CCW April 2013 Newsletter

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ChristChurch Wrexham

April Key Events

2nd Cytun Hunger Lunch at St Giles 7th Community Sport + followed by bring and share lunch Junior Church Meal 21st Evening Service

Newsletter Apr 2013


Welcome to the April edition of the ChristChurch Relay magazine.

Scripture Focus for April


Matthew 28:18-20 &10:5-8

Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans.6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: The kingdom of heaven has come near. 8 Heal those who are ill, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

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ChristChurch Wrexham

Interim Leaders Log

The Lion and the Lamb

Last months article focused on the presence and power of God and I am following that up by sharing some thoughts about the Lion and the Lamb. Scripture teaches us to think about and relate to Jesus in both of these ways and forms. He is the `Lamb of God` who takes away the sin of the world and the `Lion of Judah` who overcomes His and our enemies. The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, Behold the Lamb of God! John 1:29 & 36 But one of the elders said to me, Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals. Revelation 5:5 I think that we are far more comfortable with one than the other though. Most of our worship tends to focus on Jesus our saviour the lamb. Of course it is good to do that but at the same time it is also very safe again nothing wrong with being safe. When it comes to the lion I think we are far more uncomfortable, and, if we were honest enough to really admit it, even fearful at times we much prefer a tame `kittycat`. They are safe and far more predictable but as C.S. Lewis so often reminds us in the Narnia stories Aslan is not a tame lion. Neither is Jesus. The Lion is the symbol of the King (nb. King of the beasts). This is why early church fathers historically linked a lion image with the Gospel of Matthew. Matthews gospel is obsessed with the Kingdom of the coming rightful King. Whenever and wherever the King shows up the kingdom comes i.e. the kingdom comes in the presence of the King. When this happens OT prophecies and NT narratives reveal the miraculous breaking out as the Lion roars. The enemies of God and man - sin, sickness, death and demons - are overcome and people are made well and whole again. Oh how we need the Lion of Judah to roar in our midst more frequently. Lets keep worshipping the Lamb it is good and proper to do so, but lets also make more and more room for the Lion to come and roar in our midst so that the enemies that would affront us and our fellow humanity will be put to flight. Jesus is our saviour lamb of God but he is also our rightful king and returning judge the lion of Judah. We so often get caught up in worship of the saviour but are not so good at seeking the presence and power of the King. Lets seek the presence of the King more and more. When the tangible manifold presence of the King comes the kingdom will break out in power. Hallelujah thats what we and this fallen broken world need. I deeply desire to see it, and seek it, more and more. Lets go for it TOGETHER. Love and prayers, Every Blessing,


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ChristChurch Wrexham

A big thank you to Christ Church for partnering with YWAM and our Discipleship Training School these last 6 months. The three trainees have learned so much during their time here, in part, thanks to your church! A significant part of the 10-month training program is a 2-month cross-cultural mission trip. This year they will be going to Malawi in Africa (22nd April to 30th June). This is always a life changing trip! This year Elizabeth Rowe (leader) and Shelby Holmes (staff) will be taking the team with our three trainees, Amanda & Gary Benton and Lacey Yonally. The success of this type of trip depends significantly on both prayer and finances. Prayer for unity, courage, cultural adaptability, bold evangelism and more. Finances to cover the costs of the bare-bones budget for flights, food, travel in country, ministry, etc. The most significant part of their 1500/person budget is the travel to and from Malawi which is nearly half that budget! If you would be interested in partnering in prayer or finances with an individual or the team, please email the Outreach Leader, Elizabeth ( or DTS Leader Sarah ( or call 261712. Once again, thanks for blessing our team with your friendship and ministry opportunities! Grace & Peace, Sarah Opper, DTS Leader Bring Me Sunshine
On March 14 six of us from ChristChurch went to this event in Birkenhead and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. In our 25th anniversary year we wanted to bring a little sunshine and laughter to our friends and supporters. Hosted by best-selling author Rob Parsons, and featuring comedian and magician John Archer. Discover how the gift of laughter can be one of the greatest strengtheners of our relationships and family life. Smile as you realise that whether its dealing with a terrible two year old, staying sane with a teenager or even re-igniting sex in marriage laughter can be a vital key. John Archer is a past winner of the Magic Circle Stage Magician of the Year and certainly one of the best comedy magicians in the UK today. He was the first person to fool Penn & Teller on ITVs Penn & Teller - Fool Us. Rob Parsons founded Care for the Family in 1988. As an international speaker and bestselling author, the hallmarks of Robs work have been honesty, laughter, faith and hope. Care for the family run courses and have published books on parenting, marriage, money issues and bereavement. Well worth looking out for! Sally Ellinson

