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Sibbi: *He looks at Dalton, noticing that he seems a bit upset* Hm... direct it?

Well, I'll give it a try. *He holds his own hand out, squinting hard at his fingertips. Nothing is really happening yet, except for him making a dumb face of concentration* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*fights the urge to sigh again- she'd trained Evie, she could train him. It had been easier with Evie though, because she had been relearning as well. She glanced at Dalton, raising an eyebrow* Close your eyes, see it in your head- feel the vibrations of the shadows all around you. <wonderwart>Dalton: *watches Sibbi, then crosses his arms and looks between them* You can't force the shadows out of you, you have to focus on morphing those already around you. Like altering how light affects your space. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Closes his eyes as Bell instructs, still keeping his hand out* I feel it! I think... yes, I am definitely feeling something! *With his eyes still closed, he points his finger at Dalton's face* Ssssh! I'm busy feeling vibrations. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*chuckles, leaning back down on her elbow to watch. What a child he is* Dalton is quite right. He knows more about being a human trying to harness a demon's power than I do. Remember what I said, see your claws in your mind. <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks over at Bell. Makes himself flash on and off, then chuckles* And get your hand away from my face, ginger. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Pokes Dalton on the cheek just to try annoying him before he moves his hand away. He holds it out in front of him, trying to visualize as Bell said to do. And without him even realizing it, little particles of darkness are starting to gather at his fingertips in wobbly shapes* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *pleasantly surprised* There you go- just like that. ** Bloody-Coontail has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks down, his own 'trick' fading some as he sees the other' making progress* Oh, wonderful...note how you feel right now, what sort of strain you have to put out to do this. It'll make next time easier on you. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *He opens his eyes, and is startled to see shadowy blobs really forming over his fingers. He gasps and shakes his hand around to wave them off- with his concentration broken, it disappears, but a moment later he looks completely happy* I was doing it...! Did you see that?! *Grins at Bell, then starts practically bouncing on his knees and patting at Dalton's shoulder* You saw?! I knew I could do it...! *Then has to stop bouncing, out of breath from straining earlier* That... wasn't so hard...~! <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *good lord what is all the excitment about* It is going to become more difficult, the more you manage to create. I can still only maintain this shadow body for a few hours without considerable strain, and I've been working on it for years. But I suppose it is a good start. <wonderwart>Dalton: *chuckles and looks at Bell, smiling at her* Its a very good start, considering. *turns his attention to Sibbi* You need to rest more, and then spend tomorrow trying to build from that. Don't worry on pruning yourself so much because I promise you, it will be for nothing while you work on these first steps. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: But I... cannot sleep now...! I want to practice more already. *Grins, but it's obvious that he's already drained of energy. He moves from his knees to sit down with his legs crossed, slumping forward* What other things can you teach me, Bell? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: More than your brain can comprehend at the moment, I'm

afraid. You may not feel it right now, but learning to love the shadows takes a lot out of you. You should rest. <wonderwart>Dalton: *smiles, a little impressed with the ginger. He sits back, a small spark dancing in his hand. He looks to Bell for a signal- meaning to knock the ginger out to make him rest instead of fretting over the new gift* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: My brain can surely comprehend it! I'm ready for the next step, really...! *Glances at the spark in Dalton's hand, not even noticing the look the other man is giving Bell* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*smiles at Dalton, almost imperceptably shaking her head* The next step? And what, praytell, do you think the next step is? ** Awa303 has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: *The spark dies and he sits back, relaxing as he watches the other man. Maybe Sibbi will knock himself out* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: All sorts of things...! Perhaps I can make myself become invisible in darkness? *Leans forward eagerly* Or to change my shape, like you did...! Maybe... I could make a shadow gun! That shoots shadow bullets! ** TheDrawingFrog has left [connection closed] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*wrinkles her nose* What a vulgar idea. You don't need guns. Awful, noisy human things that do nothing but cause unnessecary mayhem. No. No more talk of guns. And shadow walking is a long way off. <wonderwart>Dalton: You have a gift that could give you endless opporunities...and you think you need a gun. *laughs at the ginger and shakes his head* Think beyond human weapons. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Well, it COULD be useful..! *But then he starts rubbing his chin, attempting to think of more things* I should... definitely learn to see in the dark, as well! That would probably be a good idea. Bell, can you teach me that next? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Hm. I suppose I could- I do not know precisely how to teach that though. I was born able to see in the dark. <wonderwart>Dalton: I'm sure that will develop with the bond. Maybe. I can see in the dark now, but only because I learned to trust - and listen- to Gereon. The closer you two become, the easier your gifts -and transformations will become. I'm sure Bell is experiencing a few difficulties on her end as well. *glances at her and frowns* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Really? *Looks at Bell, then starts getting hyped up again* Then, we should start training together much more often. Maybe we should start right now! It's night time, after all, the best time to practice with darkness...! I mean... it is still night time, isn't it? *Doesn't have a watch on him, so he gets up to go to the window and peek out* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*frowns at Dalton- she hated that she'd lost some of her dexterity when she'd been bonded with Sibbi, and she'd been training like mad to get it back* Yes. It has become much more difficult to resume my original shape. It isfrustrating, to say the least. Sibbi, sit back down. I know you'd like to train, but you need to rest. <wonderwart>Dalton: *watches the redhead at the window and studies him quietly for a few moments* If you don't come back to bed, BB, I will pin you down myself. And I doubt you want that to happen, correct? *tries to smile a little, though it's obviously strainned*

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Scoffs* I do not see what you two are so worried about! I do not need rest, I am /fine/. Better than fine! I am more motivated than ever! If you do not want to train with me, I'll simply train by myself. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*now that was a disaster Bell did not need to see. Sighs* Well, if you are that determined- but really what you need to do is simply practice what I just showed you. <wonderwart>Dalton: You need to rest though. We tell you this for the simple fact that you will get better results if your mind is focused. You're exhausted, and we see it. *almost wants to lay out on the other's bed* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Only that move, over and over...? I want more things to practice as well. *Hearing Dalton, he quickly shakes his head* I am not exhausted! Watch. *He raises up his hand and closes his eyes again, going to try proving it to them by doing the same trick again* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Yes. One thing at a time, Sibbi. You have to build. This will not happen overnight, especially if you push yourself too far too fast. <wonderwart>Dalton: *chuckles softly and watches the other man* At least he's determined, Bell. You can take comfort in that fact. I doubt he's the type to give up easily. ** Awa303 has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: That's right, I won't. *He smirks, even though his face is starting to show some strain. He's making those shadowy blobs come back alright, but it's still hard* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *sighs* Stubborn, is the word. Evie was stubborn too. *if Sibbi wants to keep it up, she'll let him work until he collapses* <wonderwart>Dalton: *reaches out to Bell and pokes a finger at her chest. Trusting that Sibbi is too distracted with blobs and working with the shadows, he frowns at the other* Give him a chance. He's so eager to impress you...He can't be her. *clears his throat, pulling back from leaning close to the demon and drawing his hand away* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Thankfully IS too distracted with the shadows, trying to work the blobs into more of a 'claw' shape around his hand. It's not really working, but he still waves his hand around* Look...! Do you see this? *Sounding out of breath again, gj Sibbi you really are going to pass out at this rate* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *glares at Dalton* Don't talk about her. Sibbi, you are going to collapse. <SoveriegnofSilence>Pffff sorry]] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *glares at Dalton* Don't talk about her. Sibbi, you are going to collapse. <wonderwart>Dalton: *stares back at Bell, showing no sign of pity or anger. He simply shifts and turns to take hold of Sibbi, not giving it much thought before he hugs the ginger* Impressive. Now stop for a few moments and rest -or I'll shock you. *smirks* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: I'm not going to collapse. *But as soon as Dalton hugs him, his body goes mostly limp against the other's from exhaustion. He breathes hard between words to catch his breath* You... shouldn't have interrupted, Dalton, I nearly... had it in... a perfect shape! ..But it was... impressive, yes! *Grins to himself* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*chuckles as Sibbi goes limp* Far from perfect, but a good effort, and an improvement. We will train properly tomorrow, I promise. <wonderwart>Dalton: I saw. You did better than I would have my first go. *lets the

other rest againt him and looks back over to Bell, lifting a brow. He smiles at the demon again* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Really? Wonderful...! *Finally settles down a little, mostly because he's too tired now to get hyped up again* Then maybe... some rest would be a good idea, after all. *Moves off of Dalton, pretty much just flopping onto his back on his bed* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*sitting up, shaking off her adult shape* Yes. Finally you see reason. And Dalton didn't even have to electrocute you. <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks down at Sibbi and smiles at him, then lifts, moving to pull the covers over the exhausted man* I may come watch your trainning. It'll see how you two train. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Yes, not being electocuted is a good thing...! *Covers his mouth to yawn, letting Dalton tuck him in (princess Sibbi pls)* Hm~? If you wish. <wonderwart>Dalton: *stares at Sibbi a little too long, then blinks and stands up straight, looking over at Bell. He nods his head* I should let you sleep as well, darling. I'm sorry again...but I'm glad you enjoyed the gift. *glances back at Sibbi and makes a face of confusion, but turns to head to the door* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: I'll walk you back to your room, Dalton, let Sibbi get settled. *slips off the bed, glancing at Sibbi* You did well. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Praise, his favorite thing. He smiles to himself, closing his eyes* Thank you. *Then settles down to sleep, feeling all happy for himself* <wonderwart>Dalton: *nodding his head, he stepped outside of the room and waited for the demon to join him. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he glanced down the mostly empty hallways- a little tired himself* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*sighs, walking out of the room barefoot to join Dalton, shutting the door behind her* Well, that was interesting. <wonderwart>Dalton: *turns to look at Bell and lifts a brow* Was it now? And what did you find interesting? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: At least he's a quick learner. And don't make that face at me. <wonderwart>Dalton: I'm simply happy you're giving him the benefit of a doubt. It took you a while. *smile at the demon, offering her his arm* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *pauses for a moment, but takes the proffered arm* Well, he is ridiculous. It took a while to see that he could take anything seriously. <wonderwart>Dalton: *his smile only grows warmer* You became my friend. I think you'll manage to like him a great deal in the near future. Or am I enough of a handful for you? *laughs softly, strolling casually in the direction of his room* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: All of you humans are too much for me. *shakes her head* And then, once I finally get used to you, you leave. <wonderwart>Dalton: *his smile drops instantly and he frowns, looking down at the demon* Bell...*sets his hand on top of hers and squeezes* My dear, is this simply because of Evie? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *looking at the opposite wall* It is not simply about anything. But to say Evie abandoning me has not effected my relationships with humans would be a lie. <wonderwart>Dalton: *reaches out to turn the other's face gently* Bell, we're not all that way. I would be very sad to have to leave your company. I promise you that. And if you

give your other half a chance, I think he will prove to be just as desperate for your attention. *chuckles* I know you miss her, I do...but you are lovelier when your chin is up than down, dear. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *half-smiles at Dalton* And I thank you for that, Dalton. I do. But you must let me work with Sibbi at my own pace. It can be- difficult at times, not to project my expectations from before on him. And I cannot trust him- not yet. <wonderwart>Dalton: As you wish, madam. He will irritate you greatly - I know you know this- but he wants to impress. He wants to show his worth here. Keep that in mind when he's pushing your limits. *laughs softly* He ...he's very interesting, in his own way. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *snorts* He's a pest. But he has natural talent, as much as I don't like to admit it. He picks things up exceptionally fast. He will be good, eventually. I don't know if he will ever truly understand the shadows, but he can be proficcient. <wonderwart>Dalton: Agreed, he is very fond of the spotlight. *laughs and then stands straight beside the demon* Though I do not envy his spot as your partner. I doubt you would be very easy on me. *snickers more and continues on their stroll* ** Sunflower-Baffu has left [connection closed] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Of course not. I would drive you just as hard as I plan to drive Sibbi. It's a good thing you cut his hair. I would have probably cut off sparring. <SoveriegnofSilence>*cut it off <wonderwart>Dalton: You vicious female. Can't stand to have a pretty male at your side? *he jokes, laughing at her* He's going to be handsome regardless of what you do though, you know that? It will be immensely interesting how he fits his new gifts... <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*rolls her eyes* He looks like a female. And he acts like one too. I have a feeling he'll be much better at the 'cosmetic' illusions than at the actual physical fighting. <wonderwart>Dalton: Whatever works, Bell. Whatever works. Right now as long as he can grasp it, be glad. You know I would do the same if I had your power. *laughs and pats the other's hand* Oh the outfits I could make...*he sighs sadly, then smirks at the other* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*shakes her head* I don't understand it. I suppose I like clothes, I like buttons. And pockets. But I do not understand why they are so important to you. <wonderwart>Dalton: Clothing -well made, well tailored clothing- is like armor for the soul, dear. It makes me feel....well, more confident. It makes people precieve me in a way I can control. Powerful, timid, whatever I want and can devise. And when I give it to others, I give them clothing that will strenghten their pride, even if only the outward sort. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: You see? You can also do that by removing people's limbs. <wonderwart>Dalton: *rolls his eyes* I doubt I'd ever want to be that messy. If I ever wanted to belittle or damage a person, I want to do it mentally. I want to morph them in a way that medicine cannot heal. ** Jazzikinns has left [connection closed] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *looks up at him like this should be clear as day* So then eat the limbs. Can't heal that.

<wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: No, it's simply something she likes. *wonders where Dante is and frowns, another slimjim in hand- worrying over his old teammate* ...*studies the ginger at his side* Are you not worried in the slightest over anything but Bell? <Blood-and-Spice>Todd: *giving silent glares up the bunk above him* <Blood-and-Spice>Gilbert: *scratching at his arm cast on the bunk above him* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *in the girl's room, crossing her arms and just watching all the other ladies* <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: "Mmm.. not much, either sleeping about or just trying to get up on the walls and watching everyone go. My partner told me not to prank anyone for a while though...It's so boring without a little shock here and there." He says as he looks around at the others in the bunkroom. <Nyyrikki>iScone: <b>Chrykck:</b>"I would avoid causing any trouble for the time being. <Nyyrikki>" He glanced around the room, in case any guards were nearby. "I do not think it would be dealt with kindly at this time." <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: I don't see reason to worry about anything just yet! Well... perhaps a little, but it's better to stay optimistic. *Twirls the slim jim in his fingers* Also, to answer your question from before, my bed is over there. *Points down the row of bunk beds* Near Jenner. <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: "Hmn.. There were a lot of those guys with guns... I guess. Do you know anything about where we're going?" <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: I can see why you're over here then. *Grins, chuckling* Though you can't sleep in my bunk tonight. You'll simply have to deal with those nightmares alone, sir~ *still grinning, teasing the ginger* <Nyyrikki>iScone: Chrykck: "No, I'm afraid I don't, they have been keeping the purpose of this a secret, for now at least." <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: *Puffs out his cheeks childishly* I never said that I wanted to sleep with you! <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: "Oh, I see.." Not able to think of anything much to say he looks over at Chrykck again. "Is your partner somewhere in the bunkroom?" <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *laughs at the other, glad to see that teasing him gets them off the topic of Gereon* You'll never learn, Sibbi. God help Bell. God help yourself, someone's going to have to watch your back if you're this quick to be offended. <Nyyrikki>iScone: Chrykck: "No, I...I am afaid I have not been able to locate her since before we left, though I am assuming that she is in the other room with the rest of the women." He ablsetmindedly rustled the corners of the paper as he looked upa t Shiden. "What about your partner?" <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: I do not need anyone to watch my back! I'm perfectly capable of watching my own. *Crosses his arms stubbornly* Besides, who says that I have nightmares? <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: "Mmyeah, mine's in the women's rooms too. We were together until we had to get into the rooms on the boat." ** wrath-kakerou has left [connection closed]

