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Jeffrey Gitomers Social BOOM!

How To Master Business Social Media

A Book Review by Robert Tyson of

Jeffrey Gitomer is best known as an authority on sales and I've read, enjoyed, and gained value from a lot of his material over the years. In 'Social BOOM!, he proclaims that 'social media is the new cold call' and that basically, if you're not working hard at building and leveraging your own social media presence you're missing a game-changing opportunity, no matter what your role or industry. 'Social BOOM! is a useful counterpoint to Jay Conrad Levinson and Shane Gibson's recommended 'Guerilla Social Media Marketing'. Where the former gives a broad overview of the state of social media and examines over 100 different weapons in the social media arsenal, 'Social Boom' is very clearly focused on the 'Big Four': Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. There is extremely useful 'how to' advice from several different consultants and businesspeople in the space, threaded together by Gitomer pieces in his usual punchy, motivational, slightly confrontational style. The book loses a mark for the unevenness of one or two of the chapters (the 'careerist's perspective' chapter near the end is poorly written and seemed to me to add almost

hing of v e to what has gone before). The book also nee s a better proof-read. B t it's still a strong, important message that in the main is put by some thoughtful contributors who clearly 'have the Tshirt', and there is plenty that you can take away and use. Read 'Guerilla Social Media Marketing' to give you the broader perspective, and read 'Social Boom' to kick yourself into gear and kickstart your marketing on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Score overall? 8/10. Rob on d o o h onRepo o , h h p ov des free information and advice on marketing and sales for gro ing businesses.

www.TheTys e. c

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