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Newton Leys residents meeting minutes 6/3/12 7pm Landfill office Town Council - The meeting started with

h Lisa Courtney from Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council updating the room on the temporary community centre, which will be arriving shortly and paid for by TW, and the job description options for an appropriate Caretaker type role to look after community centre. This role or roles will be advertised locally, on the NL website and on the community noticeboard, should we have one in time. Swimming Children under 16 and pensioners will be entitled to free swimming at Bletchley leisure centre, once an application form is completed and proof of local residency is confirmed. Frank from phase2 Frank from phase2 was kind enough to update the room on the brilliant work he has been doing in understanding what TWs obligations are and pushing them to fulfil those obligations. The have included: Footpath we can all see the new footpath between phase1 & phase2 Lighting & street signage if not already, then we will see an improvement soon Roundabout the roundabout linking phase1 & phase2 as you enter/leave the development, is not effective, but is only a temporary measure School bus A cause for concern was raised at the pick-up and drop off location on Drayton Road. Potentially communicate directly with St Pauls and Cottersloe schools to see whether the buses can collect the children from the bus stop rather than the verge of the main road, this would require the bus stop on St Helena that is currently not used to be opened as as fully functioning bus stop This year should see a new path running from Phase2, Skye crescent (past the lake), and on to Oak Brook Callow Mound being a site of special scientific interest it is unlikely the Council will allow it to be developed on The school the 500th occupation triggers the start of this process (certainly under 400 currently), however MK Council are not aware of this 500th occupied home trigger and are pushing TW to start building and they are being informed by TW that they cannot build due to H&S risks of having multiple builders on site. Play area will be located to the south of the Lake and triggered on the 300th occupation BUT also 50% occupation of Phase2! Local centre currently planned to be to the north of Phase2 could go outside Phase1 near to planned TW head offices (however its not yet commercially viable given so few residents) Newsletter TW have agreed to issue a quarterly newsletter (not seen one yet)

Other points raised Pooh it would be preferable to have a 3rd dog pooh bin on or on the way to phase3 Irresponsible parking particularly the LDK van and Wilmot Dixon van on Phase1 best approach is to evidence by photograph and accompany with a letter for local Police, TW etc.,

Landfill James attended a meeting with site manager (Robin) who admitted issues which, if not resolved soon, would mean they cap the area (cell) they are filling in now and move on to another cell. The Environment Agency are aware and are monitoring this please report any smells or concerns to them

MURF this will take all household waste, bail it, and send to Holland to run Power Stations. This will be supported by the 90m high solo wind turbine (had little or no objection) There will be Wood re-cycling, and whilst it will make some noise, it will be regulated to certain times (there is no planning permission for this currently) Little Callow Mound this (outside the apartments on Skye) was re-located towards Buckingham Rd. No update as yet, James will follow this up To obtain funding we need to have a Residents Association with a list of 6 members (James has the list and will bring to next meeting) Easter a fun-day arranged for 30th March depending on weather An events sub-committee is on the agenda Travellers site there is no planning permission agreed for this Planning applications please send to Hannah not sure what this point is Paul? Im no good with planning applications! Community news - this should be advertised through other sources and not just the 259 members on Facebook. Need to have a clearer schedule and working group for the newsletter. This will be headed up by the new community coordinator when they are appointed

HAs may be interested in engaging the Newton Leys RA. To do this we need representatives on the RA who occupy a HA property Litter Hannah has spoken to the Council re bins and James will be taking delivery of more litter tools

Next RA meeting will take place in the Public House and a date could be the 23rd May at 7pm

Minutes by Paul Neenan Newton Leys RA Secretary

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