j = = + , find u v .

18. Determine if 2 3 v i j and w i j = = + are orthogonal, parallel, or neither.

19. Given 2 3 7 v i j and w i j = = , find the projection of v onto w. Then find the component of v orthogonal
to w.

20. A truck with gross weight of 25,000 pounds is parked on a8 slope. Assume the only force to overcome is
that due to gravity. Find the force required to keep the truck from rolling down the hill.

21. A tractor pulls a log 2700 feet and the tension in the cable connecting the tractor and the log is
approximately 3600 pounds. Approximate the work done if the direction of the force is 25 above the

22. Evaluate 3 2i .

23. Rewrite 2 3i + in trigonometric form.

24. Rewrite
2 2
10 cos sin
3 3
| |
in standard form.

25. Rewrite
4 4 5 5
6 cos sin 2 cos sin
3 3 3 3
i i
| | | |
+ +
| |
\ \
in standard form.

26. Multiply ( ) ( ) 5 cos30 sin30 7 cos23 sin23 i i ( ( + +


27. Divide
( )
( )
5 cos200 sin200
10 cos20 sin20

28. Evaluate
4 cos sin
3 3
( | |
| (

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