Lesson Study

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Jenna OMalley, Yulia Sorkina (teachers) Jorie Pinsof, Kelly Hahn, Mary Vance (observers) General Goals of LESSON:

-Long term: We want our students to know their students through observing, labeling, and understanding. -Short term: Create lessons that can support the growth and culture of each student in your classroom Specific goals of lesson: -Long term: Learning to observe each student and apply information to lessons and learning environment. -Short term: Create a mindset to prioritize observation in the classroom. 1. Title of Research Lesson: I Spy With My Little Eye 2. Standards Addressed: n/a 3. Background of the Lesson: Common Early Childhood Education background Discussion already had about chapter 2 in Ayers Notes already done on chapter 2 in Ayers Have talked about culture and lenses since last summer 4. Lesson Procedures Time 10am (15 min)

Lesson Study, 2/13/13


Dialogue Teacher Questions 1) Just talk about how to play (dont give eaway purpose) 2) Teacher Dialogue -What is the purpose of this game? -Dig deeper into the topic -Did you observe any differences between the first and second rounds?

Environment -Chairs in a circle, tables pushed out of the way (on side of room), observers: sit within the circle, continue

Comments -Observe student interactions and reactions -Are students looking around and making eye contact during the game? -Are the students talking to

1) Introduce Follow the leader (game) 2) Play game (round 1) 3) Discuss point of game 4) Play game (round 2)

-Did you think of a different purpose the second time around? -What skills did you use to pick out the leader? -Did you use different strategies to figure out the leader? Anticipated Student Response (ASR) -The purpose of the activity was to see who the leader was. -The purpose was to see and pay attention to what others were doing. -I paid more attention the second time as the leader/I tried to conceal my identity more as the person clapping. -The second time was easier. I had an idea of what I was looking for.

discussion in circle

one another about the information? -Are the students verbally expressing their enjoyment of the game? -Do the students actively answer the questions asked by the teacher? Are they heading towards the right answers?

10:15am (10 min)

1) Open class discussion

Teacher Questions/Discussion -Why is it important to observe? -Who observes and why is it beneficial? (what professions observe.police, lawyer, etc) -What do people observe? What do they look for? -How do you observe people on a daily basis? ASR -Observing is important for the classroom

Move chairs into semi-circle so all can see teacher (and vice-versa)

-Are students responding to the questions? Are multiple people raising their hands? -Is the conversation leading in a direction that is focused on the topic at hand?

10:25am (10 min)

1) Play game (round 3) -observer is blindfolded with a 5 min limit on guessing 2) Open discussion

-You can understand a student more when you observe them. -Teachers observe, doctors observe, lawyers observe. -I guess you always observe when youre walking to class or notice things about other people you see a lot. Its a natural thing to do -People look for quirks about others or things that stick out. Teacher Questions 1) How was this round harder/more difficult? What made it more difficult? 2) What specific challenges did you have (to the observer)? 3) What makes this a different form of observing? -How is this observing compared to seeing as observing? -What are some positives and negatives to observing by hearing? 4) What is the important of having these difficult setbacks in the game? ASR -It was harder to understand where the clapping was coming from -I had to focus more on the sound and see where it was coming from -Even though its harder to observe by listening, it made me focus more on where the sound was coming from

-Did the students attend to the questions asked by the teacher? -Did the students connect their answers from the first two rounds of the game to the third? Did they talk about the similarities and differences?

10:35am (15 min)

1) Discussion on observing and the relation to teaching

Teacher Questions -How can you observe in the classroom? -What strategies can you use to observe? -What are some obstacles to observing? -How can you overcome or work around these obstacles? -Why do you observe in the classroom? (whats the purpose) -Give us some examples from your practicum or previous times youve been in a classroom -How did it help you get to know a specific student? -How can you use or change those skills to incorporate observation into your new placement?

-Are the students talking about there experiences? -Are the students making connections between their practicum and the activity?

5. Evaluation -The students responses to the questions will tell us if they are understanding and comprehending the material -Ask the students (because they are our peers) if they understood the concept of the game and how it related to our topic -Did the students seem engaged? Did they have fun while learning the information? 6. Post-lesson reflection What would you change about this lesson, and why would those changes improve it?

How did your organization and materials affect the success of the lesson?

What were some challenges with this lesson? What surprised you?

Additional comments?

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