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This document describes how to run AnVir Software program as portable applicatio n.

========================================================== List of programs that can be run as portable application: AnVir Task Manager Free AnVir Task Manager AnVir Task Manager Pro AnVir Security Suite You can download portable version of AnVir Task Manager Free from download page http://www.anvir.com/download.htm Perform following steps to run AnVir Software program as portable application: 1. Install the software. 2. Copy AnVir.exe, AnvirHook{ver}.dll, usbhdd.exe and VirusTotalUpload.exe (o ptional) to the destination folder. 3. Run AnVir.exe from the destination folder. Setup some program options that you need. Go to Tools->Options->Advanced->Where to store settings. Select anvir .ini. Press Apply. All settings will be stored in anvir.ini in the destination f older. If file anvir.ini is found in the folder of executable, all setting will be loaded and stored to this file (instead of registry). If some settings are mi ssed in anvir.ini, default values will be used. To use default settings, exit th e program and place empty file anvir.ini to the folder. 4. Copy all files from "c:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\ Application Data\AnVir" to the destination folder. If file startup.dat is found in the folder of executable, all extended setting will be stored to this folder instead of "Local Settings" folder. To use default settings, exit the program an d place empty file startup.dat to the folder. 5. If you run the program on USB device you will be asked for the registratio n data, when you run the program first time from the USB device (only 1 time for the device). ======================================================== COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ======================================================== "AnVir.exe Minimized" Run program minimized to the system tray. Run delayed startup programs. ======================================================== SETTINGS FILES ======================================================== Some settings are stored in files: autotray.dat List of windows that will be auto hidden to tray when minimized blockpr.dat List of processes that will be terminated when they start List of processes which priority will be changed when they start comments.dat Comments and risk level of files added by user delayed.dat Custom delay time and process priority for startup items detectDl.dat detectDr.dat detectPr.dat detectSr.dat Path to file and time when DLL, driver, process, or service was detected first time

favdirssave.dat List of favorites folders that appear in Save/Open dialogs folders.dat List of recently opened folders that appear in tray menu lnkcash.dat List of links from startup menu that is used to build list of last launc hed programs in tray menu recentsave.dat List of recently used folders that appear in Save/Open dialogs runasserv.dat List of processes that will be launched on Windows restart signcash.dat Cash of files signatures used for security analysis startup.dat List of current startup programs used to detect new startup items trayfiles.dat List of custom files in tray version.dat Information about current version downloaded from web server ======================================================== MODULES ======================================================== AnVir.exe Main module of the program AnvirHook{VERSION}.dll Implementation of system wide hook. It implements Windows enhancements: * Additional buttons in the titles of windows * Enhanced system menu in title of windows * List of recently used folders in "Open"/"Save" dialogs AnvirRunServ.exe Module that is installed as system service. It allows to Run programs as services on Windows startup. usbhdd.exe Monitoring of USB disks temperature tweaker.exe Vista / XP Tweaker tweaker_XX.lng Language file for Vista / XP Tweaker tweaker_license.txt License for Vista / XP Tweaker VirusTotalUpload.exe Module that is used to send any file to virustotal.com and check files with 30+ antivirus engines

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