** SoveriegnofSilence has left [connection closed] <Nyyrikki>iScone: Chrykck: "It is good to hear that she is well, though. I am assuming you have not heard anything about this as well?" ** Muirlyn-MacTireRi has left [connection closed] ** Awa303 has left [connection closed] ** cocowoushi has left ** PockiiChuu has left <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *studies Sibbi for a few moments quiely and narrows his eyes. He smirks and nudges the other in the shoulder* You must have interesting dreams're getting flustered about me teasing you. <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: Flustered? Who is flustered? Not me. I don't know what you mean by 'interesting'. *Says that a little too fast, glancing away with his arms still crossed* ** The-Almighty-J has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: He must be handsome, whoever this dream guy is. Six feet tall, strong, dark, and handsome? Does that fit the bill? <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: "Mhmm, pretty much nothin'." He stands up and looks around, getting close to the wall as he sits on the floor with his arms crossed over his knees. <Nyyrikki>iScone: Chrykck: He sighed in defeat, head slumping down. "I was hoping that someone would know something about what was goin on and be willing to divulge it." Oh well. Seems like that wouldn't be happening any time soon. ""I do notbelieve i have introduced myself yet, my apologies. I am Chrykck." <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: You mean dream 'woman'! ...Not that I have dreams about any dream woman, of course, when I could just get my own in reality. I wonder if we're allowed to leave yet? *Fail attempt to change the subject* <iScone>Nyyrikki: Shiden: Often forgetting about the existence of names entirely, "Ohoh right, I'm Shiden. Hmm.. to say." Chuckling lightly with his usual derp smile. ** ten-chan has left [connection closed] <Nyyrikki>iScone: Chrykck: "It is a pleasure to meet you, I am sorry it had to be in such an unfortunate situation." A small smile actually broke through the somewhat worried expression that had been on his face. "You think so? Most people find itrather problematic." <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *laughs softly and shifts to close his bag, making sure to push it somewhere up under his head as he lays back in his bunk. He looks up at the other man and smiles, noticing the clear 'topic change'instigated* Sibbi, did you...did you remember to at least bring a coat with you? <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: Coat-- no... I did not think I would be needing one. *Crosses his legs to be more comfortable* <iScone>Shiden: "Hehe, well I think I'm going to go to sleep soon." Smiling up at Chrykck again, "It was very nice talking -yawn- with you." He shuffles in his position on the floor as his tail curls over in front of him and, although there is no noticeable difference to others, he closes his eyes to sleep. <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: You idiot. When and if we get off the boat, either get close to a fire demon or steal a blanket. Otherwise you will forgo your comfort

zone with men to find heat, I promise you. And I'm not cuddling you, I'm sorry. <iScone>Nyyrikki: <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: I will not have to 'steal' anything! I'm not a thief. I will simply... dress in layers to keep warm! So sorry to say, I will not need you to cuddle me, as much as I'm sure you'd want to~ ** iScone has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *lifts up and leans in close to Sibbi, his eyes narrowed* If I wanted to cuddle with a man, darling, I think I would have plenty others to pick from than just -you-. You're pretty, but I'm not desperate enough to chase mindlessly after something. ** huina has joined <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: *Leans in too, practically so close that their noses almost touched* ...But you do think I'm pretty~? *Smirks teasingly* How good of you to notice. ** Nyyrikki has left [timed out] <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *narrows his eyes* You're either getting more brave or more stupid, I'm not sure which. Of course I think you're 'pretty'. I made you over, idiot. *lifts a hand and pushes the other's face back* <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: *Smilesmilesmile, so proud~ just laughs when he gets pushed back* ** KazeWarrior has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: Keep skirting on thin ice, pretty boy. Soon enough it'll break and I'll let Flint bite you. Then we'll see how amused you are, sitting in his harem. *pats the other's cheek* ** TheDrawingFrog has left [connection closed] ** Beybladegal has joined ** wonderwart has left [connection closed] ** wonderwart has joined <wonderwart>back sorry if I missed something) ** snagerdra has left [timed out] <Nosebleed-chan>Wb! Sorry for the late response, got distracted ; 7 ; ) <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: Flint? Harem? *Makes a confused face, letting Dalton pat his cheek* <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *smirks and pulls back* Yes, Flint. I'm ...wife number two, I believe. Word to the wise, don't let demons bite you- ever. Or you're their property, apparently. Unless that sort of thing would excite you more than a human male, then by all means...*laughs* <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: Wife...? This sounds like something I should avoid. I'll be careful not to let any demons bite me, especially if they are named Flint. And no, it would not 'excite' me! <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *chuckles and lays back down. He watches the other and nudges the ginger with his toe* What about Gereon? *lifts a brow and smirks* <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: What about him? I would not let him bite me either, if that would lead to me being married to him. *Nudges Dalton's foot with his hand in return*

<wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: True...*sighs and tries to figure out the ginger, finding himself at a dead end* You're so...weird. You won't admit to liking men, but it's obvious that you don't mind teasing them now. *sighs* I shouldn't even bother understanding though. It's such a headache. <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: You are a headache, too...! So we're even. *Pats Dalton's foot cheerfully* Now, are you getting tired...? Maybe I should leave you to sleep. ** snagerdra has joined <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *smiles and moves his foot, only to try and push the other off his bed* Far from even. You're just dancing that line, trying to coax me into giving you that kiss. It's cute, but I told you no. But that aside, it is time for sleep... <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart: Sibbi: *sodigh nearly gets pushed off the bed!! He huffs, sliding off willingly* Fine, fine~ And have good dreams. Probably a man about six feet tall, beautiful, red hair~? Goodnight, Dalton. *Waves up at the other before turning to head back to his own bunk* <wonderwart>Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: *blushes and glares at the back of the other's head before turning, putting his back toward the ginger while he settled into sleep*

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Yes, I'll go with you...! *But when he hears that from Bell, he looks disappointed* Are you sure we can't all go together?<wonderwart>Dalton:*looks back at Bell* ...If that's true, I welcome you to come with us, dear. I simply thought females weren't allowed. I'd enjoy your company though.<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *stands up, hugging his plant to his body. He's going to pretend that gray goop in a bowl never existed and leave it there* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Looks much happier about this~* I didn't know your brother was here, Bell. *He follows after Dalton, starting to look around* What does Jo look ike?<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *is suspiciously close to jace's medical supplies but seems to be nonchalantly walking away from it. TOTALLY not noticing them* <wonderwart>Dalton: Short, asian, and until recently, infectiously happy. *looks between bunks and on them as he walks down the long rows. He lifts a brow as the other suddenly appears in his line of sight and untucks one hand* ...Cat kisser!!<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Ahh, I see. Perhaps I'll get to meet him. *Smils at Bell, until he hears Dalton* ...Cat Kisser? *Is so confused by this nickname*** lepusamericanus has left [connection closed]<wonderwart>Dalton: Yes, otherwise you know I wouldn't be seeking your company. *sides steps and leans against a bunk's railing* Can we ask you something...*looks ahead and frowns* In a more private area? *he asks

softly*<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*raises an eyebrow* Well, I suppose I will wait out here then.<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Absoluetly not, it smells bad enough out here already.<wonderwart>Dalton: *frowns and follows Jo, stopping in the doorway to look back at Bell* Come in if you want, I doubt they care -that- much. *looks behind them before he walks inside the bathroom, waiting until the door's closed behind the last person* First, thank you for your warning via Gereon. I was able to prepare us somewhat...but I...*sighs and frowns* Do you have any more information that might help me? <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *stays outside waiting with Bell* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Ah well, the situation is as I feared from before. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*plunks herself down on a bed and waits- there is no way she is going in there. And Sibbi can't keep secrets anyway*<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Had followed Dalton into the bathroom, looking at both him and Jo. Looks curious when he hears what Dalton said* Ah-warning...? You had information about this?** mintyfreshmangos has left [connection closed]<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *takes a seat beside bell* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*raises an eyebrow at him* You don't want to press someone else for answer they will refuse to give?<wonderwart>Dalton: *crosses his arms and frowns* And what does that mean? Your other half only gave me a few words. *looks over at Sibbi* Only a simple clue that Dammed had lost favor.<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: I am not sure I want to know, is probably more correct. <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *looks Sibbi up and down* well hey there! *looks back at Dalton* Really? hm. The way he sounded I expected him to give you the conversation word for word. ** ten-chan has left [connection closed]<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: It is a troublesome thing, isn't it? To know what's in the dark.<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: At times... I already have a feeling what it is. We all do. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Hello. *Gives Jo a little wave, then goes quiet again, going to just listen to what the two have to say*<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Death is always in the dark. The question now is simply the form it comes in.<wonderwart>Dalton: *lifts a brow* You expected Gereon to remember a whole conversation. Are you teasing me? <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: I suppose that is true... though what form, and when seems an unfortunate thing to have knowledge of. <Bloodand-Spice>Jo: mmm that is a good point.... Well the staff were getting awfully suspicious of the higher ups. that they may cut the program. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*fiddles with her bracelet, looking at the picture, trying not to think about being seperated from the person inside* Perhaps. ** mortkem has left [connection closed]** Awa303 has left [connection closed]<wonderwart>Dalton: *gestures outwardly and shoots Jo a 'no shit, sherlock' expression* You would think, wouldn't you? Considering they've all but attached a guard to each of our arses here. Do you know what lies ahead for us, or have you any clues?<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Have you heard of something called Facility 66? ** Silicone-Hearts has left [connection closed]** PockiiChuu has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: If that's not something to do with military intellegence operations, then no, I am not familiar. Will that stop you from explaining it to me? *studies Jo's expressions, knowing the effort would be fruitless, but Jo had been surprising him lately* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: Would you want to know? <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Well.. *looks at sibbi then back at Dalton* were you about for the Sub basement fiasco? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: I would want to know- if I was able to protect you. And Jenner. *chuckles* And even Sibbi.

** TheDrawingFrog has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton:Not completely. I spent that time looking after Flint and Gereon when the rest of you apparently ventured down. What I've heard has only come secondhand, if that. If Gereon has told you anything about me, you should know I try to stay away from being directly involved with any possible combat situations. *smirks lightly* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *smiles* you are a very good mother. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Sub basement fiasco...? Ah, nevermind, I'll ask about that later. *Hates being the newbieee!* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *gives another look at sibbi* mmm. Well, to give you a good idea of what they do at Facility 66, It's much like the work they did in the sub basement. Irata, in fact, is a good example of their work. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*smiles at him, pulling her knees up under her chin* I just want you to be safe. I still have a quite a lot to teach you about being a shadow demon. And being proud of being a shadow demon. <Blood-and-Spice>Dante:mm. I will try hard to make you proud. ** Nyyrikki has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *Eyes widen as he processes the information. His lips drew thin as he nodded his head* Sailing right into Frankenstein's lab...*He looks away for a moment, then pauses* I was right, they are expecting a riot then. Do you know how much longer we have before docking? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*pats his knee* I know you will. You always do. Even when I am frustrated with you. *gesturing to the flower* How does your plant like the ocean so far? <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Ah, at this rate I'd say you'd get there by the sunday. Maybe monday. It's a ways away, and they're taking it cautiously. At least.. it's warmer? *shrug* ** Nyyrikki has joined <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: What do you mean, Dalton? *Raises his eyebrows at the other, now starting to get worried* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: ah. *looks down at it* Well, not much I don't think. Outside is actually quite pleasant though, despite the guns. I enjoys the smell of the ocean. But in here it's cramped and dark. <wonderwart>Dalton: *jaw clentches and he looks back to Sibbi for a moment* Irata is put it lightly, 'modified'. Experimentations. You keep your mouth shut though. Do not even breathe a word of this to Bell. If news spreads, the anxiety -will- cause a premature riot. *turns back to Jo* What have you planned to do? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*brushes one of it's leaves* Poor thing. At least it has someone to protect it. <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: errrm. More or less... Practice my BEST suck up speech. Want to help me. Youpretendyou'refullofyourselfforasecond. LIKE REAAALLLY FULL OF YOURSELF *looks at Sibbi* well you may actually be better for this. My what beautiful hair you have today! <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *smiles* I think i enjoy protecting things. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*sighs* It is what I have always done. It is what I was born for. To protect my tribe. To keep danger at bay at all costs. You- *she smiled sadly at

him* You are my tribe now, Dante. <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *hesitates for a moment but leans over to hug her* I am proud of that. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Frowns at the thought of keeping something from Bell-- he's not very good at keeping secrets... but he snaps out of it when he hears Jo* Ah? Oh, why thank you! *Laughs, happily flipping some hair over his shoulder* I worried the salt in the air may make it frizzy. ** Jazzikinns has left [connection closed] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*doesn't know what to do far a moment-she doesn't usually do touching. But she hugs him back, holding him close for a just a second* ** Jazzikinns has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *backs up and gives her a small smile* We will protect each other then. That I have decided. ** Bell-Cat has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: While I find your tatics at self preservation cute, it only pushes my opinion that you are an endangerment to Gereon and therefore, me. *shakes his head and sighs, then looks at Sibbi with a dumbfounded expression*....*has no words * <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Yes. I like that plan. *patting the plant's pot* And of course, we'll protect you too. *looking up at Dante* Will you promise me something? <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Oh trust me. My interests are for your well being Dalton. As a group as well. *looks back at Sibbi* The shimmer it makes in the bathroom light is not unlike color of the most precious rubies. And that smile could make any lesser being fall to their knees, which is all of them, of course. <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: I will try. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *WOW, LIKES YOU, JO! He smiles so big, just soaking up all those compliments with another happy laugh* Ahh, yes, yes, it's all true~! *But then he catches the look that Dalton is giving him and clears his throat, trying to look serious again* I mean... this is no time for compliments! <wonderwart>Dalton: *simply just watches Sibbi's reply to Jo's outrageous flattery* ...You belong in a zoo. I ....I...*makes a frustrated noise and just shakes his head* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*very serious* If I do not survive whatever is coming for us, and you are able to- find my tribe. They are in a desert that the humans call Thar. Find the Black City. Find you brother. Learn everything you can from him about what it is to be a child of the Old One. Can you do that for me? <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Ah well it will have to be good enough. I should definitely get going, or i may not make it in time and no one wants that. Oh. If anyone asks for me by the way, tell them you've seen me about but i am so sea sick I constantly keep disappearing to be alone in my AGONY and not to look for me because I WILL throw up on them. *starts heading towards the bathroom door* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *nods* yes. I will try with all my might should it come to that. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Alright... *He watches Jo for a moment, then turns to Dalton and lowers his voice* I don't understand. How does he know all of this? Is he telling the truth...? ** Mondefou has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *doesn't look back as Jo passes him by, simply frowning and

more lost than he was before the questions* Whatever you're doing, aside from cultivaing your silver tongue, I wish you luck. *looks ahead and lowers his voice* Right now, we're sitting ducks no matter if we trust him or not. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Good. Good. *sighs, happy to have gotten that off her chest* Thank you, Dante. ** cocowoushi has left ** Sunflower-Baffu has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: True... but I don't want to keep things from Bell. I don't think it would hurt anything if I told her. ** Jazzikinns has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Try not to start anything drastic TOO soon. *turns and walks out, giving Bell a smile and wave as he walks by, going to his bed to pick up a bag* ** Nyyrikki has left [timed out] <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *nods but then looks up at jo* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *raises an eyebrow at Jo, nodding in reply. She trusts that little man about as far as she can throw him* <wonderwart>Dalton: *turns to Sibbi, his expression fading* You will keep your mouth shut. I can not be more clear on how important it is not to spread what we've heard carelessly. And you're clueless about how to relay information. *look to the door* Think you can get her somewhere where they can't overhear you? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Let me try to get here in here...! *He moves over to the door, peeking just his head out. And 'whispers' loudly* Bell! *Makes a motion with his hand, trying to be 'secretive' about getting her into the bathroom* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *walks past bell again and peaks back into the bathroom suddenly right after sibbi opened the door* OH YEAH! Dalton! Tell Gereon I love him yeah? And oh uh. Not to forget his promise to me. If he breaks it, I'll find out. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*crosses her arms, looking at Sibbi like the crazy person he is, thinking she's going in that bathroom* I am not setting foot in there. <wonderwart>Dalton: Will do! *smacks Sibbi upside the head and jerks him back into the bathroom, then exits himself, moving to sit beside Bell* Darling, did you ever read La Belle et la Bte, by chance? *smiles brightly as if nothing has happened, chuckling* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *trots off with his bag over his shoulder, leaving the room* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*that sounds familiar, trying to remember* You mean, Beauty and the Beast? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *sodigh oh lawd Jo surprises him-- then gets a smack on the head* Ow! *He rubs his head, quickly following Dalton out of the bathroom. He looks at Bell, feeling guilty already* <wonderwart>Dalton: Yes. And can you remember what happened to the Beast? *slides a hand over her's discretely, glancing around for any eyes watching* ** huina has joined <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *thinking back- trying to figure out what Dalton is getting at* The villagers come to kill him, and the girl saves him by turning him back into a prince, with a kiss, right? That was not one of my favorite stories. <wonderwart>Dalton: Yes...but how did his story start? *turns to look at her briefly* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *furrows her brow* He was arrogant, and selfish. He was turned into a beast by an angry enchantress, because he would not give her shelter.

