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Margaret Anderson (1915 )

Margaret Anderson : Heroine

When the Empire Star was sailing from Singapore, the Japanese attacked the Empire Star. Margaret Anderson and Vera Torney came up onto deck to protect the wounded soldiers. Margaret threw herself on top of a wounded soldier, protecting him with her own body. She put her life at risk to save others.

Extract from: The Argus, Saturday 16 June 1945

Margaret Anderson was a nurse from 7th June 1940 to the 4th June 1946. She trained in the Austin and Allied Hospitals in Victoria, Australia.

Vera Torney (1916 2006)

Vera Torney trained and served with Margaret Anderson. She is a significant person in Margarets life.

Empire Star

The Empire Star was a cargo ship, the ship was only meant to hold 20 people. Instead on the 12th of February, the Empire Star held 2160 people.

The Fall Of Singapore 1942

Margaret Anderson and her fellow nurses were evacuated on the Empire Star a few days before the fall of Singapore.

Captain Capon
The Captain of the Empire Star. Captain Capon manoeuvred the Empire Star so well that only four bombs hit the Empire Star in total. Thanks to Captain Capon the Empire Star reached Freemantle safely on the 23rd of February 1942.

The George Medal

The George Medal is like the George Cross. The George Medal is awarded for great acts of bravery. Margaret Anderson was awarded the George Medal on the 22nd September 1942.

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