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Language Department

Name: Brenda Lisseth Mejia Moreno


Career: English Degree

Subject: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language

Activity: TPI

Teacher: Martin Ulises Aparicio

Year: 2013

INTRODUCTION The Teaching Perspective Inventory TPI has the purpose to represent different perspectives about good teaching, it helps us to understand and interpret our profile as a future teachers. It also help us to examine our teachers perspective about the good education, this will let us to accommodate the strategies and methodology we use to give a good education. It is very important to know what we thought about good teaching and know what the weaknesses are in teaching to improve the education system in our schools. RESULTS Date: 13-Mar-13 Group of Learners reporting on: Elementary Learning about: English Learning setting: Face-to-Face, 20-39 Transmission Total: (Tr) 38 B = 12; I = 13; A = 13 Apprenticeship Total: (Ap) 43 B = 14; I = 15; A = 14 Developmental Total: (Dv) 42 B = 12; I = 15; A = 15 Nurturing Total: (Nu) 40 B = 12; I = 15; A = 13 Social Reform Total: (SR) 40 B = 11; I = 15; A = 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beliefs total: (B) 61 Intentions total: (I) 73 Action total: (A) 69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall Total: (T) 203

The rults represent the teaching perspective I have about good teahing this show in wich areas I am stronger and in which ones not. We as a future teachers we have to understand the learners need to look for the best strategies like providing feedback, correcting errors, etc. CONCLUSION The evaluation examines the perspectives we have about education. The results were good because I think I have an average this means that I have to improve the way we are going to use in the teaching process. This results show that we need to reinforce some important areas in the way we teach in order to obtain high standards for achievements and developing objectives means for assessing learning.

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