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Attempts to take a seat beside the two, but is still feeling pretty unhappy with the situation. He doesn't even realize that Dalton is trying to tell Bell anything, although he glumly listens to their conversation* <wonderwart>Dalton: *squeezes her hand as she says 'turned into a beast' and chuckles* Jo, Sibbi and I were arguing over what he had done to be turned into one in the bathroom. *turns his attention to Sibbi and makes a 'proud' face* I told you that it was his arrogance that got him into trouble! ** 3712 has left [timed out] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*trying to figure out what Dalton's message meant- turned into a beast- turning into something else? Were they turning into something? Beasts- Her mind flashed back to the sub-basement and her eyes went wide for a moment. Turned into beasts. She squeezed Dalton's hand again* I would have said his vanity. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Slowly starts to realize that they were talking in code here, so he hastilly nods to Dalton* O-oh! Yes, we were arguing about that. *Smiles at Bell, glad that she's understanding* <wonderwart>Dalton: *Shrugs his shoulders and smiles* Whatever he did, it was reckless and it cost him everything...I would hope I'd never be clueless enough to turn a poor woman away. I would hate to have to suffer a life being hideous. *touches his face with his other hand and sighs sadly* And when time was running out so quickly for him and he had to find a girl to love him...It's one of my favorites. I think Sibbi prefers Cinderella though, don't you? *smirks at the ginger* ** 3712 has joined ** Mez-works has joined <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: I always identified more with the enchantresses than the princesses, especially in that tale. *her mind was running a mile minute- this was just enough information to make everything worse* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *More talking in codes! His little Sibbibrain panics slightly, not sure what Dalton is trying to get at* R-right...! How did you know? *Grins nervously, unsure if he's following along correctly* ** 3712 has left [timed out] ** 3712 has joined ** Bell-Cat has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>A particularly short man stepped out unto the deck in the hazy light of the setting sun, a skip to his step that never seemed to vanish. He checked the contents of a bag over his shoulder finding the rations he'd stolen minimal but enough and sighed as he leaned against one of the rails. How many? One? Two? No three guards he'd say. He began to hum a bit as they began to struggle to keep standing, the flowery scent they breathed lulling them to a quick sleep. "Between the desire And the spasm Between the potency And the existence Between the essence And the descent Falls the Shadow For Thine is the Kingdom" Jo spoke Eliot's poem as if preforming to an invisible audience, hoisting himself up on to the ship's railing as if it was his stage. The guards quite well knocked out. "This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang... but a whimper." He fell back off the ship.

<Jazzikinns>Addy: *well this sounds like it might be promising. Though he can hear everything clearly from right where he is, he leans in closer to the other two* Dalton mentioned you-you weren't feeling too well. *he's not a terribly brilliant actor but he may as well make the effort* ** Silicone-Hearts has left [timed out] <wonderwart>Dalton: *leaning in, he whispered about Jo jumping ship, and then sat down on the edge of he other's bunk and played with Flint's hair, as if comforting the other. Glancing up at Addy, he kept his voice low* A little wind where the guards are standing, if you would? Just enough to distract them from over hearing? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Was having a harder time hearing them, he didn't catch anything that Dalton whispered about Jo. He tries to lean in closer, basically just being nosey and wanting to be involved in whatever they're talking about* <imaginarycolor>Flint: *resisted the urge to just burst out laughing, even though he knew that it was significant...and most likely ominous he just could help but want to laugh. He shook, holding it in the best he could* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *looking grim, he just barely nods. The news about Jo was surprising but at the same time... wasn't really. The air around them shifted slightly as he enclosed them into a little, barely noticeable bubble that would muffle any sound going out or in. After he was done, he nodded to Dalton again* <wonderwart>Dalton: *keeps his expression one of concern so that the guards don't notice too much* Frankenstein's monster, does that ring any bells for you? ** PockiiChuu has joined <imaginarycolor>Flint: ... Frankenstein... one of those human books. The fanciful stories. What of it? <Jazzikinns>Addy: *he luckily doesn't even have to face the look of glum worry he'd had before* No, afraid not. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: You haven't heard of Frankenstein's monster? *Looks at Addy, and is quick to try to explain* It's a novel, where a doctor called Frankenstein puts together a body made of different human parts and brings it to life. *Smiles, looking proud of himself for knowing that* ** imaginarycolor has left [timed out] <wonderwart>Dalton: No details...!*he hissed at Sibbi, scared the guards would read their lips if they realized how quiet they were. He whispered softly and stared at the primate, glancing over his shoulder at Addy. He sighed and looked around them* Whatever Lewis tells you to do in the next few days, you do it. Don't ask questions, don't second guess. You get out of this fucking bed and you follow him. Same for you, Addule. Get Winter and you stay with them. Flint's out of his element right now, and you've got the advantage. If need be,I need you and Winter - god help us all- to keep them safe. I trust Lewis to do the smart thing. ** imaginarycolor has joined ** imaginarycolor has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: No details...!*he hissed at Sibbi, scared the guards would read their lips if they realized how quiet they were. He whispered softly and stared at the

primate, glancing over his shoulder at Addy. He sighed and looked around them* Whatever Lewis tells you to do in the next few days, you do it. Don't ask questions, don't second guess. You get out of this fucking bed and you follow him. Same for you, Addule. Get Winter and you stay with them. Flint's out of his element right now, and you've got the advantage. If need be,I need you and Winter - god help us all- to keep them safe. I trust Lewis to do the smart thing. <imaginarycolor>Flint:...*does not look happy his life depends on winter* ** imaginarycolor has left [timed out] <Jazzikinns>Addy: I-I don't read story books... *he listens to Sibbi and shudders lightly* That-that sounds, uh, pretty disturbing really, but what does it--*he shut his mouth once Dalton started up again and nods* R-right. I can--I-I can do that. *he notes Flint's expression and frowns* She-she'll pull through. If-if she doesn't, I'll do everything myself. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Slumps his shoulders slightly, not happy that he got scolded, but he nods anyway* Addy, don't think you'll need to do that by yourself! If anyone will need help, Bell and I could try to help all of you. <Jazzikinns>Addy: *he shrugs, frowning* Neither of you has my or-or Winter's abilities. I-I can manage. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira:*worriedly patrolling the ship, she caught a glimpse of the group around a corner looking rather suspicious. Instead of moving closer she steps back, leaning against the wall outside the door, not trying to draw attention to herself. She watched their lips carefully and listened* <wonderwart>Dalton: Eyes open but keep your noses down. And don't say anything to Winter. God knows her weakness is the quiet. *leans over to kiss Flint's forehead and shifts, getting up to his feet beside the bunk* <imaginarycolor>Flint:...*makes a face and curls back up into a ball* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *he frowns--the idea of keeping secrets from his partner makes him uneasy, especially since the first thing he'd intended to do was find her and talk to her about all this. Then again, he can easily see what Dalton means* ...fine. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: And feel better soon. *Quickly adds that in, just to keep up appearances. He's not really sure if Flint is actually sick or not* <imaginarycolor>Flint:...whatever strange human *tries to look as uncomfortable as possible* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *watching what they'll do next, waiting for a chance to strike* <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks between Addy and Sibbi and smiles* Okay, I'm going to actually crash for a bit myself, thankfully a few bunks down since Flint smells like bad choices and the back of a toliet bowl. What about you two? <imaginarycolor>Flint:wellscrewyou too <Jazzikinns>Addy: I... uh, I-I think I'll go back up top. It-it's still too noisy down here and I'm not yet that tired to sleep through it. *the sound muffler around them disolves as he starts to back away* ** imaginarycolor has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Ahh, no sleeping for me. I just woke up. But sleep well. *Grins at Dalton, then nods to what Addy said* I think I'll do the same. ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [connection closed]

<Jazzikinns>Addy: *he turns to go up the hallway and passes RIGHT by Shamira. His eyes widen slightly as he sees her but then he blinks, trying to maintain a straight face. He nods to her* Uhh, good-good evening, Captain. *that done, he flees to the top deck. This can hardly be good. AT least she couldn't hear them?* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *gives a smirk and a nod to Addy.* Your friend not found his sealegs yet? *she called after him, and stopped leaning against the wall* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *he pauses and turns back to her* I-I dont think so, n-no. He-he doesn't like ships or water much. Neither do-do I. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *As he starts to go after Addy, he's surprised to see Shamira there! He quickly clears his throat and gives her an uneasy smile as he passes her* Oh, hello, there~ *Hasn't actually seen her since the demonstration* And ys, Flint is just having a bit of seasickness, captain! Just seasickness, that's all. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Oh don't worry, I'm sure it'll make reaching land all the more wonderful. *she turns her smile to Sibbi* Well if it isn't big red! What happened to all your hair, did you take my advice. *he puts an arm behind his back putting her hand on his further shoulder* Sorry to hear about your pal. You're just the kind of guy I wanna see Beautiful. <Blood-and-Spice>*she <Blood-and-Spice>god damn she turns into a man a lot )) <wonderwart>well she's the manliest thing on the ship, you know) <Nosebleed-chan>For reals B) ) <Jazzikinns>Yep]] <Jazzikinns>Addy: *mumbles something along the lines of "yes ma'am, I'm sure it will" and give Sibbi a warning glance before turning and continuing up to the top* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Whoa, what, Shamira is putting her arm over his shoulders?! He makes a confused derp face, unsure if this is a nice gesture or something to be worried about... but then she calls him 'beautiful' and all his worries are wiped away* Ah~! Well, I decided that shorter hair could be a good look for me. And I was right, of course.*Flips some of his hair, then gently sets his own hand onto Shamira's further shoulder in return* I do not blame you for wanting to see me. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Oh it does! Now you look a bit less like a target. Now, that conversation back there like pretty serious. Don't suppose you could help a lady out on anything that's going on about this ship huh handsome? <Blood-and-Spice>*looked not like <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Oh-- o-oh, you know, we were just talking about... things! *Lets out a bit of a nervous chuckle, anxiously tapping his fingers on her shoulder. He does love the compliments, but he doesn't want to spill the beans* We asked Flint how he was feeling, gave him some advice and get-well-soon wishes. Things like that. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Awww come on~ *squeezes a bit* You wouldn't leave a lady in the dark would you? That's very ungentlemanly of you. Secrets among comrades tends to lead to some horrible decisions too. ** PockiiChuu has left [timed out] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Of course I would not! Especially one as lovely as you. *Gives Shamira an innocent smile face* Besides, what sort of secrets would we even be able to keep on a secure ship like this one? ** snagerdra has left [connection closed]

<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Well a lot. You see *she whispered* I have something to admit. These
guards you see around here giving you the angry eye? They're not mine and well, they seem a little less then willing to tell us where we're off to. So if you've heard anything at all, and I mean ANYTHING, to help me out a bit might ease my mind just a bit.

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Looks surprised about this, quickly lowering his voice, too*
You mean you don't know where we're going to, either...? Really?

<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira:Honest to goodness handsome. No one's told me or Maelstrom anything but guard your asses. <Blood-and-Spice>woopse too small oh wlel )) <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Well... in that case, perhaps you should be warned too. I have heard rumors, but I did not want to spread them, in case there would be panic... *Rubs the back of his neck, glancing away* I don't want to scare you with them. They are only rumors, after all. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: I'm tough. I can handle them trust me. What are the 'rumors'. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Looks so torn, moving his hand off of Shamira's shoulder* Alright, just-- don't panic... I heard... *takes in a deep breath, then leans in to whisper into her ear* That we are being taken to a new base.... in the desert. *Pulls back to look at her like he's terrified* Do you have even the slightest idea.... of what that would do to my hair? To ALL of our hair? It makes me sick. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *sighs* Oh you shouldn't have said that. *grabs his tie and starts pushing him into the woman's bedroom* Want to try again? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Ah? *Looks completely confused as he's pulled along* What do you mean? You are seriously not afraid at that thought?! <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Strangely no. *leading him towards the bathroom* I'm more afraid of how unrecognizable your face is gonna be if you don't tell me the truth. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Lol oh shit, his plan didn't work* But I have already told you the truth! And even that truth is simply a rumor. No one really knows what is going on. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: It's a pity. You were so pretty. *push into bathroom until he's against the wall, and punches him in the stomach* How about we try again? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *DID NOT EXPECT HER TO BE THAT STRONG. He quickly bends over, holding his stomach and groaning. Realizing that he can't talk his way out of this, he tries to dart past her to the door* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *yanks him back by his tie* Where you going pretty? I thought you were gonna tell me something. *forcefully pushes him back against the wall* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Hunches up his shoulders slightly, sending a worried look towards the door* HELP! I am being assaulted!! *Has no idea if anyone would hear him, but he doesn't really want to try fighting Shamira because she's a girl, derp* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: No one's stupid enough to try to help you moron. Make this a whole lot easier for both of us, and just tell me your little 'rumor'. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Damn it... fine, just do not hit me again. The rumor is... that we are going to get ugly new uniforms. \That\ is the truth! <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *sigh* I knew it! <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: ...What, you mean we really are? *Derpfaces* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *punches him in the gut again*

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Tries to brace himself for that one, but it still hurts, and he lets out a groan* I... do not like to hit women... but if you don't let me go, I will be forced to hurt you in self-defense! ** Jazzikinns has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Put a mark on me you little bitch and I'm pretty sure every guard here will put holes in you gladly. *pulls her fist back aimed at his face* I'll give you another chance. Tell me what's really up. ** cocowoushi has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Um... *Takes in a breath, looking at her fist. Without replying, he tries to just shove past her, making yet another run for the door* No! <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *let's him run into her fist* Dumb ass! <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *aoidgh ouch, runs into her fist. That hurts, but he uses it to try grabbing her arm, attempting to yank her to the floor somehow* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira</b: *she held her ground firmly, bringing her elbow to his back to try and bring him to the floor instead* <Blood-and-Spice>woops )) <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *she held her ground firmly, bringing her elbow to his back to try and bring him to the floor instead* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Gets brought down pretty easily, he's no where near Shamira's level. Then he grits his teeth, laying still, trying to think of some other way to get away or lie. No ideas are really coming to him* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *puts her boot on his back* You really don't want to tell do you? That makes me think you're planning something you know? Something you shouldn't be. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: I am not planning anything. And I do not know anything, either! You are wasting your time. *Winces when Shamira puts her boot on his back, but at this point he's determined to be stubborn* ** lepus-americanus has left [connection closed] ** wonderwart has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: I dunno. I'm pretty sure you deserve this either way. But go ahead be stubborn. *takes her foot off* I'll just never give you or your friends a moment alone. And I hope whenever this boat reaches land, their plant to do your partner in like you did that siren. Sick bastard. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Now Shamira hit a sore spot. He quickly gets up onto his feet to glare at the woman* The siren that YOU ordered me to kill, while others watched! If anyone is sick, it is YOU. *Angrilly pokes her in the chest with his finger* Do not EVER threaten Bell. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Don't blame anyone but yourself for what you did you little bastard. I thought you said you had balls. If you did why didn't you stand up to me if you knew it was wrong then? Besides that partner of yours deserves it. She's a blind fool and a monster in every meaning of the word. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Balls up his hand into a fist like he's going to try hitting Shamira, but then stops himself. Instead, he takes in a breath and lets it out, forcing himself to calm down* Bell is a better person than you could ever be. Now, if we are done here, I have better things to do. *Turns to head for the door again, trying to fix his hair*