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ChristChurch Wrexham

Prayer - Chapter 4, Frank Collins

The Greeks had a word for it PENTHOS a broken & contrite heart, inward godly sorrow, blessed holy mourning, heartfelt compunction PENTHOS, the PRAYER OF TEARS. It is being cut to the heart over separatedness from God and a weeping over sin , ours and the worlds; seeing the need for repentance in an awareness that it is sin that has cut us off from Gods presence. Throughout scripture we find those who have travelled this way Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah and in Lamentations. Davids life was so full that it seems almost every page of the Psalms reflects his Prayer of Tears [Ps 6 42 56 119:13 are just a few]. Jesus too offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears [Heb 5:7]. From the Beatitudes Blessed are those who weep [Luke 6:21 & Matt5:4], and His arrival at Jerusalem [Matt 23:37], to receiving the tears of Mary as she bathed His feet and then received His forgiveness and His benediction. [Luke 7]. And the shortest verse in the whole bible Jesus Wept. But for us who have a religion of good feelings and perhaps prosperity, where does this sorrow and weeping and mourning fit? The ancients referred to it as Deep Joy echoed in Ps 126:5 those who sow in tears, reap with joy! You see tears are often a sign that God has touched a particular issue, in our life or that of others. The bottom line for repentance is that we are sinners who sin, and throughout the New Testament, from Johns initial call to repent, through Peters call at Pentecost, to Revelation and Jesus call to the 7 churches, we are exhorted to repent for the Kingdom is close by. The response that we see of the tax collector in Luke 18:13 is simple but profound, Lord be merciful to me a sinner, is said daily in the Kyrie Eleison Lord have mercy, and in the oft repeated Jesus Prayer, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner. So having asked and confessed our/others sin, received the forgiveness of our Father, there follows obedience. And whatever the call, our obedience will be done with zeal, be it standing up and speaking out, or speedily responding to an exhortation, or by rushing to help some urgent repair, we do it in obedience with our trowels and swords. But we are British you say and we [men especially] are not given to emotional responses like tears. But it has taken us years to become I am a rock, I am an island, and to learn how to weep with those who weep, and to weep over our Jerusalem, will take time. First stop is to immerse ourselves in the Gospels all of them to cure the stiff upper lip and get to know better the man of sorrows who was acquainted with grief. And wait patiently for the call that tears will bring. Gracious Jesus, it is easier for me to approach you with my mind than with tears. I do not know how to pray from the emotive centre of my life; still I come to you just as I am. Break my stony heart with the things that break your heart. Help me, let me, weep over sin. Amen

ChristChurch Wrexham Mike and Jo Exploring a Call to Leadership

Mike Personally Ive felt a call to leadership on my life since I was young. The ways in which that calling has been worked out in my life have varied a lot, from leading on the hockey pitch, Head Boy in school, and trying to move up the leadership ladder as a Teacher. However, more recently Ive felt that God has been nudging me to think of looking at other areas of my life to explore this calling. With the feeling that leadership in Church was something I should be doing, and that as a couple weve wanted to make a difference in Hightown for some time, the timing seemed right to approach Gareth, and begin to see how this could be explored. Jo For some time I believe God has been telling me to grow and learn through his Word, and to get ready to serve and use the giftings he has given me! When the opportunity to be involved in assisting the Hightown Leaders came about, I knew that it would be a challenge, but also one that excites both Mike and myself! Hightown is the community in which I grew up in, and I feel a deep desire and sense of responsibility to get to know the people who live here and to show them what Gods love looks like! I hope and pray that in whatever ways He chooses, God will use us as a family to bring others to know and experience His perfect and unfailing love. We believe that the future of the Church depends on how we engage people who arent in it yet. We have lots of ideas and vision on how Church can meet the needs of the community in Hightown but still hold on to what God intended Church to be. We really just want to play our part in the Body of Christ, and hope that at some point in the future we may be able to inspire you to come along on that journey too. Ephesians 4 verse 16: From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds up in love, as each part does its work.

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Sunday Services at ChristChurch 1st Sunday of month It has been noticeable over the last few months that more folk and children are attending the service at Bodhyfryd whilst Community Sports Plus runs in Acton. We will therefore be making these first Sunday of the month services ALL-AGE SERVICES. Crche and Little ones (for preschool Children) will still run as currently but starting from April the whole service will be planned as an All-Age Family Service of around 60-75 minutes.

