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Joseph R. Lizada 35th St. Lot 31 Blk 39 Mauaque Resettlement Center Mabalacat Email Address: joseph_lizada@yahoo.

com PERSONAL INFORMATION Age Birthday Birthplace Gender Religion Status Height Weight Fathers name Mothers name : : : : : : : : : : 20 May 19, 1992 Porac, Pampanga Male Bible Baptist Single 58 165 lbs. Oscar F. Lizada Mary B. Ramirez

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Elementary Secondary Tertiary Course Major : : : : : Mauaque Resettlement Elementary School 1998-2004 Mauaque Resettlement High School 2005-2008 Mabalacat City College 2011-present Bachelor of Secondary Education English

TEACHING INSIGHT Teaching is the highest form of understanding and a teacher who cannot keep students involved and excited for several hours in the classroom should not be there.


Field Study 1-6 aims to align teacher education with the CHED prescribed new teacher curriculum that is reflexive of the National Competency-Based Teacher standard. The activities experiences on the Field Study are intended not only for drill and evaluate purposes but also purposes of bridging the gap between theory and practice and advocacy for current trends in education such as reflexive education, multiple intelligence; and multicultural education, interactive and brain based teaching and authentic assessment. Field Study is a component of the new pre-service teacher education curriculum that aims to expose of to student to actual field experience so that they can relate the theories learned inside the classroom with those experience. These off classroom experience would emphasize the importance of understanding the complex work of the teacher in the era of globalization. THROUGH FIELD STUDY COURSES: a.Students are encouraged to give meaning to the nature and context educational changes that have impact on teacher education. b.Pre-service student bring teacher education the experiences and belief that may influence the teaching and learning. c.Students acquire knowledge and understanding in the process of learning to teach how they are acquired.

The Field Study should used the OAR approach to represent the general cycle pattern of the task that pre-service teachers are expected to do in the different learning episodes OAR represent as: vO-Observation makes the pre-service, teachers more keenly aware and sensitive to the learner and learning environment. Orchestrating plans that create outputs uniquely their own taps problem solving skills and creatively. vA-Analyzing what you observe and do trains pre-service teachers to become a critical thinker. vR-Reflecting to their experiences makes the lifelong learner.


Course Description: This course designed to help the FS students verify the behavior of the child in the actual learning environment. It will require them to recognize feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the learners different phase of development and social environment. General Objectives: 1.Identify the stage of the physical, motor, linguistic, literacy, cognitive, social and emotional development of the children or adolescents as manifested in the actual classroom setting. 2.Observe in dealing with learners in the different stages of development. 3.Analyze how the teaching and learning process should be conducted considering the different phases of the child development.
Tell something about. Principles of Learning and Teaching The Principles of Learning and Teaching and related components state that students learn best when: The learning environment is supportive and productive The learning environment promotes independence, interdependence and self-motivation Students needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and application Assessment practices are an integral part of teaching and learning Learning connects strongly with communities and practice beyond the classroom These principles can be used by schools, teams of teachers and individuals to reflect on practice and support professional dialogue to strengthen pedagogical practices. The Principles of Learning and Teaching Unpacked section provides detailed explanations and teaching examples for each of the six principles. The POLT initiative aims to: build consistent, comprehensive and improved pedagogical approaches within and across schools, while still allowing flexibility, innovation and local decision making at the school level focus teaching to meet the diverse needs of students Strengthen learning communities within and beyond the school. 3

Participation of the Learners Regarding Teaching Learning Process While it may be difficult to identify the variety of learning styles in your class, some measures can be taken to facilitate and encourage all types of learners. Consideration of the variety of learning styles highlights the need for order, structure, creativity, group work, and practical exercises. In essence, the message for tutors is to incorporate as much variety as possible into courses. However, exercises/discussions, which are introduced, should have a purpose and serve to develop understanding and knowledge, rather than merely being included to add a different dimension. Pre-learning preparation: As adult students come from varied educational backgrounds, it is necessary to state clearly if there are any prerequisites for taking a course. Are students expected to have any particular skills or abilities? What prior knowledge is assumed? Outlining the necessary prerequisites eliminates the possibility of having to spend early sessions revising material which you might have assumed to be fundamental background knowledge. Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes, which have been negotiated and agreed by tutor and students, ensure that everybody is working towards the same goal. When learners agree a target with a tutor they feel more involved in the learning process. This helps focus attention and promotes a unified sense of purpose. Participation: In order for learning to take place, a person must internalize the information; merely seeing or hearing is not enough. Therefore learning requires activity. Active participation by the learner is preferable to lengthy periods of passive listening and viewing. Participation means engaging in mental or physical activity that will help the learner to understand and retain the information presented. Feedback: Learning is increased when individuals are periodically informed of progress in their learning. Knowledge of successful results, a good performance, or the need for certain improvement will contribute to continued motivation for learning. Doing and feedback contribute to successful learning. Reinforcement: It is important for learners to receive reinforcement. Learning motivated by success is rewarding; it builds confidence, and it will affect subsequent behavior in positive ways. Association: Learners will learn and remember information better if they have many associations with it; the learning of isolated information is more difficult and less permanent than the learning of information that is related to prior knowledge. Practice and repetition: Rarely is anything new learned effectively with only one exposure. Provision should be made for frequent practice and repetition, often in different contexts, for long-term retention to be encouraged. Application: Complete understanding has taken place only when the learner is able to

