Reilly Artifact Case Study

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Ms. Reilly! Ms. Reilly! Ms. Reilly! Ms. Reilly!

Didn't understand the appropriate times in which to ask for help and the appropriate ways to do that. Constantly needed attention and would continually blurt during class until she received the attention she believed she deserved. Goal: to curb this behavior and channel it into something productive.

Ms. Reilly? Yes, Y, I'll be there in a minute Okay

Talking to Y about her behavior. Lonely girl and does not get enough attention at home. Incorporate her more into the day to day classroom activities, such as giving her leadership roles during group projects, or even something as simply as having her pass out papers. More active classroom. Pros and cons, and Y would show great improvement, then relapse into old habits.

Y, I see your hand is up. What can I do for you?

Good behavior. When Y knows what is expected of her and the fact that I will be around to answer her questions as soon as possible, she behaves accordingly. I am hopeful for Y's future and I hope that her teachers from here on out will not give up on her.

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