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Alicia LaBerteaux Professor Raymond English 1101 14 March 2013 On a Mission The Central Intelligence Agency is a concept that

takes a very reasonable cause to be necessary. When people are in trouble is when they come in to play. That summer, Roosevelt confidentially asked Donovan to visit Britain and report on Londons resolve and its staying power against Hitler. Donovans British hosts understood his mission ( Hitler was a powerful leader who needed to be taken down. Therefore, our president at the time took action into his hands to help people in other parts of the world. This resulted in the start of the CIA with an individual who was capable of the most unusual things. The Central Intelligence Agency was one of the most important concepts to ever be thought of. It takes very talented individuals, such as William Donovan, to take on tasks that can be difficult and dangerous. When the president at the beginning of this business was in need to help other parts of the world, he relied on his military trained coordinator of information to do the deed. Once Hitler became too much of a threat, Roosevelt sent his best man in, who was on a mission to save people and take down the enemy.

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