Essay 10

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Cell transport is varied and every technique is customary for certain particles.

There are numerous different transport processes such as osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. First, osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Diffusion is a result of thermal motion that strives to reach intracellular equilibrium. Water will diffuse from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration; the water will move down its concentration gradient. Osmosis is classified as passive transport meaning it doesnt require energy to be performed. Both solute concentration and membrane permeability are important factors in osmosis. These concepts are taken into account when determining tonicity. If a solution is hypotonic, water will move into the cell and the cell could swell or burst. Hypertonic solutions are the opposite as water leaves the cell causing it to shrivel. An isotonic solution is when there is no net movement of the water molecules because there it is at equilibrium. The organization of cell membranes allows water to move in and out of the cell even though it is a polar molecule (polar molecules are less likely to be able to pass through the membrane). For example, the fluidity of membranes allows gaps for the water molecules to pass through. The difference of cells membranes affects how the cell responds to osmosis. For example, plant cells have an organelle called a central vacuole which stores excess water in the cell; the strong cell wall exerts pressure back to prevent the cell from bursting with water. This gives the cells turgor. The turgor of cells in well-watered plants holds up parts like leaves. Animals lack these organelles and therefore can have lysed cells, meaning they will burst when saturated with too much water inside. Osmosis is significant in cells to sustain a balance of solute and solvent. For example, red blood cells dont have a cell wall but dont burst because the blood provides an isotonic solution for the red blood cells. In addition, nephrons are the functional unit of the kidney which helps filter the blood (which is mostly water). Another type of passive transport is facilitated diffusion. This type of transport is carried out with the aid of special proteins along the gradient. These proteins help move polar or relatively larger molecules through the membrane at a much quicker speed. The two main types of transport proteins used are channel or carrier. Carrier proteins bind to specific molecules, change their shape, and then deposit the molecules across the membrane. Once the transaction is complete, the proteins return to their original conformation. Channel proteins provide corridors for the molecules to pass through. A group of channel proteins known as ion channels transport ions based off a received stimulus like a chemical or electrical signal. A significant function of the ion channels are illustrated in kidney cells. Deficiencies of certain proteins affect the ability of the kidney cells to absorb amino acids such as cysteine. This will eventually lead to painful kidney stones.

Lastly, active transport is the movement of molecules across a cell membrane against its concentration gradient. This type of transport helps the cell accumulate high concentrations of certain molecules such as glucose, ions, etc. This type of transport differs from passive transport because it requires energy from ATP. ATP can power active transport by transferring a phosphate group to the transport protein; this might lead to the transport protein changing its conformation. Proteins are also involved as pumps, running off the chemical energy of ATP. For example, sodium-potassium pumps are important in regulating homeostasis of plant cells. The sodium-potassium pump helps to preserve the right concentrations of ions or else the cell could swell and lyse. In animal cells, the sodium-potassium pump helps establish polarity and assists in repolarization.

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