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Sub Figura X (A Greater Ritual of the Pentagram) Avaris-Aba 2012 e.v.

An official document of NVIT-ISIS TEMPLE STAR OF ISIS TEMPLE no 1

I. Egyptian Cross Stand in the center of circle, facing east, and imagine that you are a towering figure and that the earth is a tiny sphere below you. Feel yourself to be the very center of the universe. Look up into space and imagine a sphere of white brilliance. See this light descend to the top of your head. Reach up with your ritual dagger and pull this white light down to your forehead. When you do this vibrate the word DUA (Do-ah) Move your hand down your body, feeling the light being drawn down through you in a beam. Touch your breast and vibrate RA HOOR KHUIT move your hand over the groin area, pointing down and vibrate SUTENIT (Soo-ten-eet) and imagine there is now a shaft of light running through you, connecting the light source above your head, to the earth below you. Touch your right shoulder and imagine that a beam of light from the shaft passes through that point and your right side, into space. Vibrate HENA-SEK (Hen-ah-sek) Repeat with your left shoulder and vibrate HENA KHUT (Hen-ah Koot) Bring both of your hands to your breast and clasp them together as if praying and vibrate EN-HEH EN HEY (ahn-hay ahan-hay) You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches to the ends of the universe. You are now Hadit in the center of the body of Nuit. II. The Pentagrams

Advance to the East, trace the Active Spirit Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate RA HOOR KHUIT. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the Rending and Closing of the Veil). Trace the Air Pentagram with the Sigil of Aquarius in its Center, and vibrate NUIT. Give the Sign of Air (Sign of the God Shu supporting the Sky). Turn to the South, trace the Active Spirit Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center,

and vibrate RA HOOR KHUIT. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the Rending and Closing of the Veil). Trace the Fire Pentagram with the Sigil of Leo in its Center, and vibrate HADIT. Give the Sign of Fire (Sign of the Goddess Thoum-aesh-neith). Turn to the West, trace the Passive Spirit Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the Rending and Closing of the Veil). Trace the Water Pentagram with the Sigil of Scorpio in its Center, and vibrate BABALON. Give the Sign of Water (Sign of the Goddess Auramoth). Turn to the North, trace the Passive Spirit Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the Rending and Closing of the Veil). Trace the Earth Pentagram with the Sigil of Taurus in its Center, and vibrate THERION. Give the Sign of Earth (Sign of the God Set Fighting). III. Invocation of the Guardians Once again, visualize the cross you made earlier, extend your arms out in the form of a cross.. Facing east, say, "Before Me RA". Imagine the Sun rising in the East and Ra standing before you. Say "Behind me TUM". Imagine the Sun setting in the west and Tum standing behind you. Say "On my right hand Ahathoor". Imagine the Sun bright and in its glory and Hathoor standing at your right. Say "on my left hand Kephra". Imagine in the dark hidden Sun at midnight and Kephra standing at your left. Stop to see and feel the four pentagrams around you. Visualize a golden unicursal hexagram above you and below you so that you are standing inside of a box in which the sides are formed by blue pentagrams and the bottom and lid is formed of golden hexagrams. Center the energy in the heart and imagine a glowing hexagram within. Now say: For about me flames the five pointed star of Nuit and within me the flame that burns in every heart of man. Vibrate HADIT.

IV. Egyptian Cross Final Reach up with your ritual dagger and pull this white light down to your forehead. When you do this vibrate the word DUA (Do-ah) Move your hand down your body, feeling the light being drawn down through you in a beam. Touch your breast and vibrate RA HOOR KHUIT move your hand over the groin area, pointing down and vibrate SUTENIT (Soo-ten-eet) and imagine there is now a shaft of light running through you, connecting the light source above your head, to the earth below you. Touch your right shoulder and imagine that a beam of light from the shaft passes through that point and your right side, into space. Vibrate HENA-SEK (Hen-ah-sek) Repeat with your left shoulder and vibrate HENA KHUT (Hen-ah Koot) Bring both of your hands to your breast and clasp them together as if praying and vibrate EN-HEH EN HEY (ahn-hay ahan-hay) You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches to the ends of the universe. You are now Hadit in the center of the body of Nuit. .

Elemental Grade Signs

Common title: Earth. The God Set fighting. Description: Advance the right foot, and swing the right arm up and forward at a 45 angle, with the left arm back and down, also at a 45 angle.

Common title: Air. The God Shu supporting the sky. Description: Arms raised, elbows bent 90, forearms vertical, with wrists bent as though holding up the sky.

Common title: Water. The Goddess Auramoth. Description: With thumbs and index fingers, place the hands together on the torso, forming a downward-pointing triangle.

Common title: Fire. The Goddess Thoum-aesh-neith. Description: With thumbs and index fingers, place the hands together on the forehead, forming an upward-pointing triangle.

Common title: Spirit. The Rending and Closing of the Veil

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