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The University of Future Presidents goal is to create leaders who are capable of assuming the role of President. We offer advanced versions the four cores (Math, English, Science, History) numerous along with Law and Society courses, and several extra curricular classes to keep students busy. We also have on campus apartments for rent.

Report Card George Washington

Behavior Semester 1 Modest; not too controlling, Creating Separate Departments frequently discussed decisions. Dealing w/ the Whiskey Thought hastily Rebellion Good decision, but it may Declaring Neutrality have consequences Semester 2 Morally wrong; couldve done Fugitive Slave Act better OVERALL GRADE Task/Event Grade

100 72 95 59


81.5 (B)
Mr. Washington. In some aspects you did a good job. You did the right thing by creating separate departments, and your behavior was overall good. Declaring neutrality was the right call, although it may make your alliance void. The way you dealt with the whiskey rebellion was a bit much. You couldve made a better decision. However, I am highly disappointed with the Fugitive Slave Act. The fact that you decided to treat these poor men as property, forcing labor on them and keep capturing them like wild animals shocks me. I know your job isnt easy, but even before you assumed this role you knew what was morally right.


Report Card John Adams

Task/Event Behavior Semester 1 Somewhat rational, trying to do the best for his country Again rational; he tried to avoid further conflict Excellent job Semester 2 1797-1801 Alien & Sedition Acts OVERALL GRADE Didnt think things through Grade

XYZ Affair
Peace Mission to France Compromises

81 100 100


85 (B)
For the most part you did a great job. Although the citizens we 'rent happy with the, the XYZ Affair was inevitable. Sending the peace mission was a smart move, even if it ended your alliance with France. It was very modest and noble to make the compromise to agree to pay some of the seized ships too. However, you and I both know the Alien & Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and an act of desperation due to Frances betrayal. It violated several rights such as freedom of speech, and brought down your grade a lot.


Report Card Thomas Jefferson

Behavior Semester 1 Acted rationally, tried to prevent the situation from deteriorating; Dealing with Impressments was somewhat dishonest by paying hidden tributes trying to do the best for his War on the waters/Embargo country with little to no help Modest, acted for and with his people, showed compassion for Dealing with finances/Bills all social classes and wanted people to have an education. Acted as if he was an equal Semester 2 Friendly towards other nations, Written notes about/from Him honest, upheld the constitution for the most part OVERALL GRADE Task/Event Grade

80 82 100



88.5 (B)
You have an excellent personality that is shown through your words and work. You were right to attempt to remain a friendly to even those who have harmed you, and I see that you tried to remain true to the constitution and the laws inside of it. However, your grade was lowered by your ignorance. You saw people of color as inferior, which isnt unconstitutional, but slavery is. You made no effort to stop it when you shouldve.


Report Card James Madison

Task/Event Behavior Semester 1 Rational; tried to protect us. Did the right thing, but too soon; he wasnt sure that we were prepared Just trying to protect his people Semester 2 Most/all positive things. Grade

Protecting U.S. Ships


War with Britian Battle of New Orleans 1809-1817 Documents OVERALL GRADE

80 88

84.2 (B)
You seem to maintain a sense of morals and honestly throughout whatever struggles you encounter; this makes me proud. You continue to fuffil your duties as leader by upholding the word of the Constitution and fight against what is unconstitutional. However, the death of Tecumseh and several others is what kept you from an A. He was a big symbol of hope for many; his death stripped them of this hopefulness. I understand you were in a corner, but theres always other options.


Report Card James Monroe

Task/Event Behavior Semester 1 Supporting Latin America Monroe Doctrine Selfless, but risky Smart; gained an ally Semester 2 Documents 1817-1825 OVERALL GRADE All good things to say Grade


90 91 (A)

From what Ive seen, you did a fine job. You helped your Latin Neighbors despite the fact that you didnt have to, and gained an ally in the process. Acting as mediation is a noble gesture, but I am confused as to what exactly your motives are. Is it truely for world peace? Or is this false generousity fueled by greed? These doubts are what kept you from a perfect grade. DEAN COMMENTS:

Here at UfPRES, at the end of every year, we choose two students who we think deserve to be mentioned. These would be the valdivictorian (wsomeone who has gone above and beyond, and exceeded expectations) and the Repeater (someone who didnt necessarily do bad, but could do better with extra courses).

Although you didnt get straight As, I feel as though youre the President who endured the most. You proved your hardiness, dedication to the country and what it means to be a President. The battles you fought were easy, but you managed to pull through; good job!

You didnt really do much as a president. You got the highest grade, but this is only because you did so little; the few things you did just happened to be done right. Im still unsure of your motives for helping the Latins. Id suggest taking another course at UfPRES.



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