apply or transfer the learning to new problems or situations. First, the learner must have been helped to recognize or discover generalizations (concepts, principles, rules) relating to the topic or task. Then opportunities must be provided for the learner to apply the generalizations or procedures to a variety of new, realistic problems or tasks. Learning Styles All students have different intellectual abilities. They think and learn differently. Some learning patterns will have been developed as a result of the schooling experience where materials were largely presented in a way that benefited students with linguistic/numeric abilities. As a result innate learning styles may not have been developed and students may need to be encouraged to identify their own learning pattern. There are various ways of classifying differences in learning styles. Many theories and models have been proposed. Some learning styles classifications include: left and right brain thinkers; auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners ; activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists. Tell something about Assisting a Teachers Toolbox Teachers' Toolbox is an open source book on teaching methods and ways to improve teaching. The toolbox is intended to give you an overview of methods you can use when teaching in general (applies to all schools, universities...). We hope it will help you to find new ways to activate students and improve their learning. It's *not* intended to be a long theoretical analysis of pedagogical methods, rather emphasizes brief inspirational introductions to different ways to teach - and hopefully people will contribute with case stories and examples of teaching material you can develop further. You are very welcome to add to the book.

Organization of the Portfolio

A. EPISODES TITLE I.Looking through the Meaningful Learning Experiences Concept : Critical Friends II. Learners Characteristics and Needs Concept : Collaboration, participation, cooperation III.Assisting a Teacher with a Teachers Toolbox Concept : Assisting a Teacher B. Entries of Evidences PHOTOS: The School

C. Reflection on each Episode

EPISODE I: Looking Through the Meaningful Learning Process
The class that I was observed has a student-centered principle in teachinglearning. The teacher explained, then discussed her lesson and give examples, the student participated well. The instructional materials used in teaching were chalkboard and books. They have charts that they may use in their lesson. I was amazed because of I was observed the students are participating and well encourage to learn in the lesson. I feel comfortable in the class that I was observed because of the lesson that teacher discussed. I see myself in front of the class and ask myself will my future students will listen to me someday, will my future students will behave in my class someday or will my future students will reflect with my lesson? I feel nervous but I feel the excitement to experience teaching. Mixture of feelings I experienced during my observations in this class.

Episode II: Learners Characteristics and Needs

The topic of the lesson I observed was about Adjectives. The teacher start the lesson first, by motivation a presentation of photos to described by the students and then she explained her lesson by asking her students and giving more exercises. She cleared if there is anyone who doesnt understand the lesson. The learning activities that she used in his lesson were the students answered the exercises on the board, participated on the lesson, wrote the lesson on their notebooks and listened well. The students were participated well in the class. The successful learner, instructional guidance, can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge. The learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways. Students have different characteristics and needs. Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build links between new information and experiences and their existing knowledge base.

EPISODE III: Assisting a Teacher with a Teachers Toolbox The topic of the lesson that I was observed in this episode was describing what a picture through adjectives. The learners participate in the learning activities by answering the group activities given by their teacher. The instructional materials employed were visual aids. The teacher considered her students style and students intelligences. We have to actively engage the learners in learning activities if we want them to learn what we intend to teach. We have to give our students opportunities to participate in classroom activities. We have to give varied activities to our students for hands-on-minds-on learning.

V. Personal Reflection on the Portfolio

I believe that everyone is unique in their own ways. People have different personalities. Thus, they too have different abilities. As for me, students are more likely a group of people who in one hand have different capabilities. With their differences, I as a teacher must adjust to them for I believe that when a teacher understands his/ her students and accepts the differences they have, the teaching and learning will be achieved in its easiest ways with harmony.


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