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Classroom Expectations and Consequences Expectations:

1.) Respectful treatment of everyone. 2.) Positive attitudes. 3.) Respecting the band by arriving early enough that you can be prepared to begin on time. 4.) Everyone will take responsibility for their own parts by practicing and asking for assistance when needed. 5.) Respectful compliance to the rules outlined in the student handbook.

Consequences of not following the rules**:

1.) First offense: verbal warning 2.) Second offense: Call and/or Conference with parents 3.) Third offense: detention 4.) Fourth offense: student-teacher-principal conference 5.) Fifth offense: Permanent removal from class
Students must understand that in band each individuals attitude and preparation affect the performance of the band

as a whole. Students doing things that inhibit the band from improving (talking in class, being late repeatedly, not being prepared for class regularly, etc.) ** Serious offenses may call for more immediately severe responses, without proceeding through the usual sequence of consequences.

Classroom Procedures
Beginning Class
1.) 2.) 3.) Come to class prepared with all of your materials. Get your instruments, music and a pencil and go to your seat. Be prepared to stop talking and listen to me when I am on the podium

1.) Students are expected to remain quiet and attentive while the director is talking. 2.) Students should be prepared to be called on at random. 3.) Students should remain in their seats during rehearsal. 4.) Work as a team. Band is a team activity.

Group Work/Independent Work

1.) The group will work together. 2.) Raise your hand if help or clarification is needed. 3.) When you have a few minutes to practice by yourself. Be respectful of others around you. Use the time wisely. 4.) When sectionals occur. Use that time wisely and respect the other players in your section and their ability.

Practice Room Usage

1.) Respect the space and instruments in that room. 2.) No food is allowed. Bringing a water bottle to class is encouraged but no other drink is allowed in band. 3.) The practice rooms are not a place to go to talk with your friends. They are places for learning your craft.

Out of Classroom Procedures

1.) Respect the people around you. Especially when were in public. How you act reflects upon the band, school, and community. 2.) Respect the facilities that we are fortunate enough to use. 3.) Use of the bathroom is not allowed during class (unless its an emergency). It causes distractions and you cant be in two places at once. 4.) You will only be allowed to go if you ask at the beginning of class or after you are dismissed to pack up.

Ending Class
1.) We will pack up 3-5 minutes before the end of class. All chairs and stands must be returned to their places. 2.) Instruments need to be returned to your lockers at this time. 3.) If you have a school owned instrument, put it in its designated place unless youre taking it home to practice. 4.) Any homework assignments or forms are to be given to the teacher after everything is put away. 5.) Class is dismissed when the bell rings and you are.

Classroom Discipline
Minor Disruptions 1) Use eye contact or the evil eye to communicate that the student is being a disruption. 2) Stand near the student to use proximity to more clearly demand their attention and silence. 3) Brief verbal warnings such as saying the students name will be used if disruption does not stop. On-Going Issues 1) Talk to student after class to find a reason for the misbehavior. 2) Call parents and meet with parent and student if needed. 3) Re-arranging the classroom may be effective in stopping the negative behaviors as well. 4) Depending on the situation rules on discipline in the student handbook may be used. Aggressive and Violent Behaviors 1) Calmly try to get student away from the other students preferably taking them to the office or other discipline area. 2) Send reliable student for additional staff back up if needed. 3) Return to the classroom and beginning teaching at the

soonest possible time once the issue is resolved. 4) If a weapon is present removal of the student from the classroom is the top priority followed by contacting the principal or other school administrator as soon as possible.

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