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7th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plan: Experiencing the Caste System Objective: Students will be able to define

(knowledge) the caste system and its members, evaluate (evaluation) the challenges faced by members of the caste system, and compare and contrast (comprehension) the caste system to American values. Goal: A.8.7 Describe the movement of people, ideas, diseases, and products throughout the world A.8.8 Describe and analyze the ways in which people in different regions of the world interact with their physical environments through vocational and recreational activities Materials Needed: Name Tags Reading Handout and Worksheets Pencils and Paper SMART Projector Introduction - 10 minutes India population/diversity review How and where does everyone fit into society? Discussion on the American lower, middle, and upper class. Free write: Does India organize its people in the same way? If not, what other ways could they organize it? Steps for Instruction - 30 minutes Discussion on free write activity. Mini lecture on Indian social class. BBC video. Summary and discussion of video. Read aloud whole group. Filling in the Caste pyramid as a whole group. Explain whole group simulation to class. Divide kids into groups and assign roles. Allow for work time and monitor discussion. Strategies for Students This lesson employs visual, verbal, auditory, and kinesthetic activities. Students will move between whole class discussion and individual work, which should increase engagement and ensure participation.

Closure - 10 minutes Discussion. How did they feel? How does this compare to our social class system? Would they want to be part of the Indian caste system? Why or why not? Extension activities: Individual assignment worksheet & Online Game Assessment Students will be informally assessed on knowledge, comprehension, and evaluation throughout discussion. Students will also be informally assessed on group work and behavior. Informal assessment will be recorded in a behavior chart. Students can be formally assessed in individual worksheets. Due to time constraints, these may need to be administered the following class.



Candidate Name: Stephanie Rudnicki Date: 3.22.12 School: REAL School First Nine Week Placement: 1st Evaluation__ 2nd Evaluation_X_ Second Nine Week Placement: 1st Evaluation__ 2nd Evaluation__ Grade: 7 19 students Subject(s): Social Studies

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis WTS: 1, 2,

3, 4, 7, 8, 10 - DISP: Respect, Responsibility) Demonstrates knowledge of content through fluid delivery. Prepares for activities and lessons. Chooses and creates learning experiences based on appropriate goals and objectives that connect with the assessment. Designs instruction based on assessment of student strengths and needs, learning styles, & learning differences. Creates short-ranged and long-term plans linked to student needs & abilities. Adapts plans to encourage student progress and engagement. Learns about students families, culture & community to connect instruction to student experiences. ____Inadequate ___Emerging ____Proficient _X___Distinctive

Evidence (Candidate) This class session is based on strong objectives and goals. You consistently set high expectations for student learning and, once again, have designed a multifaceted lesson involving students in high level thinking. This lesson is creative and fun a great recipe for involving students in exploring ideas together.

Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination/Integrative Interaction WTS: 1, 2, 3, 5 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection)

Evidence (Candidate and Student) Your management of students has become consistently direct, clear and supportive. You use names, give explicit directions, anticipate questions and prepare for their needs. You asked students to refocus, eyes on you, to get them to back to attending to directions and instruction. You also used signals, quiet coyote, thumb indicators and clapping. Student directions included what do when they finish before others. You left no questions about your expectations. You were explicit about time, telling them how many minutes they had to complete each activity. You moved around the classroom, allowing your voice to come from all areas. The kids you knew may have challenges with the work were on

Reflects a positive emotional connection between teacher and students. Offers genuine praise to students. Students connect to one another by smiling, sharing and helping. Respects each child as an individual. Supports students as they work independently and collaboratively. Manages transitions efficiently. Monitors classroom and takes a proactive stance to behavior management issues. Organizes, allocates, and manages resources of time, media, technology and space. Manages student attention by engaging them productively in learning experiences. Maximizes amount of class time spent in learning by creating and communicating clear expectations and procedures for behavior.

your radar throughout the lesson. As you circled the room you kept an eye on each one and assisted as needed to ensure that they had equal opportunity to profit from the learning experience. You made notes and kept track of student participation with a chart while you were teaching. Excellent. How do you use this information? Another consistent behavior that you used today was acknowledging student responses. What benefits do you see when a teacher does this consistently.





Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2, 3,4,5, 6,7,10 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Communication)
Presents content in developmentally appropriate way by relating content to previous lessons. Consistently demonstrates enthusiasm and purposely creates meaningful learning opportunities. Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion and thoughtful responses in reading, writing & other media. Challenges and supports student thinking by using: different types of explanations o various levels of questioning and discussion techniques o techniques that repeat and/or extend student responses o a variety of modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Evidence (Candidate and Student) . This class has an opening warm-up that engages every student, gets them going on social studies concepts. This is good practice: it gets kids down to business, uses time wisely and gives the teacher time to address individual issues as needed at the beginning of class. You used a writing to learn technique: students were given a thought question and asked to think and write for 5 minutes. This is teaching like a champion. You interspersed writing, video clips, direct teaching, class discussion, vocabulary study, and use of handouts with important information. Lots of information, many methods to keep up kids interest. When a student is reading and misspeaks, correction must be made when the mistake compromises the meaning. Like scared instead of sacred. You emphasized the academic language. You also asked students to make connections from the text to their own lives,

Focuses student attention on lesson objectives. Actively engages students in meaningful learning. Adjusts instruction to meet student needs, including special education and ELL, and to address learning styles, in order to enhance learning. Makes an intentional effort to promote oral language and encourages use of advanced language. Varies role in instructional process (instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to content, purposes of instruction and needs of learners. Communicates with sensitivity to cultural and gender differences.

including a simulation of the concepts. You assigned group membership randomly by role. You set ground rules for movement, getting assistance and voice volume. The simulation asked students to work in groups to assume caste identities and work to respond to questions. This is a risky activity, as you well know, with students of this age. It takes self-control to work well in a group. Teachers also need to give kids opportunities to work this way or they wont get any practice. Congratulations on trusting in yourself as well as them. They definitely got the point even if they didnt get to address all the discussion questions!





Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis/Integrative Interaction WTS: 2,8,9,10 DISP: Reflection, Communication)

Evidence (Candidate and Student) You chart helped with informal assessment, ie., assessment for learning.

Provides timely & specific feedback to learners. Involves learners in self assessment. Focuses the students attention on the process of learning rather than just getting the correct answer or finishing an activity. Makes appropriate use of information acquired from assessments, colleagues, caregivers, and students themselves to identify and meet learning needs. Maintains accurate records of student performance and communicates progress to students, parents & colleagues. Monitors impact of teaching on student learning, modifying plans and instruction accordingly. Reflects on own performance in relation to student learning and WI teacher standards.





Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication/Integrative

Interaction WTS: 7,9,10 DISP: Collaboration, Responsibility, Communication) Demonstrates professionalism through timely completion of work for Classroom_____ Seminar_____. Demonstrates professionalism through regular attendance, arriving on time: School________ Seminar _____ . Relates professionally and effectively with cooperating teacher____, staff____, and supervisor____ (including initiating conversation, and problem solving). Consults professional literature, colleagues & other resources regarding education and well-being of students. Establishes respectful and productive relationship with caregivers, as possible. Attends all faculty, grade level meetings, in-service training, Open House, Parent Teacher Conferences.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You consistently design excellent lessons and as consistently carry them out. It is wonderful to see someone embrace students and their achievement to this level.

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate




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