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Genetic Disease and Original Sin

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Genetic Disease and Original Sin

A lot of times science is nothing but religion repackaged with big words stuck on it. Where Religion taught that people got sick, most of the time, because evil spirits jumped inside of them, science substituted germs, bacteria equally invisible as spirits to the naked eye and said illness came from those little buggers growing inside your body. To facilitate exorcising demons Religions priests often gave you a piece of food that had been sanctified. To exorcise you of bacteria, sciences priests (white robed doctors) give you a pill from a hermetically sealed, sanitized (sanctified) bottle. That pill (antibiotic) chased the little demon germs out of you. In Natural Cures They Dont Want You To Know About, Kevin Trudeau writes, The correct theory of the day is all sickness, diseases and illnesses are caused by genetic defects. Genetic defect is nothing but a pompous way of saying illnesses are a result of sinful flesh which came about as a result of original sin. Try as they might, academic and scientists cannot escape Religion. I run down a little more of the Voodoo they do in my essay The Science of Religion, The Religion of Science. Check that out.

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3/23/2013 8:21 AM

Genetic Disease and Original Sin

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3/23/2013 8:21 AM

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