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Thursday November 22, 2012

Grade 8 ELA

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 1/2 Music Unit: Rhythms Lesson Duration: 9:00- 9:30 30 min LEARNING OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENTS
(Observations, Key Questions, Written Assessments, Performance Assessments) Observations: - Are students matching rhythms? - Can they keep steady time? Key Questions: - Have you ever played the cup song? Written Assessments: N/A Performance Assessments: - Can students perform the cup song? - Can they play the beat in time? - Can they identify the rhythm on the board? - Can they go through beats and chunk them together?

GLOs Through the elementary

Students will: I. Listen to music.

music program, students will develop:

I. II. Enjoyment of music Insights into music through meaningful activities. III. Musical skills and knowledge.
Grade 1/2 Rhythm SLOs: 1. Music may move to a steady beat. 2. Music may move evenly or unevenly. 3. Music is made up of long sounds, short sounds and silences. 4. There are strong and weak beats in music. 5. Long sounds, short sounds and silences may be grouped to form rhythm patterns. 6. Rhythm patterns can accompany melody. 7.. Rhythm patterns are made up of the beat and divisions of the beat. Grade 1/2 Reading and Writing SLOs: 1. Recognize ta and titi rhythm patterns. 3. Echo clap and chant written rhythm patterns.

II. Respond to music. III. Identify rhythms and counts. IV. Listen to rhythms. V. Repeat/ copy rhythms. VI. Learn the cup song counts. VII. Play the cup song.


Resource #1: One Direction One Think/ Makes You Beautiful Cup Song Resource #2: Adele Rolling in the Deep Cup Song Resource #3: David Guetta Titanium Cup Song


Plastic cups Smart Board You tube Counts on Smart Note book I Like the Flowers lyrics

Introduction (5 min.): Hook/Attention Grabber: - Have the cups sitting on the desk. Show a You-tube clip or two of the cup game. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: - Has anyone ever learned the cup game before? Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: - Students will be on task. They will be paying attention and listening for directions. Advance Organizer/Agenda:

Thursday November 22, 2012

Grade 8 ELA

- Have the videos pre-loaded on you tube - Have the cups out and ready - Have the smart board document ready. Transition to Body: - Explain that people may have learned this differently and may already know it. - Mine might be a little different, but children should challenges themselves to learn a new way so that everyone is learning the same rhythm. Body (20 min.): Learning Activity #1: Match that Rhythm - Clap some rhythms and have students repeat them. - Split the group into two, giving each a separate rhythm. - Try to maintain your rhythm even when the second group comes in.

Easier rhythms will be used, if students are doing well they will be challenged with more complex rhythms. The rhythms for the two groups will be simplistic. It will get them ready and geared up for the next activity. Learning Activity #2: Cup Song (Break Down) - Draw the counts out as music - Have students identify the rhythm. - Count the rhythm out loud. - Students will count the rhythm out loud together. Repeat. - Give each student a cup. - Go through individual counts. Repeat counts. - Students listen and repeat. Move onto next counts. Listen and repeat chunk.
Assessments/Differentiation: Counts will be written on the board and put into music notes. Visual learners can reference it. Will also play the video to appeal to the visual learners and those who need to hear the product first. The steps will really be broken down so everyone can be successful.

Learning Activity #3: Cup Song Practice/ Game - Students will get into a circle. We will sit cross-legged and slowly start the game, if students are able. - Demonstrate how to pass the cup to your neighbor and have them practice it once or twice. - Slooowly start the game, and dont let it speed up. Still count aloud and have students count as well.
Assessments/Differentiation: Solo activity turns into group game. Peers can help one another and we will go slowly. Playing together will help build our classroom community.

Learning Activity #4: I Like the Flowers - If there is time or they are getting squirrely have them stand up so we can do our song. They can do the actions and move around. Split into two parts.
Assessments/Differentiation: Students can sing either part, assessment through observation. Most of them know this song, weve done it before a few times so its an easy, fun, break activity for them.

Closure (5 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Done through observation. Are students capable of the cup song and do they enjoy it? Can they keep the rhythm, and count along to the beats? Feedback From Students Do you like this game? Would you like to continue doing it? Feedback To Students: If we get good enough at this, we can add one of our songs to it. Transition To Next Lesson: Next class we will practice our rhythms a bit more.

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