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ChristChurch Wrexham

Two poems from Step with me by Mary-Joan Lloyd Pondering on the Crucifixion
What did Mary feel when she saw soldiers casting lots for her Sons clothing? Did she weave the seamless robe, was it extra special to her? Was this the last straw for her in the deep grief for her Son? Why did the sun stop shining for three hours? How far did darkness cover, all over the known world? Did the darkness help to make the heat more bearable, cooler for those on the crosses or oppressive, like a storm brewing? When Jesus cried: I thirst was it only physical for cold water, wine or even vinegar? Or could it be emotional, spiritual, Had His Father left Him in the darkness? That moment of desolation When all around was dark, within and without, where were all His disciples gone, fled except for John and some women. He is thirsty for us, for our hearts and lives.

How dark was it in the Garden? Jesus, what was it like How dark was it in Your innermost being? in the Garden of Gethsemane? knowing only one day left as a Man Amidst the olive groves, knowing, by seeing other men leaves whispering in the dark. scourged and crucified and Had the stars and moon hid themselves as a Man, fearing that pain? Making the night darker than usual? As the Son, knowing Your Father would forsake You for a time, because of my sins which You bore on the Cross releasing me into new life life with You.

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Potential Short Term Mission Trips

ChristChurch Wrexham

Following a recent surprise encounter bumping into an old friend after 20 years the thought of arranging a short term overseas mission trip has been lodged in my spirit. I am therefore asking if anyone would be interested in taking part in a 5-7 days overseas mission trip at some point later in 2013 (autumn) or early in 2014 (spring). 2 possibilities are at fore in my mind at present: 1) A trip to Lebanon to an Ichthus link church 2) Volunteering to be part of a ministry team at a European based Global Awakening Conference A Lebanese short-term mission trip would enable us to see and experience the Lord at work through his church in a very different culture and context. Joining a Global Awakening conference ministry team would provide an opportunity to see the power of God at work up close and personal. Both the above offer great potential for a life changing experience with the benefit of experiencing it with family members from ChristChurch. Please let me know of any interest in joining such an endeavour and of any preference in the two options above. Really looking forward to responses. Blessings,

Gareth Deejay Update

Thank you so much for being a part of the Logos Hope ministry by supporting Deejay. Please watch this video to see more ways your prayers were answered and how your financial support made a difference during the Ships time in Cambodia. It is very moving and a real eye opener to how God is using Deejay and the other volunteers to share the love of Jesus around the world. Here is the link: See if you can spot Deejay too she's in there! A few highlights from this video:
1,584 received medical care 198 got dental care who have never received it before 716 received SALVATION through the medical outreaches (that was recorded!) 1,228 pairs of glasses given out 150 water purifiers put installed 7,228 dresses given to girls as part of dress a girl around the world

God is AMAZING! With gratefulness, Meg

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ChristChurch Wrexham

Ichthus Worship Prayer and Fasting Conference 2013

The conference was held in Ashburnham House in Battle near Hastings. The grounds are beautiful but as it rained almost the entire time I didnt have much opportunity to explore them! The theme of the three days was Lord increase our faith and we looked at the story of Abraham and his journey of increasing faith noting the obstacles that he had to overcome on the way. There were three sessions with Graham Kendrick: in two of them he led the worship and they were amazing times of blessing and in the third he took us through the process of song writing. If, like me, you thought that he just sat down and out flowed the finished article then you, like me, couldnt be more wrong! As an example he and Ben, who is part of the worship band in Ichthus, took us through a song which had been Bens original idea but which he and Graham then worked on for over six months. We heard the original poem read, then the first draft of the poem turned into a song and the then unfinished version that Ben and Graham had worked on for six months. It sounded good as a poem and I really liked the first draft too but when we sang the finished version in the evening worship (they worked all afternoon to get it done!), you could see how the collaboration had made something really beautiful. I hope we can sing it someday in CCW. Many of the most beautiful times I had though were with people I sat with in the conservatory or in the sessions. As I had gone on my own I made a conscious decision not to sit in the same chair twice and so I met a variety of really lovely people. I cannot begin to tell you the amazing things I learned from them and with them but let me share a couple of special ones. I met Gail and from her learned something beautiful about prayer. She has amazing stories to tell of Gods provision for her and for her family through some very testing times but what she said to me about how she prays really spoke to me. She said, Sue, when I pray its with the expectancy of a child on Christmas Eve. I know I will get something good but Im never sure exactly what it will be! That simple message has transformed not only the way I pray but what I dare to pray for! The second was an encounter in a worship session when we thinking about how Abrahams disobedience had been a block to his faith. We were asked to share with the person sitting beside us an area of our lives that we had not put under the authority of God. It transpired that although Sarah and I had different areas to bring before God, actually they had the same root cause. I may never meet Sarah again and maybe that made it easier to be open and honest and truly explore the issue but I hope that the release that she and I experienced will continue to impact our lives. I had a wonderful time and would love to go again and maybe next time in the company of others from CCW. I took cereal bars with me but the fasting was not the big issue I expected it to be for me. With grace from God and the shared experience of the other sixty or so people on the course it became another way to worship. Sue Allen

