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Alicia LaBerteaux Mrs.

Raymond English 1102 29 January 2013 The Luck of the Irish On my mothers side of my family, I found out that her fathers family was from Ireland. The flag of this country is three stripes with the colors green, white, and orange. Those colors go from left to write and the stripes are vertical. The green represents the Gaelic tradition; the orange represents the followers of William the Orange; and white represents strive for peace between the two. The flag was adopted in 1919 during a war of independence in the Irish Republic. The national anthem of Ireland is translated from the Celtic language as The Soldiers Song. Peadar Kearney with Patrick Heeney, who composed the music to the lyrics, wrote it in 1907. After the Easter Rising in 1916, the song became widely known and was adopted ten years later as the national anthem. The Soldiers Song replaced the formerly known anthem of God Save Ireland, which was a Fenian anthem. In the song, it tells the story of the fight for independence, similar to the United States national anthem. In order to become a citizen in the country of Ireland, I would have to qualify in one of three ways: birth, marriage to an Irish citizen, or residence. Because I am a great-grandchild of an Irish citizen, I would be able to apply for citizenship, but only if my grandparent had applied to become a citizen before my greatgrandparent passed. Therefore, I could not become a citizen through birth. If I wanted to become a citizen through marriage, I would have to be married to Irish citizen for the length of three years. But, my husband would have had to been an Irish citizen for three years prior to our marriage. Becoming a citizen would be difficult for me in the country of Ireland.

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