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Lesson Plan (ECED)

Candidate: Mary Margaret ONeal Date and Time of Lesson: 3/6/13 8:15 AM School: Long Cane Primary Subject: Literature, Mathematical Sorting L#: 00180591 Grade Level: 4K Cooperating Teacher: Julie Stone Lesson Title: Little Cloud- Sorting by Small, Medium, Large

1. Curriculum Standards Addressed: M-4K-3.4: Sort and classify objects by one attribute (size). 2. Instructional Objective(s) Criteria: Students will be able to correctly sort at least 2 of 4 sets of size sorting cards with 100% accuracy. 3. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre-Assessment: I will ask students if they know how to sort by size. During-Assessment: I will ask the students if they can show me the different size clouds in the story. Post-Assessment: Students will sort different pictures related to weather into the three categories of small, medium, and large using cards. They will have 6 different pictures of weather sets of cards to sort. 4. Materials/Resources: 1. Book: Little Clouds by Eric Carle. 2. Sorting Cards (4 sets) 3. Post Assessment Data sheet 4. Vocabulary PowerPoint 5. Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge): Students will need to know the different types of weather so that they will understand the pictures on the sorting cards. 6. Procedures: During the Circle Read Aloud: 1. Students will sit at their spot on the carpet in front of the SMART board. 2. We will talk about the weather and review small, medium, and large. 3. I will then introduce our book. 4. I will read Little Cloud by Eric Carle. 5. While reading the story, I will ask questions about the different sizes of clouds we see in the story. 6. We will go through the vocabulary PowerPoint together about our activity.

7. Students will then be dismissed to center time until their group is called for the small group activity. Small Group Activity: 1. One group at a time will be called to the main table. 2. We will go over the difference in sizes. 3. I will then explain the activity to the group. 4. I will then pass out the sorting cards to each student. There are 4 sets of cards and they will have to sort at least 2 sets correctly. 5. Once each group has finished, they will be dismissed to centers. 6. I will then call the next group up once everyone is finished. 7. Accommodations: I will work closely with the students that dont seem to fully understand the activity and I will be able to adjust to their needs as seen fit. 8. References: Carle, Eric. Little Cloud. Eric Carle, 1996. Print.

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