<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Where I stand in this makes no difference. You're both perfect monsters. *leans against the wall* but you take care hun. See what corner you can crawl into where I'm not watching. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Doesn't look back at Shamira or reply, he leaves the bathroom and heads to leave the girls' area. Time to go lay down for a while to get over those stomach punches* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *only takes a moment before following after him* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Hadn't thought that she would follow after him so soon! So he doesn't even check behind him, he just rubs at his stomach as he heads into the men's bunk area to find his bed* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Oh and pussy! *calling out to sibbi* Give a message to that electric one *looks for the name in her head* Dalton! He's rooming with the girl's from now on. *goes to find lewis* ** Mez-works has joined <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Is surprised to hear her voice, but even more surprised at what she says!* Wait-- what! What do you mean? *Turns around, starting to follow after her* <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: * He would still be standing near the railing of the side of the large boat, leaned forward slightly, watching the water wave past the huge carrier. Silent, and thinking.* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: little dick must be up top.*she sends a glare at Sibbi* you heard me. Dalton is rooming with the girls. Don't be jealous or anything. *walks out of the room, and starts heading up to the deck* ** PockiiChuu has joined <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: I am not jealous, I am suspicious that you're being cruel to him! Are you trying to seperate him from his partner? *Continues to follow her, frowning suspiciously* ** Nyyrikki has left [timed out] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: what's it matter? Just do as you're ordered. *sees lewis and marches over* Aye there sunshine! <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: * Hearing Shamira's voice, he'd lift his gaze from the water and slowly turn his body to meet her. With a exasperated sigh, he gave a half assed salute, barely reaching his hand to his forehead.* Captain. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Stops following her suddenly, incredibly bothered by what she'd said both in the bathroom and just now. Before, he had tried to make himself feel better knowing that he had just been following orders. But now he feels guilty all over again. He backs down, quickly going back below deck to head for the men's bunks again* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Pack your things and head over to the girl's room. <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: .. Uh, why? * He legit looked confused. Where the hell did this come from.* ** huina has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Your job's not to ask questions but to follow orders. Do it. <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: I've been brought this far without reason, and followed orders. I can't even get a reason why? Damn. * With a shrug, he turned back towards the water, not even phased by Shamira's order.* I'll do it later. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: You'll do it now. <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: * With a sigh, he looked back towards Shamira for a moment,

before sliding his hands into his pockets and walking forward, towards, and past her.* Fine fine, damn. I don't see why you've gotta rush me. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *follows him* Because you can consider yourself on lockdown, courtesy of Sibbi Caspersen. <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: * He slowed his steps slightly, glancing back at the guard.* Sibbi..? Is that supposed to be a name? .. <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *shrugs* I guess. Some kind of a fucked up name. <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: Is that a recruit here? Or something you've made up off the top of your head. Who even is that and how am I on lockdown because of t-- wait, right, explanations need not be included. * With a short shrug, he trotted down the stairs, towards the boys dorm side.* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: He's a recruit. He has a stupid name. *stops and waits by the men's room door*

<SoveriegnofSilence>wonderwart:Bell:*clings even tighter to Dalton as the ship begins to rock, trying not to panic, or to dig her claws into his flesh* Dalton, I don't see anyonei'm frightened** 3712 has joined <Mondefou>drawingfrog: Adele: Literally attaches herself to Nehnna when the boat begins to rock. Oh god this was it she was going to die, RIP Adele, there were so many things you still wanted to do, and so on and so forth. <Silicone-Hearts>wonderwart, assbuttbatteries: Harlan: - almost hesitant at first, she looks at the human's hand, then takes a hold of it and nods - ....okay...but what is happening...?? <mintyfreshmangos>Fluffy-kitsune Sev: Sev jumps as Lucky crawled under the bed he was on. "What the-" He looks under the bed at the demon. "Please don't tell me you are afraid of thunder." <wonderwart>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712: Dalton: Maybe they're up top already...*calls out for the male demons, trying not to look worried himself* They're smart enough to know not to stay down here. Even Flint. He knows enough from reading what to do right now. *He called out for Gereon* <assbuttbatteries>Silicone-Hearts: Lewis: Not sure, but we're not staying down here to ponder and share our thoughts on the situation. * Holding onto her hand, he'd hold his footing well, used to destroying ground beneath his feet with moving the earth. He's got great balance, but did occasionally use something to hold himself up. Exting the girls dorm, he began for the stairs, holding on to Harlan's hand with some force, to make sure he didn't lose her.* <SoveriegnofSilence>wonderwart: Bell: *she is trying to keep it together, really she is. But she's stuck on a metal deathtrap holding onto a lightening rod and she can't find her mate. She is not going to panic. She is noooot going to panic.* Then should we go up? <3712>Gereon: *was actually asleep for a good while and is currently struggling to wake up still as he puts on a tank top and heads out to the deck, noticing Dalton calling for him so he heads towards that voice instead* Dalton? <wonderwart>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Nosebleed-chan: Dalton:Grab your shit, Gereon. If you see the ginger bastard or Flint in the room, round their asses up and let's get up to the deck. *turns to Bell, looking her in the eyes* Calm down. Please, Bell. I'll keep you safe, but you have to calm down. <Silicone-Hearts>assbuttbatteries: Harlan: - she followed him without protest now, her tail balancing her easily as the ground beneath them tipped and moved. it was weird...she honestly had no idea what was going on...but he was right...they weren't about to stick around to find out below. <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712: Sibbi: *Had been fast asleep, although the sound of a commotion wakes him up. He stumbles out of bed, still in his pajamas. He spots Gereon up ahead, and not knowing what's going on, he chooses to just follow him, which leads him over to where Dalton and Bell are* What's going on? ** imaginarycolor has joined

<3712>wonderwart SoveriegnofSilence Nosebleed-chan Gereon: Who's the 'ginger bastard'? *heads back again to go grab their stuff, carrying it up with him* Sibbi, get your stuff! I'll carry it! <SoveriegnofSilence>wonderwart, 3712, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*takes a deep breath, loosening her grip on Dalton's hand* I'm sorry. I don't do well in storms. *looking up at Sibbi, relieved that the dummy is all right* Sibbi, we need to leave. <Blood-and-Spice>an ominous rumble sounds distant but clear to anyone below deck. <wonderwart>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Nosebleed-chan: Dalton: Sibbi...*he looks down at Bell and smiles, then moves back to the doorway with Bell* We need to go. I don't care if you're dressed or prepared, let's get up to the top. *looks around at the sound, then looks back at Gereon* Let's go!! *Makes his way toward the closest way up to the top deck* <drawingFrog>Mondefou: Nehnna: *and that has her jumping a little and shivering* Something is coming... <imaginarycolor>Flint: *did not like that noise* <Fluffy-Kitsune>Mintyfreshmangos Lucky : *Looks up at Sev from under the bed* Its really loud, I dont like it. * jumps and his ears twitch at the new sounds * Or that. <assbuttbatteries> Guard #2: * Standing right inside the dudes dorm, he kept an eye on people, pacing slightly.* <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712: Sibbi: *He wakes up very quickly from the noises coming from below. He doesn't even bother to grab his suitcase, putting one hand on Bell's back to gently push her in front of him, trying to steer her up top after Dalton* <Mondefou>drawingFrog: Adele: The noise causes her to shoot up, and then plop down again as she rams her head upon the bunk above her. "Nehnna..." she said quietly, voice hoarse, "...I'm scared..." <3712>wonderwart SoveriegnofSilence Nosebleed-chan Gereon: The bags! Dalton! *hurries over to him* I can't carry these easily as a tiger you idiot- .. Well, I can, but in my mouth- ... ANYWAYS. Am I going to carry all of you or something? Because then you all friggin owe me one. *following after the others, pretty much half mumbling in stress* ** The-Almighty-J has joined <SoveriegnofSilence>wonderwart, 3712, Nosebleed-chan: Bell: *theres are SOUNDS now and that is making everything worse- she can feel the ship rumbling beneath her feet and her knees make a valiant effort to collapse under her. But no. No she's going to keep up and not panic. She told Dalton she would. And she has to find Jenner. Somehow, Sibbi's hand on her back is comforting as she hurries after Dalton* <mintyfreshmangos>Fluffy-kitsune Sev: "Goddamn it, Lucky. Just when i was starting to respect you." He gets out of bed, holding his injured shoulder in pain and ducks under the bed to look right at Lucky's eyes. "You are a giant flying cat. You are almost 2 centuries old. You have the power to levitate your whole damn body mass across mountains. Get a grip and get the hell out from under this bed, demon!." He grabs Lucky's arms and tries to pull him out. <imaginarycolor>Flint: *crawls out of his bunk and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. *

<wonderwart>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Nosebleed-chan, imaginarycolor: Dalton: *he catches sight of Flint as he turns to look at Gereon and calls after the primate demon. Turning back to Gereon, he frowns and gestures up the stairs* Just get up there and I'll tie them down, alright? *Leads the way up with Bell behind him, shoving his way around other's worried or interested* Bell, when we get up there, don't run off to find Jenner. Look for a raft and stay there. Sibbi, you stay with her. We might be alright, but I'm not taking chances. <drawingFrog>Mondefou: Nehnna: She hushes and pets Adele, trying not to shake herself as she strains her ears for more sounds. ** Sanpincha has joined <imaginarycolor>wonderwart: Flint: *looked confused as he headed over to Dalton, his ears were moving around wildly trying to pick up information because he was really uncomfortable, with all the movement and noises.* <SoveriegnofSilence>wonderwart, Nosebleed-chan, 3712, imaginarycolor: Bell:*like hell she wasn't going to go find Jenner- she needed him. She followed Dalton up on deck, but she planned to break away as soon as they were topside* <Nosebleed-chan>wonderwart, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712: Sibbi: Right. *Quickly nods to what Dalton said, moving his hand from Bell's back to her shoulder. He quickly gives her a smile, trying to comfort her* Don't worry, I am an /excellent/ swimmer...! You won't drown on my watch.

<Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, assbuttbatteries: Jenner *glares at the guard setting his face on fiyah* Stop that. *looks down and sees a dark stain spreading across his shirt* . . . oh dear.<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, BlackRatchet: Sibbi: *The demons move a lot faster than him, it isn't until Bell shouts that he even realizes that Jenner's been shot. His eyes widen, having no idea how to help the man* Jenner...! Y-you should... sit down, get something to press on the wound! Right? <Nyyrikki>iScone: ^<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, iScone: Cillian: -he could see the heat of the figure on the wall and looked up- Are you alright there?** Omegatutumon has joined<Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan: Jenner *sighs and smiles faintly* I will be fi- *has a violent coughing fit, his blood splattering over Bell's uniform. He looks at her sadly and smiles* Bell. Listen to . . . listen. Go. Go . . . please. I am fine. You promised me . . . you would live. Now go,

<Nyyrikki>iScone: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya Chrykck: "I believe so. Some have gone the other direction to clear out the guards there, but..." He trailed off, nodding at Cillian's suggestion. "Yes, that would be best." He began to move back to the door, pausing to grab the stack of papers that were sitting on his bed.** Beybladegal has joined<tooaya>iScone: Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, assbuttbatteries, PockiiChuu: Lita: *she didn't manage to walk a couple of steps before a bullet zipped by, missing her by a narrow inch before blowing a hole on the wall behind her* Wha--are we under attack? *instantly wary, she looked around and searched for where the bullet may have come from, in the meantime crouching down to the floor so she wouldn't be an easy target*<assbuttbatteries>tooaya: Nyyrikki Guard #10 * He kept shooting in the direction of Lita, having seen her. As the air became hotter, he turned and began shooting behind him, at Chrykck?*<mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleedchan Sev: Screw this noise. *walks back downstairs and see's Jenner bleeding heavily* Shit, is he ok?** poachedEggs has joined<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, tooaya, iScone, assbuttbatteries: Cillian: -he was about to toss a fire ball at the guard but was knocked sideways as the ship rocked-<SoveriegnofSilence>mintyfreshmangos, BlackRatchet, Nosebleed-chan: *turning to hear the voice, her heart raising into her throateven through the acrid smell of gunfire and blood she could still smell a holy demon* Please! Please, you need to save him! Please!<snagerdra> Chryl: *avoiding chaos like a boss and suspending self above a toilet in a tiny stall in the lady's restroom, pretending not to notice all the noises outside* <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence BlackRatchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: *hesitates and puts gun down on floor* Maybe. My partner is a holy demon, after all. If he can heal, then why can't I? Lay him somewhere flat and clear the wound from any fabric.<iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya chikaosan Shiden: A little behind the others he is knocked off the wall by the sudden hit of the boat. Seeing his partner on the floor almost behind a bunk.<Nosebleedchan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Is quick to nod, but is thrown forward when the ship rocks. He quickly scrambles up again, going to grab Jenner's body and pull him out on the floor. Starts to pull the man's clothes away from the wound as quickly as he can*<iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya chikao-san completely didnt see chikao's post))<tooaya>iScone: Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, assbuttbatteries, PockiiChuu: Lita: *particularly crawling on the floor, she was having trouble to see with all the smokes around, created by the bullets. At the same time, the floor was becoming increasingly uncomfortable to stay on because it was getting quite heated. This won't do, she'd need a shield if she was going to move forward. Hearing footsteps, she know people were nearby, so she cried out--it was a gamble, either the enemy hear her first, or she could be saved by allies* Hello? Anyone around? I could use some help here! <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: AGGGH. *grabs Jenner and his hand glows with bright blue light* Is this a good time to tell you I have no clue what the hell I'm doing?!<Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: iScone assbuttbatteries ToastBusters: Chrykck: Any other action he was planning on taking were completely disrupted by the wild rocking of the ship. He stumbled, grabbing onto the door to stay standing. "I don't know!"<assbuttbatteries>SunnyMcFaceShovel: tooaya Nyyrikki Guard #10: * sorryI'm just saying he's probably down, knocked out by the rocking of the ship. too many feels sjklfdfg.*<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: It is better than nothing, hurry...!<chikao-san>iScone Nyyrikki
My Night.

SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya Faris: "I'm the one who asked first stupid!" She gave shiden a quick once over, and finding no evidence of injury gave him an even quicker hug, "Okay what's the plan?"<mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: *sev concentrates hard, trying to remember everything that Lucky had said. The blue light fills the wound and slowly, threads come out, sealing it, but leaving a nasty scar*<iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya chikao-san Shiden: "Uhhm following Chyrkck and..otherguy." Motioning towards the other two and seeing Chrykck get up. "I think...a guy with a gun might be over there.." ** ProcrastinatingSpazz has joined<SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangos, Black-Ratchet: Bell:*holding Jenner's head, brushing his hair back, her tears falling on his face* Wake up, Please wake up-<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, chikao-san, tooaya, iScone: Cillian: -he looked at Chrykck with lots of panic in his face. He looked into the bathroom and went in then grabbed the gun from the guard- I don't know....If we should see what it is ....or not....<mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: *decided to take the other route* HEY. *lightly slaps Jenner in the face* Wake the hell up, can't you see that there are people waiting for you here?<chikao-san>iScone Nyyrikki SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya Faris: Faris grabbed Shiden by the arm and pulled him closer towards Chyrck, "That's not a plan that's an explination! What the hell are the doing??" She kept on her guard, trying to silence the curse words that seemed to want to erupt from her mouth.<Nosebleedchan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *MINGPLZ*, tries to neutrally just shake Jenner's shoulder to help wake him up* Jenner, we need to move...!<iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya chikao-san Shiden: "I don't know-i dun' know.. I was just trying to follow others. I think they were just seeing if anyone was down here."<tooaya>iScone: Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, assbuttbatteries, PockiiChuu: Lita: *the sudden slant of the ship caused her to fumble toward the wall, only stopping when a side of her hit into it. She frowned and bit down her lips, it didn't hurt as much, but the wall was just as hot . Fortunately, the shooting had stopped, so she took the chance to stand up. A part of her uniform was burnt away from the previous explosions, but there was no time to worry about how she looked. She knew there was one thing she had to do: she needed to find Rheine.*<Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: iScone tooaya chikao-san: Chrykck: The shreds of paper he still clung to slowly turned black and crumpled to ash in his hand as he stood up and looked at the group they had. "We should check to see if there are others down here before moving up to the deck. Either way we will probably be shot at."<Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *his eyes snap open* . . . mise.*looks at Bell and Sev* . . . h-how?<Blood-andSpice>Something jumped off the back of the 'creature' in the sky. A demon of lion form, which landed with a blast of fire that ringed around it. It let out a huff, smoke coming from it's nostrils, and breathed in slowly, all the fire around it going out before- BOOM- There was an explosion big enough to put a decent sized hole in the ship<Pinaydoll>Mondefou: drawingFrog: Mable: She was crouching through the halls, looking for someone. Anyone. So much was going on, it was frightening. A noise made her head perk up a bit. A growl. She stood up and quicken her pace. "Hello?!" She called out. <Blood-and-Spice>The Ship start sinking<mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: LATER. We don't have time for a fucking reunion.

