The Urinary System: Gansheng-Wei Department of Anatomy

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The Urinary System


Department of Anatomy

To excrete waste
products, such as urea
and uric acid, excess
water and inorganic
salts, making the
internal environment
of the body in

Urinary bladder
Ⅰ.The kidney
1.The external features
two surfaces \two extremities \two borders
2.The location of the kidneys
(it lies in the retroperitoneal space)
Sup. extremity
Left kidney : at the level of inf. border of 11th TV
Right kidney : at the level of sup. border of 12th TV

Inf. Extremity
Left kidney :at the level of inf. border of 2nd LV body

Right kidney : at the level of sup. border of 3rd LV

Middle portion of left kidney is in front of 12th rib

upper extremity of right kidney is in front of 12th rib
The structures of the kidneys
(on the coronal section)
⑴ Renal cortex
is the superficial tissue and
reddish-brown in color.

Renal column
it is the parts of renal cortex
between the renal pyramids.
⑵ renal medulla
Renal pyramids
Renal papillae
Minor renal calices
cup-shaped structures
Major renal calices
consists of 2 or 3 minor
renal calices
Renal pelvis
consists of several major
renal calices
renal sinus
a central recess in the
medial border of kidney
renal hilum
which is the opening of
the renal sinus
renal pedicle
the structures entering and
emerging the hilum are
enclosed by connective
4.The coverings of the kidneys
( from inside to outside there are 3 layers)
⑴ The fiberous capsule
⑵ The adipose( fat) capsule
⑶ The renal fascia
II. The ureters
⑴ The abdominal part
which is in the abdominal

⑵ The pelvic part

which is in the cavity of lesser

⑶ The intramural part

a part of ureter which passes
obliquely through the wall of
the urinary bladder.
urinary bladder
(It’s a hollow , muscular organ)
Trigone of bladder
Interureteric fold
which is a transverse ridge
between the tow orifices of ureters.
When the tumor or tuberculosis of
the urinary system occur, it’s
necessary to examine the orifice of
the ureters. The interureteric fold is a
landmark to find out the orifice of
the ureter when the bladder is
examined with the cystoscope.
IV. The urethra
(from internal urethral orifice to external urethral

The male urethra

(will be studied in male reproductive

The female urethra( is a narrow and short

membranous canal)
1.The three constricted parts of ureter
The 1st part: at the junction of the ureter and the
renal pelvis
The 2nd part: at the point where ureter crosses the
inlet of the lesser pelvis (iliac vessels).
The 3rd part: in the intramural part of ureter

Clinic significance: renal stones usually stay

in the constricted parts.
2.The trigone of bladder
It’s a smooth triangular area of the fundus of
bladder . The inferoanterior angle of the
trigone is the internal urethral orifice. The
two posterolateral angles are right and left
orifices of ureter.

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