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Skills Inventories

Skills invontories consolidate information about non managers in the organization. Because the information from skills inventories is used input into transfer and promotion decisions, they should contain information about each employees current job. Seven broad categories of information are included in each skills inventory. They are:
Personal data__ age, sex, marital status. Skills__education, job experience, training. Special qualifications__membership in professional bodies, special achievements. Salary and job history__present and past salary, dates of pay raises, various jobs held. Company data__benefit plan data, retirement information, seniority. Capacity of individual__scores on psychological and other tests, health information. Special preference of individual__geographic location, type of job.

Management Invontories These include such data as: Work history Strengths Weakness__identification of specific training programmes needed to remove the weakness Promotional potential Career goals Personal data Number and types of employees supervised Total budget managed Previous management duties Inventories of human resources are generally computerised and updated periodically. Updating is done at least once in two years. Before updating, employees are encouraged to report major changes, if any, in their careers__such as acwuisition of new skills, completion of university degrees, changed duties, seminars attended, papers published and the like.

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