We have to get out of here!<Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *hears the roar of water, and surges back to his feet* No. Nonononono. Dominic!<Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: iScone tooaya chikao-san: Chrykck: He paused on his way out the door as he heard the shreik of metal and the sound of water. "...Bitch this, we need to get up to the deck now."<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangos: Bell:*choking back a sob of reliefe* You're alive! Oh Jenner! *gets to her feet, hearing the water surging into the ship, her heart freezing in her chest* DANTE! <drawingFrog>Mondefou, Pinaydoll: Nehnna: She screeched when she heard that explosion and the sound of rushing water. She grabbed Adele by the scruff of the neck, willing o apologize for her claws later, and started to drag the lioness back the way they came. But then she heard a voice. Pushing Adele to keep moving, since fire and water did not mix, she rushed back into the hall, trying to pinpoint the voice. "Halloooooo?"<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, tooaya, iScone, chikao-san: Cillian: -he noticed the ship starting to go sideways and he grabbed Donni's necklace gently- .....We need to get out of here....WE need to get out of here NOW. -he latched onto Chrykck<Nosebleed-chan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Although he doesn't know who Dominic is, he remembers who Dante is. When he hears that, he immediately picks up the gun from the floor again* Your son is here? Still below? It sounds like we are sinking...! <chikao-san>iScone Nyyrikki SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya Faris: In a frenzy she grabbed Shiden and ran. Perhaps it was maternal insticts kicking in or just plain selfpreservation, but either way she was running faster than she knew and dragging Shiden along with her. Of course having taken cover so early she didn't know the troubles that awaited her journy to the deck. <Blood-and-Spice>The fish start acting up, jumping more, becoming louder <iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya chikao-san Shiden: Being dragged along by Faris he gets his footing and runs along with her. Turning back to see if the group was heading with them. <Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: tooaya iScone chikao-san: Chrykck: "Yes, we will go." He heard noises down the hallway, where he thought the water was coming from. "YES WE WILL GO FAST." Grabbing Cilli by the hand he started to book it. <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: You have a son?! HERE? Why would you think it would be a good idea to bring a child to a base?! Where is he? <Mondefou>drawingFrog, Pinaydoll: Adele: The voice startles her, and she snaps angrily when Nehnna pushes her. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed someone-brown tie. Her body stiffened. Mable. She charged right past Nehnna and towards by Mable. She jerked her head quickly over her shoulder and back. Get on. She began to fidget nervously as the water pooled around her feet. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, iScone, chikao-san: Cillian: -he quickly followed after Chrykck. He heard the water- shitshitshitshitshitshithsitshitSHITSHITSHITSHIT <SoveriegnofSilence>mintyfreshmangos, Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*ignoring the questions, not sure where to look, if she shoudl look, if they should go back upreaching out for Jenner's hand* DANTE! DANTE WHERE ARE YOU? <PockiiChuu>tooaya: Rheine: -Impaling guards as he passed, he dashed through the hall

and into the girl's bedroom, trying to see if Lita was there, but she wasn't. He leapt back into the hall way, twisting to dodge people as they passed. He heard the water as it rushed in, and ran towards it, trying to hold it back the best he could.<Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *pushes the group back up the stairs* Go! We are sinking, damn it! There is no time, Bell! <Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: iScone chikao-san: Chrykck: He ran down the hall with Cillian in tow, a steady stream of "assassassassass" coming from him as he ran. "We are almost at the stairs, Cillian!" <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: AGGGH. FINE. You guys go, I'll go find your damn son! Just tell me where he is?! <Nosebleed-chan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: Not alone, you won't. I have a gun! *Holds it up so Sev can see* I will help you! <Pinaydoll>Mondefou: drawingFrog: Mable: She wasted no time, and hopped on Adele's back. She gripped her fur tightly. She closed her eyes. Everything was changing way to fast. She held back her frightened tears. "What the hell is going on?!" <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki, iScone, chikao-san: Cillian: Move movemovemovemovemove. -the water got louder and louder- comeoooon. <iScone>Nyyrikki: SunnyMcFaceShovel chikao-san Shiden: Reaching the stairs, he stops and holds Faris back from running up them. Also hearing the panics of Cillian and Chrykck he looks back to see them. <drawingFrog>Mondefou: Pinaydoll Nehnna: Oh boy her shoulder was starting to ache, the red standing out bright against her scales. She snapped at Adele, stupid lion with her shot leg carrying a Mable, and hurried her on. "Ssssship sssinkss. We moove," she said quickly, patting Mable's back roughly as she ran alongside Adele. When did this hallway become so long? <Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *muster all the Dad Voice he has* GO. UP. THE. STAIRS. NO. TIME. <SoveriegnofSilence>mintyfreshmangos, Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*looking back as Jenner pushes her up the stairs, she can't stop the tears, and she can't think* No, Sibbi! Don't you dare go after him-! <Nyyrikki>iScone: SunnyMcFaceShovel chikao-san: Yes, there were the stairs! And there was someone standing on the stairs. "GO GOD FUCK IT!" he yelled as they barreled towards the stairs. <PockiiChuu>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Nyyrikki tooayaRheine: -He ran past the two, forcing the water back as he searched for Lita. As he passed the room, he could hear her screams, thank god the girl had a good set of lungs. Keeping the water at bay, he leapt in and scooped her up.- Idiot. -He growled at her as he wheeled back out and back towards the stairs.<Blood-and-Spice>(Everyone make their final posts. In five minutes i will be godmodding the situation a bit to move forward and there wont be any more posting. ) <chikao-san>iScone Nyyrikki SunnyMcFaceShovel tooaya Faris: Faris tugged at Shidens hand, "We need to GO! NOW!!" She gave another rough tug and tried to climb the stairs with Shiden. <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: *holds up

his own gun* Aren't we two peas in a pod. *stares at Bell* Well, you and I are strangers, so you won't cry over me if I die. Do you want your child or don't you? <Nosebleed-chan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Despite Bell's yelling, when people start barreling past them on the stairs, he takes the opportunity to break away from Bell and Jenner, running like a dumbass back into the ship herpa derpa* <SoveriegnofSilence> Nosebleed-chan, Black-Ratchet, mintyfreshmangos: Bell: SIBBI! <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: Stupid. *follows after Sibbi like an idiot* <Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *lights a burning scimitar* Get up those fucking stairs right now, all of you! I will fetch your idiot partner, Bell. Go. Trust me. <Mondefou>drawingFrog, Pinaydoll: Adele: She shakes her body a little as if to say, I don't know, and then begins dashing to the stairs to the deck as fast as she can. The water is beginning to get to her--feeling like it's seeping into her veins. Her heat is diminishing--but dammit, she'd make it to the deck if she had anything to say about it. ((okay, after this, we post in DAMMEDRP, because we'll be above deck)) <Pinaydoll>Okie dokie! )) <Nosebleed-chan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Herps his derp all over as he runs down the hallway, glancing back at Sev* We should do this quickly!; Check the men's room! <SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangos: Bell: *grabs Jenner's shirt, pulling him down to kiss him hard and quick before releasing him quickly* I am never leaving you. <tooaya>PockiiChuu: Lita: *hearing Rheine's voice behind her, she didn't have a chance to turn before being scooped up* Rain! *She turned, at first not noticing the demon's awful condition. The tears were starting to plop down from her eyes, but she could care less at this point. It could be counted as tears of happiness, and that wouldn't be as weak, right? Then, without realizing, she wrapped her arms around Rheine's neck before her uncontrollable wailing broke loose* R-rain you are-you are a-alive! <mintyfreshmangos>SoveriegnofSilence Black-Ratchet Nosebleed-chan Sev: No problem, the door is already broken anyways. *runs into the men's room and through the water* <Black-Ratchet>SoveriegnofSilence, Nosebleed-chan, mintyfreshmangoes: Jenner: *kisses her back, fiercely, then pushes her away towards the stairs* I cannot do this if you are not safe. Please, go. I love you too, Bell . . .*chases after them* <Nosebleed-chan>mintyfreshmangos, SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Hurries in after Sev, going straight for the men's bathroom to check the stalls* Dante...! <PockiiChuu>tooaya: Rheine: -He held her close as he ran, still keeping as much water he could out of the ship. Despite his arm and leg bleeding, he ran just fine, no longer able to feel the pain anyway.<Blood-and-Spice>(Please stop your posting in 1. 2. 3. Now) ** ToastBusters has left [connection closed] ** ToastBusters has joined ** Omegatutumon has left [timed out] <Blood-and-Spice>It was inevitable. The ship was taking in too much water, and it

couldn't stay afloat. The fish surrounding it were restless and the waves began getting higher as if specifically coming at the boat and it was over... the ship fell under and all it's occupants as well but the waves didn't stop, however they did change direction. Almost as if having a mind of their own, they crashed, and crushed, being enough to knock out even the most sturdy water demons, unable to control the waters at their usual will. Any who tried to take up to the air were brought down by the giant creature in the sky. Everything would fade into darkness and our little crew would be left to the hands, or fins, of fish. Sun hit the recruits as they lay unconscious upon a beach. Some's injuries had already been tended to, and Jace the medic was hard at work with the rest. But the medic wasn't the only one awake on that beach. They were being watched by strangers who walked along the beach, looking at each unconscious body as if judging if they're ripe. They were certain they would wake soon... ** Muirlyn-MacTireRi has left [connection closed] ** Muirlyn-MacTireRi has joined <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Wakes up slowly, salt still stinging his eyes. He has no idea where he is, or what happened. All he can do is roll over and try to strain to pull himself up* <snagerdra> Chryl: * subconsciously surprised the managed to not turn to stone in sheer terror, but doesn't try to get up yet, or even move.* <3712>Gereon: *SNORES INSTEAD, naked, yup, doesn't give a fuck* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -he stirred as he began to wake and he slowly opened his eyes. He slowly sat up and held his head for a long while before look around. What was this. What was that. Where were...what-..... <mintyfreshmangos>Sev: *pulls self up from the sand* That was not the vacation that was promised. <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>Cianan: He woke slow, pulling himself up, off the sand. He shook his head and his hair, trying to removed the dreaded awful thing there. "ughhhhhh" He got sand in his eyes, ALL THREE OF THEM. Fucker. "ughhhh" <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*the world slowly comes back into focus as she blinks her eyes open, laying in the sand for a moment before snapping up, looking around* Sibbi? Dante? Jenner?! <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries: Flint: *still has pants but barely. He opens his eyes and just stares at the sky... what is this I don't even- he shot up* LEWIS! <The-Almighty-J>Argent: He laid on the sand for a little while even after he came to, eyes closed, trying really hard to figure out what the hell happened. "...nngh..." He sat up, squinting and looking around slowly. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: *Still very dazed, but he recognizes Bell's voice from not too far away. He struggles to stand up, heading for her* Bell...? <assbuttbatteries> Lewis: * He was silent at first, but a cough would break said silence. He'd slowly open his eyes, sitting up slightly. His first thought wasn't himself, but the contents of his pocket. His hands moved like lightning as he felt the contents still there. Flint would yell his name and he'd flinch slightly, raising his eyes towards the demon.* ..

<assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: ^ ]] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -he slowly laid back down and stared at the sky- .....-he

raised his eyebrows- Heh. I'm alive... <PockiiChuu>Rheine: -He lay there, still unconscious, but his wounds had been bandaged up by Jace. Yay.<imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries: Flint: *looks towards lewis and grins* we're alive. <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan: Bell: *struggling to stand up, looking for the source of her partner's voice* Sibbi, where are you?! <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: With a groan he rolled over on his side, slowly pushing himself up intil he was sitting. He was sore everywhere, he was very damp, his eyes felt gritty, the side of his head was burning from the salt water, and he was on a strange beach. He slowly looked aorund, one hand reaching up to try and scrub the sand out of his eyes. <snagerdra> Chryl: * immediately starts crawling for the tree line* <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: Mmm, barely. * He lifted a hand, wiping it on his shirt before rubbing his eyes.* .. * His thoughts flooded back to him and he went silent, his eyes traveling downward.* <Beybladegal>Emm: woke up rubbing her eyes, she had had the most deliciously chaotic dream full of storms screaming people and gun shots. She Cackled at remembering the feel of the high she had in the dream, feeding off the madness. Looked about she noticed somethingodd. They were no longer on the ship, but on a beach, and everyone looked like theyd been shaken around like rag dolls. She was about to sit up when a sudden pain shot up her spin making laugh and scream hysterically as she fell back down. Her hand flew to her side to find it severely bruised. Ouchie. She cackeld <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries: Flint: *moves over to Lewis, a bit sore and pats him down* are you injured? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -he lifted up Donni's necklace and kissed the pendant smiling a little- ....Thanks...-his arms flopped to his side<3712>Gereon: *totally still asleep, yup, good luck waking him up if you decide to try* <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: He rubbed his eyes in irritation, blinking frantically. "I hate sand. So. much." He he tried to get up as his eyes adjusted to his predicament. "Hnnng Argent? Cilli?" HE couldn't see still. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: *Gets his senses together enough to spot Bell up ahead, and he speeds up into a struggling run. As soon as he's close enough he reaches to take her hand* You're alright--! <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: * He lifted a hand, lazily and patted his left shoulder.* I was shot, nothing much. <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Argent: After a moment he pushed himself up, shading his eyes and calling out. "C-cianan...?" Shit, that was his voice! He stumbled to his feet, rushing over to his partner, a smile growing on his face. "Merde! Y-you're okay...!" ** chikao-san has left [connection closed] <snagerdra> Chryl: *hears some voices and angles her body up some to try and see them.* Hello? *can barely croak* <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan: Bell: *letting Sibbi help her up* Of course I amor you'd be dead. *smiling at him anyway* It is good to see you fa- *she falls back into the sand* Damn- my ankle** xxWisteriaWitchxx has joined <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: *He started to smile, but quickly looks

alarmed when she falls again. He quickly kneels down beside her, touching one of her ankles* Where does it hurt? You may have sprained it... *He hasn't even taken in their surroundings yet* <Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Chrykck: Squinting, he looked around to see who was near him. A familiar head of orange hair caught his eye. Well, wasn't that good to know? Slowly he managd to push himself to his feet, shuffling through the sand to plop down next to Cillian. "I see we managed to make it out alive," he said almost conversationally. <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*grimacing, batting Sibbi's hand away* I- I'll be fine. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: I can't have you walking on that. *Without even asking for permission, attempts to scoop Bell up princess-style into his arms so that he can carry her* <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries: Flint: *looks at lewis, worried...probably more so than he had ever been for the human or at least, shown* I wasn't there.... It won't happen again. <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: "Yeah, I'm fine. If you don't count the sane in my eyes." he blinked some more as the last of the awful grains "Looks like we're not the only ones." <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*oh dear lord* Sibbi, put me down- *looking around* I don't think there's anywhere to go, either way. *looking back at him, eyes a bit frantic* Unless you've seen Jenner- have you? <snagerdra> Chryl: It suddenly occurs to her that she didn't help defend the ship at all, nor fight any guards. Certainly, everyone will be mad at her for that. She scurries into the shade of some rocks and hides. <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: * He looked back up at Flint, his face back to the same, expression look he had while arguing with the demon.* .. It's fine, I barely even really felt it. .. Hell, I still can't feel the pain. It's nothing bad. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki: Cillian: -he glanced at Chrykck- Heh. Yeah. I don't believe it....We made it....Heh. -he grinned. He didn't care what came next. He didn't know who was dead. He just knew he was alive and that was all he cared about for now<The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Argent: He touched Cianan's now-bandaged wounds gently, looking around. "...y-yeah. W-we made it...!" His smile grew wider and he leaned in to hug Cianan. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: *Lol nope doesn't put her down* That is who we are going to find next. *He starts walking quickly, taking in where they are and also looking at the various bodies scattered around* <Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Chrykck: "It is kind of hard to believe, isn't it?" His memories of exactly what had happened towards the end were rather fuzzy, but he at least recalled several large things that did not seem friendly. <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: He hugged him back, pulling and hugging harder. He let him go and got up "Let's go. We ne--" Cianan checked his neck, fuck. Where are his Emblems? Fuck. "My emblems. . ." ** Beybladegal has left ** snagerdra has left [timed out] <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*would struggle to get down, but she's just so damn tired- and she can't walk anyway. Scanning the beach, her heart slowly

clenching again* Sibbi, I don't see him<imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries: Flint: *slaps Lewis, hoping to get something in the boy's head working again* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Nyyrikki: Cillian: -he checked his neck. Both necklaces made it. Wonderful- It is.....-he slowly sat up, sand clinging to his back<The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Argent: He stood, eyes widening. "What...!? It's not?" He felt around his neck, relaxing a moment when he felt his own half, before looking around. "Shit, maybe... maybe you dropped it...?" <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence: Sibbi: 'Yet'. *Squints in the sunlight, making his way down the beach and carefully inspecting each person they pass by, unconcious or not* Don't worry, he is here. I'm sure of it. <Nyyrikki>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Chrykck: "Although I guess the question is now 'Where are we?'" With a sigh he wtched what he assumed were more soldiers slowly making their way down the line of survivors. <SoveriegnofSilence>Nosebleed-chan:Bell:*just wraps her arms around Sibbi's neck, scanning the beach silently, chewing on her bottom lip*

