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Litering by Berenice Magana & Mayra Licea period 1

1. What is litter? 2. Why do people litter? 3. Who is more likely to litter? 4. Define these act of littering Drop with intent: Flagrant finger: Inch away: Foul shooters: Wedgers: Sweepers:

5. In my opinion there is no advanta ges to littering. 6,There are many disadvant ages to littering; you can go to jail because it is illegal. Also that you would see the world u live in as a pile of trash that is killing many things. 7. Some strategies are that you can move the trashcan closer that way u wont get that lazy to get up and throw away your thrash. You can

1. Liter is trash that is thrown on the floor or not thrown in the trashcan.

5. Are there any advantages of littering? Explain. 6. Are there any disadvantages of littering? Explain. 7. What are some strategies to prevent people from littering?

3. People who dont care about the environment are most likely to liter. 4. Drop with intent: the person subtly dropped the item on ground but with notable intent to liter. We dubbed this group Dirty Droppers. 4.Flagrant finger: blatant littering of objects out in the open without attempt to conceal their actions. 4.Inch away:inchers place their little beside them and slowly inch away from it until they no longer be identified as the litterer. 4.Foul shooters: aim to discard their item in a receptacle, but after missing leave the object on the ground. 4.Wedgers: are individuals who stuff disposable objects into small spaces where they will Littering not behabits seen. in


2.People liter because they are either to lazy to throw their trash in a trashcan or they dont care about the environment.

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