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Chapter 2 practice quiz 1. Which of the following is NOT a simple meter? C. Compound 2.

Several meters occurring simultaneously is called: C. Polymeter 3. The element that propels music forward in time is: B. Rhythm 4. An accented beat followed by two weak beats would indicate a ____________ meter. B. Triple 5. In a compound meter, the beat divides into groups of: B. Three 6. Accents between the beats are called: B. Offbeats 7. When a melody does not begin on the first beat (or downbeat), it is said to begin on a(n): A. Upbeat 8. Music that moves without a strong sense of beat might be considered: A. Nonmetric 9. ________is created when the accent is shifted to a weak beat or an offbeat. C. Syncopation 10. The number of beats in a measure determines the: A. Meter

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