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AUGUST, 2004. Rising majestically 60 kilometers south of Ecuador's capital city, Quito, is a perfect cone shaped volcano Cotopaxi named. In indigenous tongues, Cotopaxi means "piece of the moon." Surrounding the volcano are lakes, lava beds, spectacular mountain scenery and, of course, sparkling white glaciers. This is Cotopaxi National Park. Became a national park Cotopaxi on July 26, 1979. The park encompasses 33.393 hectares and parts of the Occupied provinces of Cotopaxi, Napo and Pichincha. Within the park Altitude Varies from 3400 meters above sea level to 5897 meters at the top of the volcano. Cotopaxi is the second most visited national park After the Galapagos Islands. Upon Entering the park, the first destination for day trippers is Limpiopungo Many Lake. The lake lies at 3850 meters and encompasses 200 hectares. Apart from the panoramic views encircling the lake, one dog witness the flight of birds native Such as the gulls wilderness, ducks and quilicos. Glimpses of curiquingues, deer, rabbits, llamas, wolves and the Andean paramo condor Can Also fortunate surprise the visitor.


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