<3712>Nosebleed-chan: Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: ... I don't think me going over there currently will give the correct impression Sibbi, but you and Bell are more likely not to scare them away. *sighs, doesn't honestly mind an excuse to stay still atm*<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: I'd rather not leave you-- *But then he hears a voice! He looks over at Liet, smiling in relief* Hello, there...! Are you here to help us? These two are injured.<Blood-andSpice>SunnyMcFaceShovel, Black-Ratchet, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, Nyyrikki, TheAlmighty-J: Flower Man: ... ... *wow so much attention all of a sudden* *smiles* ... ... ... *oh yeah questions* Oh. Welcome to our home! <SoveriegnofSilence>Toastbusters, Nosebleed-chan, Black-Ratchet, 3712: Bell:*looking up when she hears a familiar voice call her name, she looks up at Liet and gives him a half smile* Liethell- it is good to see you are well. *holding Iago close, bopping his nose just as half-heartedly*<The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Argent: " that fuckin' explains anything!?" He threw up his hands. "Where are we!? Who the fuck are you!? What the hell happened here!?"<ToastBusters>3712 Nosebleed-chan: SoveriegnofSilence Liet "Yeah." His voice cracks a little as he talks and he can't muster up a half smile to give in return for Bell's. Damn, healing Bat really got to him somehow. "What's the matter with everyone here?" He grunts as he kneels near the group<imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint: *doesn't know what to do and just sits next to him* But I can't. It's you and me Lewis. I'm the only one who isn't going to die on you.<Nosebleedchan>Toastbusters, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: You shouldn't take chances, Gereon, let him take a look at you, too. I'm sure Dalton is in pain, as well. *He looks back over to Liet, pointing first to Gereon and then to Bell* He was shot, she's

sprained an ankle.<ToastBusters>3712: SoveriegnofSilence Nosebleed-chan Liet Well that makes his life ten times easier. He lays his hand on Gereon's wound and heals it. He doesn't move his right arm to Bell. "Which ankle?"<Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-AlmightyJ, Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Blood-and-Spice, Black-Ratchet: Cianan: "Argent. . ." Cianan wants to do what argent did too and sass his way to answers, but no. no. "Let Chrykck do the talking" he whispered to him.<SoveriegnofSilence>Toastbusters, 3712, Nosebleed-chan, Black-Ratchet:Bell:*holds up her right ankle weakliy* This one. *patting Iago down* Are you hurt, Little Brother?<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Black-Ratchet, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, Blood-and-Spice: Cillian: -he frowned. He was the short one here. This was not fair. He awkwardly shuffled to the end of their line of interrogation remaining silent-<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleedchan, 3712, Toastbusters: Iago: *gently takes the fresh bite mark on Bell's hand and holds it up to Liet in his paws* ar?<3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: *blinks as the wound is healed* ... Thank you. *looks towards the strangers curiously* ... <ToastBusters>3712: SoveriegnofSilence: Nosebleed-chan: Liet He sighs and carries on with Gereon. "I'll get to you in a moment Bell." He glances at Iago and his bite mark. He honestly tries to give a dang, but he's so worn that he can't. Once Gereon is done he turns to Bell. "It might sting for you, a little." He gently swipes his hand across the bite mark on Bell's hand, since that's all it'll need, and then focuses on healing her ankle.<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet: ^]]** iScone has left [connection closed]<The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Argent: He mumbled in discontent, pouting a bit and whispering back to Cianan. "...Hey, I got all the important questions out, didn' I? I mean, I guess I can leave it t'him, but..."<Nyyrikki>Black-Ratchet: Blood-and-Spice SunnyMcFaceShovel Muirlyn-MacTireRi The-Almighty-J:Chrykck: "I ah..." Wait, why was he being appointed the speaker? <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: * He sat there silently, a but hunched over with his right hand on his left shoulder. He stared at his lap as Flint talked to him. Bringing his knees to his chest, he leaned on Flint slightly, still holding onto his shoulder.* .. I.. I know.. but you can't expect me to jus-.. up and feel fine.. I'm not like you.. I can't just for-..forget..<Blood-and-Spice>Nyyrikki, The-Almighty-J, Black-Ratchet, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Flower Man: @A@ *so many questions and all at one time. How could he possibly answer all these?! he took in a slow breath* This is our home. An island inhabited by.... ... oh yes demons. And some other things too but... yeah...t here are quite a few demons here isn't there... so many. *frowns as if remembering something* not all nice either... <SoveriegnofSilence>3712, Nosebleedchan, Toastbusters, Black-Ratchet: Bell:*smiling at Iago, showing him her healed hand* See? I'm fine little brother. Now, are you hurt? *trying not to wince as Liethell heals her ankle, the holy magic makes her skin itch* Liethell, can you look at Iago, please? Ahn<Black-Ratchet>Blood-and-spice, sunnymcfaceshovel, Muirlyn-Mactireri, Nyyrikki, The-Almighty-J: Nervous Young Man: Uh-uhm. And i-it would be best not to make a fuss for now . . . you're all tired and upset but . . . please don't make a fuss . . . <MuirlynMacTireRi>The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Blood-and-Spice, BlackRatchet: Cianan: "Sounds like Home to me." He said awkwardly. He would ask more questions but he feels any more will cause flower brain overload. <Blood-and-Spice>The unknown man stepped away from his friend, and found a good point between the recruits so his voice would carry. "Attention all former recruits of 'DAMMED'. At

the request of someone who cares for you, we've saved your lives. You may or may not be aware of this, but your ship was on a path to a demon research facility, where you would have been kept, and experimented on. However, you are now in 'our' custody. And you will show your appreciation, or you will be dealt with. You will abide by our rules, and follow our orders, or we will dispose of you. This world is nothing like the one you come from. <Nosebleed-chan>Toastbusters, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Watches Liet do his work, oddly feeling a slight itching sensation in his own ankle. With him busy healing Bell and Iago, he stands up to look at Gereon and opens his mouth to talk, only to stop when he hears the unknown man. He quickly goes quiet, not sure what to make of this*<ToastBusters>Nosebleed-chan: Black-Ratchet: SoveriegnofSilence Liet He looks up at Iago expectantly. He can only glimpse him over for now He flinches when he hears the voice, and looks back at Bell, wondering if he's as scared as she is.<BlackRatchet>Blood-and-spice, sunnymcfaceshovel, Muirlyn-Mactireri, Nyyrikki, TheAlmighty-J: Nervous Young Man: *flinches at the shout* please, please don't make a fuss . . . <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint: I've never forgotten. My sisters, my brothers, those villagers.. *frowns* I am just different from you is al- *stops talking and turns to look behind him*<Nyyrikki>Black-Ratchet: Blood-and-Spice SunnyMcFaceShovel Muirlyn-MacTireRi The-Almighty-J Chrykck: "I do not think you have to worry, I am sure that...we at least, will be relatively calm." The announcement from another stranger stopped him from continuing, though. Not a single part of that sounded extactly pleasant. And, quietly, the smallest murmurings of assassass could be heard.<assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Blood-and-Spice Lewis: * He didn't make another noise, or any motion to look at the man announcing himself.*<3712>Nosebleedchan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: ... From being someones soldier to someone else's pet. ... Eh. *mumbles to himself, sighs, then looks at Sibbi curiously* ... ? <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Argent: He went pale and shuffled closer to Cianan, grumbling. "...'abide
our rules n' follow orders or we'll kill ya sounds a hell a lot like the last world we were in..."

<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Black-Ratchet, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, Blood-and-Spice: Cillian: -he raised his eyebrows at the Nervous Young Man But then... He turned his head and listened to the man. He nodded. He was okay with that. He was really okay with that. Because they were not going to that damn facility<SoveriegnofSilence>nosebleed-chan, 3712, Toastbusters, Black-Ratchet: Bell:*siezes up at the sound of the strange man's voice, keeping Iago close, only setting him down so she can stand* Sibbi, i have to find Jenner. <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Blood-andSpice, Black-Ratchet: Cianan: ". . .Well" Cianan never bothered anyone about where they were GOING to go. So it was a bit of a shock. Only a bit. "Yes, I know Argent. But To be honest, every world sounds like that. It's what the rules are that is important." <Nyyrikki>Black-Ratchet: Blood-and-Spice SunnyMcFaceShovel Muirlyn-MacTireRi The-Almighty-JChrykck: "Is, um, is there anything else you could tell us...?" <Nosebleed-chan>Toastbusters, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Nods to Bell* I know. We'll find him, right now. Gereon, now that you're better, do you think you could-- well... help us track him down?

** drawingFrog has left [connection closed] ** drawingFrog has joined ** PockiiChuu has left <ToastBusters>SoveriegnofSilence: 3712 Nosebleed-chan Black-Ratchet Liet He's done healing her ankle, so he witchdraws his hand. He wobbles though, then leans towards his left. Suddenly, he flops on Bell's lap, asleep ** ToastBusters has left [connection closed] <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: ... Yeah- .. *frowns at Sibbi, hoping he understands the point of the frown* .. *then stares at Liet* ... *sighs* ... ** The-Almighty-J has left [timed out] ** The-Almighty-J has joined <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *pokes Liet and looks up at Bell, licking his chops, with a hopeful expression* Ar? >.> <Nosebleed-chan>Toastbusters, SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *When Liek falls on Bell, he moves over there to pull the unconcious man off of her* He needs his rest. Come on, let's get moving to find him. <SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Toastbusters, 3712, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*shaking her head at Iago* No sir, little brother. He is a friend, no eating. I will find you something to eat. *holding out her hand to him* Shall we go see if we can find Jenner? <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *runs around Bell a few times, barking and yapping happily* AR! AR! <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: .. *continues frowning, pretty certain something's gone wrong, just feels like a lot of things have right now really* <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Smiles at Iago's enthusiasm, then motions for Bell to follow as he starts to walk. He also glances to Gereon, giving him a hopeful smile* So! Do you-- I don't know, smell or sense him nearby...? ** tooaya has left [connection closed] <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: ... Uh.. No, not really. *doesn't stop frowning at all, nope* ... *looks at Bell again* ... *worried* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>The-Almighty-J, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Cillian: -he slowly looked at Argent and Cianan- .......-he could probably tell them about what he knew now...not that it mattered anymore. he sighed<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan, 3712, toastbusters: Bell:*a little happier to see Iago up and about, following after her partner. Her smile falls when she sees Gereon's face- she knows that she should't hold out much hope* <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *runs toward the water, digging little holes and snuffling in them before moving on and doing it again* <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Glances at Bell, seeing her smile fall. He quickly tries to reassure her by patting Gereon's arm* Well, you're probably... still a bit disoriented from what happened! And by what's still happening. What was all that nonsense that man was saying.... <3712>Gereon: *sighs, stretches his back and looks at Sibbi* You're as naive as ever.

Doesn't it seem a bit weird to you? <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Argent: "...well...? Now what...?" He glanced at Cianan, trying not to scowl. "...come on, lemme ask the questions. I'll get a ton of answers." <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence: Dante: *he coughs up some water as he started to come to. groaning as a gash had gotten his side well. He clinged to a piece of cloth in his hand and it hurt to open his eyes. He began to stand, going painfully towards the voices* <Blood-and-Spice>He took in another deep breath before yelling again. "You are restricted to the beach for now. Do NOT disobey the council, their word is law. Do not leave this beach area. Should you wander too far we can not promise your life should the demons on the island get to you. Do not dig. Do not try to leave. You may hunt the animals that come into your area or pick the plants. Do not be stupid enough to eat any lesser demons humans! you will die from that. And of course, respect. This. Land. Asides from that, wait until further orders. We will celebrate with a feast tomorrow after you've been well rested. Welcome to your new home." <SoveriegnofSilence>Blood-and-Spice, Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan, 3712: Bell:*goes after Iago, not wanting him to get too far away from her, when she spots another figure on the beach. Suddenly she's moving as fast as her feet will carry her* Dante! <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint:Oh goody lewis. We've gone from one leash to another. <Blood-and-Spice>The-Almighty-J, Black-Ratchet, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Flower Man: oh my.... well.. did that... answer any questions? <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Blood-andSpice, Black-Ratchet: Cianan: He shook his head. IT matter not where they were going. just where they are. "Oh god, Argent" he smiled a little but shook his head "No--" the Man spoke. "Wel--Uhm, where is our new home" answer the question flower man. <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: ... Atleast these 'superiors' are honest. *sits down in the sand* <Nyyrikki>Black-Ratchet: Blood-and-Spice SunnyMcFaceShovel Muirlyn-MacTireRi The-Almighty-JChrykck: "Not....exactly? I...well, what is this place?" He paused for a few seconds, frowning slightly. "Aside from your home, that is." <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence: Dante: *holding his side he squints at the unmistakeable figure running towards him* B-Bell! <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Didn't say anything at first, because then he heard the man yelling again.* We're staying on the beach?! But... I have no clothes, or-- *He stops when Bell starts running, hearing the name she caled. When he sees that she's really running to Dante, he's washed with relief* Good... <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: .. * He lifted his head slightly, looking behind them at the rest of the crowd, as well as the man who was talking to them. Slowly turning his head back forward, he took a deep breathe.* It's better than that god awful ship.. <Black-Ratchet>Blood-and-spice, sunnymcfaceshovel, Muirlyn-Mactireri, Nyyrikki, The-Almighty-J: Nervous Young Man: *gulps* Uhm . . .we can try and a-answer those other questions for you at the feast? J-just do what he says for tonight. Really. <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint: Yeah no fuckin' kidding.

