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NOTE ON STAGING SET DESIGN A road with houses in the background (when monster gets chased) A prison cell

ll with gray walls and rats PROPS Villagers: Pitchforks Villagers: Torch Guards: Keys Monster: A fake prison cell COSTUMES Villagers- Females: a dress dark green white. Males: long pants and a t-shirt Monster :ripped clothing and shorts LIGHTING/SOUND/SPECIAL EFFECTS Road- flashing light and some very elevating such as drums. Prison cell- dim light and slow steady music when he breaks out flashes and bang boom bang music

CHARACTERS: Villagers: They are a very normal community they judge most people by how they look but some of them base their decisions by reason and knowledge. Monster: He is very new so he doesnt know much about the world. He is just misunderstood because of his natural looks and body. Guards: Very mean guys who takes things very seriously and dont joke around. They are arent well educated but most know how to fight well most of them. Ann: Ann is an old lady who has a lot of experience in life. and is just one of a few villagers which bases their judgment on reason and logic not looks and body. She is the one who gives the Monster a chance to speak his piece.

Hope or Nope the monster is being chased by the villagers all around town. Villagers: [shouting] KILL THAT FOUL BEAST! CHARGEEEEEEEEEEE! The villagers chase the Monster back and forth. As they are chasing him, the Monster is always ahead. The lighting changes to show that they are chasing him for a day. Finally, the villagers stop chasing him, looking at him wearily.

Monster : [Wearily]

Lea lea let me speak my piece, ple please Villagers: The villagers point their pitchforks and their torches at the monster and the monster was petrified and was trying to reason with them. [angry voice] WHY SHOUL D WE listen TO YOU? WHAT IF YOU TURN ON US, DO YOU THINK WERE THAT STUPID EHHHH? The villagers went in the were just about to stab and kill the monster until Ann showed up. Ann: [Shouting] STOPPPPPPPPP! LET THE MONSTER TALK EVERY LIVING SOUL DESERVES A CHANCE. The villagers stop and looked with a curious angry looking face. Please let him speak. Monster: Thank you, alright I do not know my name I just came to life I do not know my creators name I I do not know anything I was judge by my looks and body but I am a nice person give me a Chance. Villagers: [Shouting] DARK MAGIC, HE MIGHT CLAIM HIMSELF TO BE NICE BUT WE SHALL NOT LOOK INTO THIS FURTHER, LOCK HIM UP NEVER TO BE FOUND AGAIN. They take the Monster to the dungeon down the stairs , through the gates up the ladders the Entrance to this gate is a very dangerous and secret place they have been savin it for a special Occasion Guards: The guards and the monster are approaching the cell. Move along Beast Monster: STOP CALLING ME THAT! Guards: Then what shall I call you animal? Monster: Stick with beast please Guards: Thats what I thought. Alright were here.

The guards grabs the Monster shirt and attempts to throw him in the cell but couldnt so they just asks Him to walk in. The guards exits the stage.

Monster: spot light on the Monster, the monster sits down on the bench in the prison cell. Why does this happen to me? People just want to kill me and hurt me I mean no harm why just why? Ann: Ann is at the front gate of the prison cell begging the guards to let the monster free. Please let him go free he did nothing wrong, you people are just judging by looks. Guards: Never! That monster has the strength of 10 lions this thing can do things we could never imagine, look at that huge head I cant imagine what lies beneath those thoughts. That guard pushes her away. Back to the monster in the prison with the spotlight Monster: I need to find a way out of here hmmmmm. Lets see, the doors here are very weak I bet I can break through them. The monster attempts to take the door out he pushes and pushes doesnt get anywhere. AHHHHHHHHHH what are these doors made off? Alright got to find another way, wait a minute are those the keys? He reaches for the keys, and gets its. YESSSSSSSS, now just to unlock the door The sound of the door clicking. Alright now just to get of here The Monster exits the stage. Guards: THE MONSTER IS GONE CLOSE THE GATES All of the guards run to guard the gates. Monster: got to get out of here which way to go? The Monsters hears a sound it was Ann calling. Ann: Come here follow me. The Monster follows Ann they run around all of the guards and escapes. Monster: thank you! but who are you?

Ann: My name is Ann I believe that every living soul deserves a chance to speak and should have freedom thats why Im here to get you out. Monster: wow, some humans do have kind hearts I suddenly feel like I have a place in this world now. Ann: thats great to here, I would suggest for you to live in the woods until this all becomes history. Monster: great idea, but I would like to find my creator first I want to know is he also one your kind, nice and a good person.

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