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ChristChurch Wrexham
Womens World Day of Prayer 2013 Sue Allen

Every year the women of a particular country prepare the materials for 24 hours of prayer; which begins in Samoa and moves westwards with the rising sun. This year the women of France were given the theme I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Using passages from Leviticus 19 and the parable of the sheep and the goats from Matthew 25 and personal stories of women in France who had been strangers in various ways, they explored what our response should be to those around us. The service was dramatic and moving and I was privileged to attend two; the Wrexham town service in the Salvation Army Citadel in the early afternoon and in the evening at Bethel Garden Village. Two things in particular struck me. In the morning service the speaker spoke of the imprisoned and reminded us that there are many such in our own streets; those who are housebound through illness or infirmity, those trapped in a cycle of hopelessness and despair, those whose economic situation forces on them impossible choices: people for whom we have a gospel of healing, of hope and of restoration. A song had been written especially for the day and one line in it stood out for me like a seed that is blown . The context was of refugees and other immigrants who are blown by the wind of chance to a new country in the hope of a new and better life but the thought that came to me was that there are many in Wrexham without a clear sense of purpose or direction. They are at the mercy of every changing wind and many feel hopeless and helpless as a result. We too, as Christians, are blown by the wind but it is the Wind of the Spirit of God and though we may not know exactly in which direction our lives will go or where He will lead us we can rely on the promise of God when He said, I know the plan that I have for youplans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope! (Jer 29:11) I was blessed by both services and Im looking forward to next year to experience the service prepared by the women of Egypt.
WORSHIP CENTRAL & ALPHA LAB TOUR On March 20 we took 5 teenagers from the Pienears group, with the help of James & Meg, to this event held at the Audacious Church in Manchester. The Worship Central team are hitting the road this March for 8 nights around the UK. These nights will be an exciting time to gather together in passionate worship with space for teaching and ministry. Armed with brand new songs from the latest Worship Central album 'Let It Be Known' (Released on 11 March), the team will be joining with Alpha to explore how worship and evangelism fuel each other. The nights are for all worshippers to encounter God, be equipped and empowered. We had an awesome night, there was fantastic worship from the band & Tim Hughes, an inspiring talk, and lots of young people, including some that our teenagers knew from summer camp which was great. A couple of the group came out saying they had felt the Holy Spirit, are changed for life, want more of God, and want to do more for God and the church, hallelujah! It was a real eye opener for others as their first ever visit to church! Please keep praying for this group as they are all on their own journeys, and for Bekki and the team as we mentor them, and thank you for your financial support which enables us to take them to events like this! John & Sally Ellinson

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ChristChurch Monthly Rotas
7 Apr Setting Up Richard, Kevin T PA IT Music Group Leader Service Leader Speaker Tea Crche Little Ones Junior Church Rob, Rod Frank, Lucas Colin Gareth Sue Dorothy, Lucy Lesley Sally G Community Sport +

ChristChurch Wrexham

14 Apr


21 Apr


28 Apr


Sue, Blair Eth, Colin Frank, Lucas Colin Rob G Gareth Elaine, Marilyn Sue Dorothy Lucy, Jean, Blair

Art, Magda Rob, Rod Frank, Lucas Huw Lesley Gareth Rosemary, Ffion Val Jo Andrew, Liz, John E

John, Sally Eth, Colin Frank, Lucas John Sue Gareth Myra, Art Sally E Katrina Jean, Lucy, James M

If you have any queries please call Gareth Jones - ChristChurch Team Leader on 01978 354805, see our website, or see or send us an email - We meet at Bodhyfryd Primary School Brynycabanau Road Hightown, Wrexham LL13 7AD Our postal address is ChristChurch, c/o 7 Heol Penally, Little Acton, Wrexham, LL12 8JT

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