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Lauren Hales

Lauren Hales 800.760.0000

Table of Contents
Brochure Montage Imaging Business Card Logos Letterhead Event Ad Flier Web Page

March 30, 2013

Programs used
InDesign & Photoshop

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Folded brochure for music website Dope Tones.

Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images.

I first figured out what layout I wanted to use. I then used the ruler to create the lines so I know where the folds will be. I found 4 photos online that had to do with music, then picked one of my own from a concert. I took the skeleton photo in photoshop and trimmed around his actual body so I can use that one to text wrap. I placed all my photos then added the text. I then changed the paragraph style and added the text wrap. I then added my logo to the back page.

February 14, 2013

Programs used

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Blending of two photos with typography.

Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography.

I used a photo I took up at big bear for the background. Added a mask. I selected the back mountains and added a slight blur filter to them. I also brightened it a little. I then added the picture I took of my sister in law, also in big bear. Added another mask. I then faded the whole background of that picture except for the sky. The sky was bluer in the picture of her so I made that the background and faded the mountain to blend into it. I faded and blended the rock she was on with my background picture but kept her untouched. I then added the text. Then I moved the text of the decorative font to be a little closer together.

February 7, 2013

Programs used

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Photo I took and edited in photoshop.

Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image.

I first took a picture of my friend Alex. I then uploaded it to my iPhoto. I opened the photo with Photoshop then changed the image size. I then selected the background, minus the little graffiti guy, and desaturated and blurred it. I changed the color of his hat and the graffiti guy..

Business Card
March 2, 2013

Programs used
InDesign & Illustrator

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Personalized business card with logo that I designed for the company.

Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

I first created the logo in Adobe Illustrator. I started with the text. I then used the pen tool to create the purple design. I then used the warp tool to give it a little more texture. It made a good place on the top to add something else, so I added the music note. I then added the logo to the letterhead. I struggled a little trying to figure out where to put it. I had it on the top, and then tried to put it on the left side. I ended up putting it in the middle, then added the text for my information. I had it on the left side, then moved it to the right. I then created my business card layout. I added the logo in the middle then had the font all around it with my information. Looked off, so i then moved it to the bottom. There wasnt enough contrast, so I added the black on the bottom and changed the text font to white.

February 22. 2013

Programs used
InDesign & Illustrator

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Three varies of logos for same company.

Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image. Use the basic tools of Illustrator.

I knew I wanted to do an ear, so I first used two circles to create it, I had a detailed inside of the ear, but decided to draw a lightening bolt instead. Then I used the text to make it look like it was coming out of the ear. I the ear didnt look enough like a ear, so I decided to use the pen tool to draw it. I then made the text a little bigger and more dramatic and added to lighting bolts to accentuate it. The middle ones text was originally next to each other and simple with a purple line going through it. I then changed it so there was one O for both words. Then used the paint tool to make the dots and changed the transparency lighter each dot to add contrast. The last one, I first added the text then drew the lightening bolt with the pen tool then filled it with purple.

March 2, 2013

Programs used
InDesign & Illustrator

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Matching letterhead with business card with personally designed logo.

Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

I first created the logo in Adobe Illustrator. I started with the text. I then used the pen tool to create the purple design. I then used the warp tool to give it a little more texture. It made a good place on the top to add something else, so I added the music note. I then added the logo to the letterhead. I struggled a little trying to figure out where to put it. I had it on the top, and then tried to put it on the left side. I ended up putting it in the middle, then added the text for my information. I had it on the left side, then moved it to the right. I then created my business card layout. I added the logo in the middle then had the font all around it with my information. Looked off, so i then moved it to the bottom. There wasnt enough contrast, so I added the black on the bottom and changed the text font to white.

Event Ad
January 31, 2013

Programs used
Miscrosoft Word

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Full bleed promotional ad for an event using scanned image.

Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word.

I scanned this mountain high logo then put it into word and trimmed the background. I added it a few times and changed the color of one to give it contrast. I then started my text. I added the title and the last statement, and decided to make those the same font for proximity. I added boxes to create flow.

Do you snowboard or ski?

Come to Mountain High Ski Resort this Saturday, February 1, 2013, for the Ski for Schools benefit. All day ski passes are $15.00 All proceeds go to local schools to help better childrens education. Pre-order your pass at Location: 24510 California 2, Wrightwood, California 92397 Contact us: 888-754-7878

See you shredding on the mountain!

January 26, 2013

Programs used

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Black and white graduate conference promotional flier.

Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.

I first sketched out four different possible layouts for my design. I then took the best design out of those four and began making it in InDesign. After the first rough draft, I realized there was some things I needed to change to make it better, such as my text, logo placement and how to make it more bold. After adding some contrast with boxes and the text and changing the logo position I think it gave it a good sense of flow and contrast.

Web Page
March 18, 2013

Programs used
Text Wrangler & Photoshop

Comm 130 Section 5 Eric Lybert

Web page that shows company and personally created logo.

Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

I first created the HTLM coding with text wrangler. I then opened miscrosoft word to write all my paragraphs. I copied and pasted it into text wrangler and made the needed indents. I then attached the HTML to my CSS page and started my CSS coding. I changed the color of the actual sites background, then the background of the page then the header background. I then changed the colors of the fonts and changed the fonts of each text, of the header/title and body text.

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