*pats Lewis awkwardly on the back because he's seen that gesture before and is trying to be a decent partner but he's not good at mimicking genuine behavior* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>The-Almighty-J, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Cillian: -he stared in the direction of the mysterious man- .......-it took him a while before he finally comment on what he said- Home. Well...It's not Russia. -he narrowed his eyes- Feck Russia. <SoveriegnofSilence>Blood-and-Spice, 3712, Nosebleed-chan, Black-Ratchet: Bell:*almost crying again she's so relieved, stops short of wrapping her arms around him when she sees that he's clutching his side* You're hurt- Dante, what happened- ? ** Mondefou has left [connection closed] <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: .. * As Flint patted him on the back, he sat there silently for a moment, before choking out a small laugh, lifting his pain filled upset expression with a bit of amusement on it, a small, broken smile.* you're terrible at this.. comforting people. <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Argent: " you two are pretty much useless?" He didn't wait for an answer, turning back towards the others and crossing his arms. "...what now...?" <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *digs a fresh pit in the sand, running around it and yapping excitedly to Bell* Ar! Ar! Ar! <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence: Dante:: *he offers her a small smile* I-I'm alright... when the ship capsized I hit a... a sharp edge. mm...w-where are we? <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint: ... Do I get points for trying *ears flat against his head* <Nyyrikki>Black-Ratchet: Blood-and-Spice SunnyMcFaceShovel Muirlyn-MacTireRi The-Almighty-J Chrykck: He sighed at the answer he got, but nodded. Tomorrow, then. Hopefully. "I..I think I need to rest more." And with that he walked back to where they had woken up, flopping down on the sand and cradling his head in his hands. <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: .. *looks at Sibbi again and mumbles* .. you know what's probably happened right? <SoveriegnofSilence>Blood-and-Spice, Nosebleed-chan, Black-Ratchet, 3712: Bell: I don't know- there are men shouting things, and- Iago, what is it? What did you find, little brother? <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: .. Of course. * Another short, choked laugh escaped his mouth as he leaned against Flint.* <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J, Nyyrikki, SunnyMcFaceShovel, Blood-andSpice, Black-Ratchet: Cianan: "Yeah, feck Russia" He smiled a bit at Cillian as they thought on russian "No more russian winters." He looked to the beach, trying to --IS THAT WHAT CIANAN THINKS THAT IS. He moved toward the beach, digging at the--shiny bullet. Mother fucker. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Kneels down beside Gereon, quickly lowering his voice* I don't want to think that way, for her sake. Try not to show her that you're doubtful... <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: That'd be giving her hopes, I did smell the blood when we were on the ship Sibbi. I know he wasn't in top shape. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: But he was

healed....! The last time I saw him, he looked as though he was going to be fine. If he went down below after me and I made it, surely he did... <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries, Blood-and-Spice: Flint:Lewis whatever happens, you and me, we're going to live. I promise. <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet: Dante: *frowns at that and watches the...raccoon...t hing.* <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Argent: "...what about Russia?" He bend to check a bit of sand for DAMMIT BULLET. <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *digs something out of the sand, rinses it in the surf, and brings it over to Bell, laying it at her feet- Jenner's pendant* . . . ar. <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: I refuse to give her hope when I don't believe that's the case. *rubs his neck* Whatever. I'm gonna nap more, my head hurts. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>The-Almighty-J, Muirlyn-MacTireRi, Nyyrikki, Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice: Cillian: -he shook his head and sighed as he departed from the nervous man and the flower man only glancing back at them once before finding a nice spot on the beach to lay down and recieve sunburn<assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: Of course. * He lifted his eyes towards Flint.* I promise as well. <SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice, Nosebleed-chan, 3712: Bell:*smiles as Iago brings his find over, but as she finally sees what's in his paws, her knees give out. She goes down to the sand with a thud, reaching out to touch the gold pendant in the sand* Oh no. No please. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: Here, on the sand? Well, I suppose there isn't anywhere better-- *Before he can continue, he sees Bell drop out of the corner of his eye. He quickly gets up and goes over to check on her* Bell, what's wrong? <Blood-and-Spice>Black-Ratchet: Flower Man: I am starting to believe they may not be the nicest of people Carter... *kinda hugs carter with no warning, before turning into a sloth* <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: "Russia was awful. And cold." He narrowed his eyes like Cilli did before he sighed. "I'll look for it later. . . " Cianan sat down and stuffed his face in his knees. <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence: Dante: *watches her go down, worried, but doesn't need to ask when he sees that pendant. He clings tighter to the stripped cloth in his own hand* <Black-Ratchet>Carter: I tried to warn you . . . . *sighs, adjusts his sloth-pack, and retreats into the jungle* <Blood-and-Spice>*striped <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Argent: "...well yeah, I could guess that Russia was cold and shitty, but..." He trailed off, taking a seat next to Cianan and gently petting his head. "'ll... i-it'll turn up... Hey, don't get d-depressed on me now, o-or nothin'..." <Blood-and-Spice>[link] <Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, nosebleed-chan, 3712: Iago: *nuzzles Bell's hand, whimpering softly* ar~

<3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: *overheatingg* .... Why do we have to be on a beacchh. <Blood-and-Spice>3712: Jo: *strolling over to Gereon* You could try find, or make some shade~ <SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:* she'd known. She'd known since he'd kissed her on the ship that he was saying goodbye, but she'd been trying not to believe, not to let it be real. But this was real. She picked the pendant up out of the sand, holding it close to her, the metal warm from the sun* I will keep my
promise to you, my Daybreak. I swear it.

** xxWisteriaWitchxx has left <3712>Nosebleed-chan: ToastBusters Black-Ratchet SoveriegnofSilence Gereon: .... *wide eyed stare* .... *blinkblink* JO! *gets up instantly and hugs him - .. or well, picks him up and hugs him* ** Nyyrikki has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>SoveriegnofSilence: Dante: *leans down beside her, putting a hand on her back* .... <Blood-and-Spice>3712: Jo: *laughs and wraps his arms around him* Hello lovely! *not minding the lack of land under his feat* <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: "I'm in heat, I'm sad. I want my emblem. And today was awful. I think I'm allowed" he wrapped an arm around Argent and leaned onto his shoulder, all very awkwardly. <Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, 3712, Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *Hesitates for a moment, seeing Bell holding something in her hand. His hopes for Jenne being alive finally start sinking there, and he isn't sure what to say to her. He only turns his head to see who Gereon is talking to, and is vey surprised to see Jo! Well there's at least one person alive--* <imaginarycolor>assbuttbatteries Flint:Are you hungry? Thirsty? ** mintyfreshmangos has left [connection closed] <The-Almighty-J>Muirlyn-MacTireRi: Argent: "...h-hey..." He nuzzled against Cianan shyly, trying to comfort him. "It's... it's going to be ok--waitwhatwasthatfirstone" <assbuttbatteries>imaginarycolor: Lewis: I don't know what to feel right now. I wouldn't be able to know even if I was thirsty.. or hungry.. or even tired. .. <SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Blood-and-Spice, Nosebleed-chan:Bell:*can't look at Dante as the tears stream down her face, she doesn't want her son to see her like this- to see her so weak* I'm sorry, please give me a moment, and I will be fine. <Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: "Shut up Argent" he grabbed on a bit tighter. Cianan needs contact.

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Makes a derp face when Addy starts dragging him out towards a tree* You are seriously intending to tie me to a tree?! This is ridiculous, let go of me...! <imaginarycolor>Flint: *looks at his hands in disgust before heading outside to see whats going on*<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *nods, looking pretty calm* Okay. I will. *looks up and nods to Flint* Everything o-okay, besides Jenner going away? <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *keeps draggin'* Uh, pretty good. Do we have any like... rope o-or vines or anything I can tie him up with?<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Yes, do you? *Smiles at Flint, lalala* Make sure it's something sturdy enough to hold me! <imaginarycolor>Flint: I could always give him stone hand cuffs<Blood-andSpice>Fable: *spread out on a large rock, just catchin' some Z's. * <wonderwart>Dalton: *spots a Fable! Very slowly moves toward the other, then bends down, picking up a piece of rock and hitting the other's just below Fable's arm *<imaginarycolor>Flint: ...Addy keep a hold of him I'm going to go get a rock<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Of course I would not do that. *Looks at Addy with an innocentface*** The-Almighty-J has joined** imaginarycolor has joined** imaginarycolor has left [timed out]** wonderwart has left [timed out]** wonderwart has joined<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Statement still stands. *shrugs* Regardless. So in that case--*wraps his tail around Sibbi's leg*<wonderwart>Dalton: I need to ask a favor, I'm sorry...*looks up at the other and frowns* I'm sorry to be a bother. We've had one of our's go into the forest.<Nosebleedchan>Sibbi: *Inwardly cursing Addy's taaaaaaaaaail* So, what exactly does this poison of yours do?<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *shrugs* Do-do you want to, uh, to find out first hand?<Blood-and-Spice>Fable::And? You want me to track the little shit down for you? I think not. We've warned you about the jungle. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: No. But I am disappointed in you, Addy. Won't you help me to find Jenner...? Are you really going to let him go alone into the jungle, in the state he's in...?<imaginarycolor>Flint: *comes back with a rock that he can manipulate and grins evilly* <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *he frowns slightly* I-I'm not going into the-the jungle to get killed--at least not with-with you. I-if it was someone else, I-I might risk it. *looks over to Flint and nods* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Come on, you two...! Whatever happened to 'no man left behind'...?<prupelallitraitor>Addy: We-we're not carrying you in the, uh, the first place. Besides, uh, survival trumps sentimentality, sorry.<imaginarycolor>Flint: *secures the rock around sibbi's wrists...making sure it was a snug fit* You're endangering the entire team with your brand of stupid. Where I am from, you would be thrown into the river for the demons there to eat.<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Then I am glad that I'm /not/ where you are from. *Frowns when he's handcuffed, still trying to think of ways to get out of this bondage* Since I am handcuffed, surely you don't need to tie me! <prupelallitraitor>Addy: Uh, where I'm from you-you would have been just, uh, left to die as-as a child? *lets go of Sibbi* Uh, yeah we do. If-if only as a-a-a punishment of sorts for being such a-a lax guard.<imaginarycolor>Flint: too bad I threw out that note. We could have used it as a gag.<wonderwart>Dalton: *sighs and frowns at the demon* I

want to know his location. If you don't want to track him down though, I'm sorry...He's weak and still healing so I'm worried for him.<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *raises his eyebrows* Note?<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Also loox at Flint* What note?** assbuttbatteries has left [timed out]<Blood-and-Spice>Fable: The fool knew what he was doing then when he went back into that jungle. What happens to him is his own fault. <imaginarycolor>Flint:.. Nothing. Just jenner giving me a final "fuck you" <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *those eyebrows just go higher* Uh. That was it? <wonderwart>Dalton: That's the thing though, he's being a fool. He went alone because his partner is missing. *crosses his arms, staring at the other* ** assbuttbatteries has joined ** faithom has joined <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: What exactly did it say? Did he mention where he was going? *Smiles hopefully* <Blood-and-Spice>Fable:*he groans again* Oh THAT one left huh? Now that they KNOW he's around, he's more than likely being watched. Whether that's good or bad, is.. debateable. ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined ** SunnyMcFaceShovel has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *tips his head to the side* He's being watched? Whether or not that's good or not, I am glad to hear of that. He is important to many of us from DAMMED. <imaginarycolor>Flint: It said don't follow him and something to me which is basically "fuck you" <Blood-and-Spice>Fable: Well, he must not know that very well then. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *wandering back into camp- she found one of the birds that Fable had caught walking along the beach and had killed it. She was swinging it by the feet as she walked back to the camp. She stopped as she saw everyone around a tree- with her partner tied to it. She hurried over* What is going on? <imaginarycolor>Flint: Your human was acting selfishly. Putting himself and the rest of us in danger because of his emotions. <wonderwart>Dalton: I don't think it is a matter of knowing it well or not, because I'm sure he has some idea of his importance. I simply think he is not in a healty state of mind. *watches Fable* Why are you so negative towards me? Do you still harbor hatred toward me? Should I send Bell to beg you to go after him? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *very confused, frowning, clutching her bird* Send me to what? Sibbi, what did you do? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *OH SHIT, BELL ALERT. He quickly tries to lie, NOT wanting her to know the truth* Yes! I.... went too far into the forest, and almost lured a monster here! That's what happened. Isn't that right? *Looks at Addy like BACK ME UP* <Blood-and-Spice>Fable:: Yes. I still hate you. I hate you plenty. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *nods towards Flint* He-he wanted to, uh, to go into the forest and risk your health a-and the whole camp. *stares blankly at Sibbi* Though, uh, I don't recall anything <prupelallitraitor>whoops]] <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *nods towards Flint* He-he wanted to, uh, to go into the forest

and risk your health a-and the whole camp. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*staring hard at Sibbi* You're lying. I know when you're lying. Sibbi, what did you do? <wonderwart>Dalton: *sighs and furrows his brows, then moves to his knees in front of the other. It was embarrassing, something he would never do otherwise* Please. <wonderwart>Please help* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: I'm not lying! I don't lie. *lifts his head stubbornly* ** ToastBusters has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Fable: you are.. .Begging? *raises his eyebrow and snorts* Amusing, at most.... *groans again and looks toward the forest* One must be careful when tracking through the forest. A proper respect to the land should be given and a decent amount of space should be given to it's wildlife when you mean it no harm. Not 'oo' look at this let's touch it. ... If you go, I'd suggest being extra careful. *he sits up, sliding off the edge of the rock* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Sibbi. Tell me the truth or I will stab you in the ribs. *turning towards Fable, confused as to why he's even here* What happened? Fable? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: Then you will have to stab me, because there is nothing to tell. *Presses his lips closed, not saying anything else* <wonderwart>Dalton: I will take responsiblity for what happens in the search, if one of my group insults the land purposely. *doesn't lift his eyes, keeping his head slightly bowed respectfully* Do you suggest how many would be allowed to hunt for Jenner and his partner? <imaginarycolor>Flint:He failed to guard Jenner, who robbed our camp of supplies and left a note stating not to follow him , and Sobby here, tried to follow. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *moves away from Bell slightly, having remained silent the whole time* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*eyes snap over to Flint* What. <imaginarycolor>Flint:Do not make me repeat myself. And do not attempt to Follow Jenner either. I will cast you both out of this camp if you put us in Danger because your Emotions get a better of you. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *FFFFFFFFFF! Tries to lurch at Flint, but can't because he's all lol tied* You bastard! <Blood-and-Spice>Fable: The island is... Large. Very large. With plenty of places to hide and easy to just pass eachother with it's thick brush. Take demons with a good senses. Chances are, you wont find him tonight. *stretches* You have to keep it small however or the greater demons will pose a threat and get suspicious. Just a small group. You still have plenty of obsticals out there in that case. *with any luck, dalton will get killed out there* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*lurches back a bit* He's alive. *glaring up at Flint* Do you really think I'm going to put your precious camp in danger? Do what you will, you know I will not stay here. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Then you and your human will die and none shall weep for you. ** Awa303 has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Continues to glareglare at Flint, wanting to smack him SO BAD-- but he forces himself to look at Bell instead* Bell, don't go after him alone, I will go with you...!

<wonderwart>Dalton: *nods his head and lifts up slowly* Thank you, Fable. I will keep your advice in mind when we go searching for him in the morning. *doesn't look at the other for a moment, then smiles* Really, thank you. I will...leave you in peace now. *turns to go* <Blood-and-Spice>Fable:I wish a bit of luck for the child thing. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *bites his lip and stays quiet* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*raises an eyebrow at Flint* So be it. *glaring at Sibbi* You will stay tied to that tree, or so help me I will break your legs. *walking off towards the jungle* <imaginarycolor>Flint: If you really cared for him, you would respect his wish not to be followed. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Looks to Addy* Untie me, Addy! You know she should not go by herself...! <prupelallitraitor>Addy: Bell, uh, I-I know how you feel about Jenner, but-but please be, uh, be reasonable... *walks slowly after her* <imaginarycolor>Flint: *moves over to sibbi* You know I could just Kill Sibbi right here, then bell won't risk our safety. <wonderwart>Dalton: Thank you, I will pass it on to Bell. I hope not to bother you again like this. *ventures off to his camp again, his hands tucked into his pockets. He hears a commotion as he approaches, but doesn't give it much notice at first* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*stopping, looking back at Flint* The moment you truely care for someone, you can order me around. And fine. Kill your only shadow demon. Smart. *glaring at Addy* Do not touch me. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *asoidh oh shit, was starting to get worried there-- but relaxes when Bell speaks. If she isn't worried by Flint's threat, then he decides that he shouldn't, either* Flint, just go restrain her from leaving. <imaginarycolor>Flint: I would hope to never have a disease where I act irrationally and endanger the lives of those I agreed to protect. *moves his hand to Sibbi's throat* This is my element Bell, I wouldn't even have to touch him. I could drown him in sand. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *shrinks back from Bell* I-I wasn't going to. I just, uh, I want you to listen... *his eyes keep going from Sibbi and Flint to Bell and he barely notices Dalton's return* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: No Flint, I don't think you'll ever have to worry about this particular virus. Unfortunately, I do. So drown Sibbi. That will give me at least ten minutes. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Well choking it is *grips Sibbi's throat and grins* how does it feel human, to know she puts her own selfish desires before your life <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *It's chokin' time! He's surprised by how tight Flint's grip is, only able to let out a strangled gasp in reply* <wonderwart>Dalton: *lift his head up at Bell's words, blinking. A frown crosses over his face as he looks to Addy and Flint, unhappy about this turn of events at the camp* Bell, do not go into the jungle. You and I will start on the search for him tomorrow. *walks toward her and glares at Flint* Unhand him or you can warm your bed alone. <imaginarycolor>Flint: She is going into the trees for Jenner, I warned her. She ignored. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*she can barely breath, but she's not giving in- not to Flintshe's not being selfish is she? She's doing this for- for. . . She went down on one knee,

claws grasping at the sand* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *LOL STILL CHOKING. His vision becomes slightly fuzzy, needing some air* <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *watches Bell carefully, moving slightly in her direction* <imaginarycolor>Flint: *slackens his gripsmostly because he has no intentions to kill just prove a point* I think my point has been made. ** faithom has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *continues to walk to Bell, giving Flint another glance* You don't threaten to take the life of another in camp to keep one here. We won't force the other people to stay. Let. Him. Go. *crouches in front of Bell* He's being watched, little madam. I've been given advice on how we can track him down already. I want him back here with Dom- all I ask is that you be patient until the morning. Don't risk the other's safety, or Sibbi's. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*Doesn't get up. Doesn't look anywhere but the sand. Her claws sink in deeper, her the dizziness beginning to clear. But she still can't look up. Because then they'll see the tears.* ** RemixedMagic has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *When Flint's hand loosens its grip, he quickly takes in a gasp of air. Now his neck REALLY hurts, is sure that he'll have bruises on his skin there now. He doesn't say anything, just looking over at Bell* <SoveriegnofSilence>*strike that her <imaginarycolor>Flint: *breaks the cuffs from Sobby's wrists* Nothing personal Ape. well
maybe I enjoyed that a little.

<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *moves slowly towards Bell still* I-if it would be okay, I'd want to try a-and help look for him tomorrow too. <wonderwart>Dalton: That would be lovely, I would appreciate that help. The others in camp can keep things running while we search. *lowers his voice, holding a hand out to Bell* Let's go for a walk... <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *still can't look at Dalton- hell she's still trying to process the fact that Jenner's alive- but she nods, getting up without taking his hand, brushing her tears away* Fine. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Addule, help our redhaired friend remember how to breathe. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Is relieved to have those cuffs taken off, rubbing his wrists. Just shoots Flint a glare* You stupid bastard, look what you've done. *Then quickly looks at Dalton and Bell again* And I will help tomorrow, as well...!;; ** The-Almighty-J has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *squeezes Bell's hand gently and smiles at her, moving to walk away from the other's* No, will not help us. You proved tonight how weak your observation skills are. Until you are better trainned, you should stay close to camp. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*let's Dalton lead her away, glancing back at Sibbi, the look in her eyes not angry, just-- dissapointed* <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *he nods and rises to his feet* Uh, thanks. Tell me when we're going a-and I'll be there. I'll just... leave you two then. *moves away from Bell and Dalton to Sibbi and Flint* What-what Dalton said. *looks at Flint* What you want me toto talk to him or anything? <imaginarycolor>Flint: You're the stupid bastard. This isn't a vacation. We're trying to

keep on living. The two of you wandering around the territory of people who thought it was hilarious to feed us all human meat, is by far the stupidest thing I've ever had to hear. *throws his hands up* And I've listened to a lot of the shit Winter says! <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Dalton's words stab him right in the heart, but Bell's look stabs EVEN MOOORE. He looks at them helplessly and then has to look away. All the shame, all of it* <wonderwart>Dalton: *walks slowly with Bell at his side, humming softly to himself. He spares a few glances down at the other, but waits until the demon wants to talk first. Eventually his humming turns into soft words of a song- more or less breaking the quiet of the night* ** drawingFrog has left [connection closed] <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *Flint has succinctly summed up his exact sentiment about Sibbi right now so he just stands there* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*walks in silence for a long while, holding Dalton's hand, staring at the ocean, trying to process what just happened- trying to wrap her head around this idea- this fact. The song helped. Finally she spoke* He's alive. <imaginarycolor>Flint: *storms into his hut because he's a mature and decides that he's going to attempt to make dinner. Because perhaps thats a skill he should start trying to learn* ** Mondefou has left [connection closed] ** 3712 has left [connection closed] <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Not knowing what else to do he decides to just... sit down there by the tree. He doesn't really want to be seen by anyone right now* <wonderwart>Dalton: *stops singing and pauses to look at the same scenery the demon is staring out at* He is indeed. And we will bring the idiot and his partner back to camp. Addy: *looks down at Sibbi and speaks to him quietly* Just.. just try to-to learn something from what you were just told. You and Bell will be, uh, better off for it if you can manage to. *turns to go* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *she is not going to cry. she's done far too much of that.* I
thought he was dead. I thought. . .it felt like I was hollow.

<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Doesn't reply or look at Addy, just gonna act like he isn't there* <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *walks away from Sibbi when he doesn't respond and goes into the main hut because food. He sees Flint there and stares at him* ...are you trying to cook? <imaginarycolor>Flint: *gives him a look like 1+1=5* BI Perhaps. <wonderwart>Dalton: *frowns and looks down at the sand at that remark- not liking how broken the other sounded* I have never had a soul mate, I won't pretend to know how it feels like. But those feelings you have now are unimportant. He is alive - weak but still alive- and unfocused because his life and partner are in jeopardy. Tomorrow when we go looking for him, you have to let go of the broken, angry feelings and focus on helping me. And when we find him, will you do me a favor? Punch my precious 'mentor' and your Day square in the jaw and bring him back to his senses. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*it takes her a moment, but she chuckles, looking up at Dalton* Yes. I think I can do that. I am sorry, about before. I was- overwhelmed, to say the least.

<prupelallitraitor>Addy: If yes, do you, uh, want help? I don't think we can afford to-to waste food supplies, really. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Moves to get up then, heading back into the main hut! He ignores Addy and Flint, grabbing himself a basket* <imaginarycolor>Flint: *stares at Addy before nodding* Yes. I recall you weren't... totally useless in the kitchen. <wonderwart>Dalton: You had the right to react as you did. It was surprisingly human though. *turns to look at the other* You may have your moments of 'demon pride' but I think you appreciate a few things we possess. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *rolls his eyes* Yeah. Surprisingly, I-I'm not completely and utterly useless at that too. A-anyway, what are you trying to cook? <imaginarycolor>Flint: Food *looks at the other like that was obvious* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Quickly heads back out with the basket, gonna spend the night out by himself somewhere bbl* ** cocowoushi has left [connection closed] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*too tired to quip back* The longer I stay bonded- the more I feel things. There are moments- when I understand, but mostly I just hate it. I know I shouldn't have done that- but I couldn't stop. I'm- selfish. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: kidding. *he sighs* Food with-with fish, right? Or-or are you still not eating that? ** Black-Ratchet has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *chuckles and looks out to the sea again* I understand Jenner's desperate need to find his partner, I don't think I would be much different in his situation. Thankfully I am on the outside and able to see reason. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *snorts* I almost killed Sibbi. What a partner I am. <wonderwart>Dalton: *smirks* You know as well as I Flint wouldn't have killed him. You think he'd actually want you dead? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: No, but Sibbi probably does. He isn't the brightest, you know. *sighs* But he tries. I need to spend more time with him, teach him. I have been- call it absent, I suppose, for the past few days. But not any more. <imaginarycolor>Flint: I can eat fish... just don't ask me to catch it. <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks down at her* I will look for your mate if you will train mine. Well, one of mine. He needs guidance. He's ...not that bright with common sense, but you've witnessed how fast he picks up how to use the shadows. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: He is quick, I will give him that. And he's more than willing. *sighs* He's like a puppy. But he'll catch on. He has to. *giving Dalton a tired smile* Ineed to think. I'll find you in the morning, yes? <prupelallitraitor>Addy: Wasn't going to. Not like I can fish either. A-anyway, fish are really easy to cook? You just need to, uh, gut it, put it on a stick a-and hold it over that. *points to the fire pit* Everything else takes longer, like, uh, boiling it. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Well then, Princess, Fetch me a stick <wonderwart>Dalton: *nods and lets go of her* Take all the time you need, little madam. I will always be around to listen. Just woods, not yet. *lowered his voice and blushed slightly* I begged for his sake, don't make that in vain. *leaves her and makes his way back to the camp*

<imaginarycolor>Flint: Hardly, this is a preventative measure to keep him from doing stupid things. ** SpikeballX has joined <ToastBusters>Liet "I think so, I saw an explosion but I don't see anyone hurt..." He looks over at Bell and nods, then walks to Jenner's bed, rolls up his sleeves, and fires up his glowy hand thingy. "I'm a little worn out though, I dunno how effective this'll be, but Jenner's overdue for it, right?" He lays his hands on Jenner and hopes to god he doesn't decide to wake up right then and melt his face off. <wonderwart>Dalton: I see...and instead of, oh I don't know -BINDING HIS FUCKING HANDS- you are sitting on him. *glares* <imaginarycolor>Flint: I don't know where the rope is ** SpikeballX has left [connection closed] <PockiiChuu>Rheine: Er.. It.. -Put me on edge, made me nervous, seemed ominous; there was a lot he could have set, but being awkward as he was, he didn't feel comfortable saying anything of the sort.- was.. good? -He mumbled as they trudged back.<PockiiChuu>have said* ) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *he stands and walks over* Hold on. If you heal his leg up i'll have to take the stitches out. <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Scowls at them both* I don't need to be bound, I just want to /leave/. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Well you can't now, Mate. And I doubt Bell would approve *looks at the hand Sibbi bit with minor... disgust* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Thank you Liet- I know you will do what you can. *steps away for a moment to let Leit and Jace work, but keeps hold of Jenner's hand* <wonderwart>Dalton: *close his eyes* ...god help me, why are we not divorced. *He gets up, noting that Gereon's asleep and walks over toward Sibbi, looking down at him* Stop rushing off to get yourself into trouble. Some of us care what happens to you, you ginger prat. *flicks the other's head* ** 3712 has left [connection closed] <prupelallitraitor>Addy: *he looks at Rheine a little strangely and considers asking after his response. However, Rheine's not the only awkward one there; he just nods and accepts the answer* I... see. O-okay. Your partner's, uh, she's good? <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Huffs at the headflick, but he seems to relax slightly. He just looks off to the side, not saying anything* <ToastBusters>Liet "Of course, just getting a bruise or two for now." He nods, probably a few times too many. He's still trying to calm down. "Anything broken? Does he have a cold or something?" <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *grabs some supplies and steps over, , bending down beside the bed, and carefully taking the bandage off* Are you ready for the liethell. If you do it I expect you to heal it all the way through. It'll take a lot of your energy. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *holding Jenner

<SoveriegnofSilence>ignore]] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *holding Jenner's hand so hard, she realizes she better let up before she breaks something* <ToastBusters>Liet "I know it will." He nods. "I've been eating like you said, so I have energy this time. I should have enough energy. I hope I have enough energy." <wonderwart>Dalton: *plays with Sibbi's hair and looks up at the demon sitting on him* I think you can get off. I'll watch him now. <imaginarycolor>Flint: Fine... *gets off of sibbi and makes sure to step on him as he walks back towards the fire pit* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Just make sure to concentrate the best you can. *he made sure the leg was propped up* I want you to start with the back of the leg first, to heal what is underneath understand. and go slow, while I take the stitches out okay? <PockiiChuu>Rheine: I-I think so... She's doing a lot better than before.. Been spending her time playing with water.. -He mumbled, holding open the flap of the hut open for the wind demon when they'd reached it.<ToastBusters>Liet He nods and moves his hand there, putting all his focus on healing and moderating how much energy he pours into Jenner's leg. "H-he won't wake up right? I heard what he had been doing and the explosion..." <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Ooh, is getting hair pets. He likes those, starting to relax further UNTIL GETTING STEPPED ON* Ow! That hurt, bastard! <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *moans softly, sweat beading on his forehead and gripping Bell's hand as Liet starts to fill Jenner's hole* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *doesn't like looking at Jenner's leg without the bandage on, loosens her grip on his hand before she breaks something else for Liet to fix, running her thumbs over his wrist, feeling his elevated pulse* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: I'm glad you came to do this liet. *getting to work* Chances are without it he may never heal right. Slow and steady now. *he said, pulling out the stitches* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Just don't worry about whether he wakes up or not. <wonderwart>Dalton: *sights, shooting Flint an irritated look as the other passes them by. He helps Sibbi sit up and straightens the other's hair* No running outside. I don't know what's going on out there yet. <prupelallitraitor>Addy: I-I-I see. That, uh, that's pretty good, right? *he goes through the doorway, and waits for the water demon once he has* You-you'd mentioned she wasn't so good before a-a-and it means she can practice with her element more easily, right? <ToastBusters>Liet He bites his lip and sure hopes Jace knows how to knock an angry fire demon out, just in case. "I've got a free hand, you want me to try healing on his forehead? Sometimes it makes things a little better..." <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *shakes his head* He'll get over the fever. Concentrate on the leg. *when he finishes with one side he moves to the other side of the bed to take out the stitches on that side* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Accepts the help up, glad to be off the floor. He shoots Flint a glare, and then drops his gaze to the floor and slumps his shoulders* Fine. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *his pulse is fast but shallow, his skin hot but no longer burning like it was in the shack*

<ToastBusters>Liet He stays where he is then and continues healing. Nothing bad is happening yet, pillars of fire are not consuming his soul, and he's healing Jenner's leg without too much of a problem. "Afterwards, do you think I could tackle the fever issue?" <wonderwart>Dalton: *moves an arm around the other to hug the ginger for a moment, then relaxes, soaked through from the storm. He sits forward, tugging his shirt off to dry off some* Stop being mad. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *just keeps holding his hand, leaning over to whisper in Jenner's ear, not knowing what to say, but wanting to comfort him* It's going to be all right. Everything
is going to be all right.

<imaginarycolor>Flint: *keeps himself warm by the fire* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Only if you have the extra energy. *concentrating on pulling dem things out of jenner* <PockiiChuu>Rheine: Y-Yeah. It's slow but she's getting better... -He looked around the hut and spotted Flint by the fire, glancing at Addy briefly before trudging over to sit by Flint, making sure to stay further away from the flames.<ToastBusters>Liet He nods, but silently promises himself to fake actually having energy just so he can try to heal Jenner anyways. He's not liking how sick Jenner is and how it's making Bell feel. "Can you go a little faster? I can't heal any slower than I am..." <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: I'm not mad. Who says I'm mad? *Tries to change the subject!* You should go dry off by the fire, you'll get sick. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Liet. Shut up. <ToastBusters>Liet "Just sayin'" He mumbles and frowns. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *keeping track of Jenner's pulse, can't look away from Liet's hands, her heart trying to jump out of her throat* <wonderwart>Dalton: *turns to look at Sibbi* You are the world's worst liar. *shifts closer to the fire though, closing his eyes as he lays down* <prupelallitraitor>Addy: I-I see. That, uh, that's good. *it's also more progress than his own partner's probably been making, but he doesn't mention that. After a moment's thought, he drifts close to the fire after the other demon since he really does not have anything else to do* ...I-I think I'll just drop the-the shield around this place now. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: You don't tell someone doing the work I'm doing to hurry up. *finishes* <Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Moves closer to the fire and takes a seat next to where Dalton is laying.* Go ahead, Addy, I think we're safe for now. So, did anyone see what was causing those sounds...? <ToastBusters>Liet "You're going slooow." He's not really meaning to tease Jace, he's really just yapping for the sake of it. It seems to help him focus. "His leg ought to be done soon enough, I think. What do I heal after that?" <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *starts to move around restlessly on the pallet, gripping Bell's hand tighter and whimpering quietly* <imaginarycolor>Flint: *scoots closer to dalton * <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *kneels down next to the pallet, wiping the sweat from Jenner's forehead, not liking those noises* Almost done. Almost done. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Nothing. Just his leg. It's the most damage. The rest he can heal on his own.

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