Atlantis Part Three

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

^ Plato's Timaeus is usually dated 360 BC; it was followed by his Critias. ^ Alan Cameron, Greek Mythography in the Roman World, Oxford University Press (2004) p. 124 ^ Timaeus 24e25a, R. G. Bury translation (Loeb Classical Library). ^ Plutarch, Life of Solon. ^ Plutarch, On Isis And Osiris, chapter 10. ^ "AtlantisBritannica Online Encyclopedia". Retrieved 2010-11-27. ^ Critias 113, Bury translation. ^ Critias 116a, Bury translation. ^ The name is a back-formation from Gades, the Greek name for Cadiz. ^ Critias 116bc ^ Timaeus 25cd, Bury translation. ab ^ John V Luce (1978). "The Literary Perspective". In Edwin S. Ramage. Atlantis, Fact or Fiction?. Indiana University Press. p. 72. ISBN 0-253-10482-3. ^ Castleden 2001 p. 164 ^ Nesselrath (2005), pp. 161171. ^ Timaeus 24a: . ^ Cameron 2002 ^ Castleden 2001, p,168 ab ^ Cameron 1983 ^ Proclus, Commentary on Plato's Timaeus, p. 117.1030 (=FGrHist 671 F 1), trans. Taylor, Nesselrath. ^ Strabo 2.3.6 ^ Nesselrath 1998, pp. 18. ^ Porphyry, Life of Plotinus, 7=35. ^ Fitzpatrick-Matthews, Keith. Lost Continents: Atlantis. ^ [1] Bibliotheca historica - Diodorus Siculus 4.56.4: "And the writers even offer proofs of these things, pointing out that the Celts who dwell along the ocean venerate the Dioscori above any of the gods, since they have a tradition handed down from ancient times that these gods appeared among them coming from the ocean. Moreover, the country which skirts the ocean bears, they say, not a few names which are derived from the Argonauts and the Dioscori." ^ ^ ^ Lightfoot, translator, The Apostolic Fathers, II, 1885, P. 84, Edited & Revised by Michael W. Holmes, 1989. ^ L. Sprague de Camp, Lost Continents, 1954, p. 307 ^ ^ ^ ^ Selin, Helaine 2000, Astronomy Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Astronomy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pg 574. ISBN 0-7923-6363-9 ^ Auroux, Sylvain, ed. (2006). History of the Language Sciences: An International Handbook on the Evolution of Language Sciences. Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3110167352, pp. 1125-1126. ^ Isaac Newton (1728). The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended ^ Jensma, Goffe (November 2007). "How to Deal with Holy Books in an Age of Emerging Science. The Oera Linda Book as a New Age Bible". Fabula 48 (34): 229249. doi:10.1515/FABL.2007.017. ^ "It was not he [Plato] who invented it, since Homer, who preceded him by many centuries, also speaks of the Atlantes and of their island in his Odyssey. Secret Doctrine, vol 2. pt3, ch6. ^ William Scott Elliot, The Story of Atlantis, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1896, p.18 ^ Steiner, Rudolf (1922), An Outline of Occult Science ^ Robinson, Lytle, 1972, Edgar Cayces Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man , Berkeley Books, New York, pg 51. ^ Ferro and Grumley, Atlantis: the Autobiography of a Search (New York: Doubleday) 1970.

41. 42. 43. 44.

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

^ Fortean Times, October 2003, Christopher Hale, Page 31 ^ Fortean Times, October 2003, Christopher Hale, Page 38 ^ Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, 1934. ^ Runnels, Curtis; Murray, Priscilla (2004). Greece Before History: An Archaeological Companion and Guide. Stanford: Stanford UP. p. 130. ISBN 0-8047-4036-4. Retrieved 17 January 2010. ^ J. Annas, Plato: A Very Short Introduction (OUP 2003), p.42 (emphasis not in the original) ^ Timaeus 25e, Jowett translation. ^ Feder, Kenneth L., Frauds, Myths and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology , Mayfield Publishing, 1999, p. 164. ^ "Plato's Atlantis in South Morocco?". Retrieved 2010-11-27. ^ Atlantis-Bakhu ^ The wave that destroyed Atlantis Harvey Lilley, BBC News Online, 2007-04-20. Retrieved 2007-04-21. ^ Galanopoulos, Angelos Gergiou, and Edward Bacon, Atlantis: The Truth Behind the Legend, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969 ^ Howard, Zach. "Lost city of Atlantis, swamped by tsunami, may be found". Reuters. Retrieved 13 March 2011. ^ Zoe Fox (March 14, 2011). "Science Lost No Longer? Researchers Claim to Have Found 'Atlantis' in Spain.". Retrieved March 14, 2011. ^ Lovgren, Stefan (2004-08-19). "Atlantis "Evidence" Found in Spain and Ireland". National Geographic. Retrieved 2007-12-05. ^ Patrick Gibbs. "A location for "Atlantis"? Rainer W. Khne Antiquity Vol 78 No 300 June 2004". Retrieved 2010-11-27. ^ The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization. Delta; Reprint edition. May 28, 2002. ISBN 0-440-50898-3. ^ Earth's shifting crust: A key to some basic problems of earth science. Pantheon Books. 1958. ASIN B0006AVEEU. ^ "Lost City Found Off Cuba". Retrieved 2010-11-27. ^ Hanson, Bill. The Atlantis Triangle. 2003. ^ Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally Found Santos, Arysio; Atlantis Publications, August 2005, ISBN 09769550-0-8.

Further reading Ancient sources Plato, Timaeus, translated by Benjamin Jowett at Project Gutenberg; alternative version with commentary. Plato, Critias, translated by Benjamin Jowett at Project Gutenberg; alternative version with commentary. Modern sources Bichler, R (1986). 'Athen besiegt Atlantis. Eine Studie ber den Ursprung der Staatsutopie', Canopus, vol. 20, no. 51, pp. 7188. Cameron, Alan (1983). 'Crantor and Posidonius on Atlantis', The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 33, No. 1 (1983), pp. 8191 Cayce, Edgar Evans (1968). Edgar Cayce's Atlantis. ISBN 9780876045121 Christopher, Kevin Atlantis: No way, No how, No where Crowley, Aleister - Lost Continent De Camp, LS (1954). Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science, and Literature , New York: Gnome Press.

Castleden, Rodney (2001) Atlantis Destroyed', London:Routledge Donnelly, I (1882). Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, New York: Harper & Bros. Retrieved November 6, 2001, from Project Gutenberg. Ellis, R (1998). Imaging Atlantis, New York: Knopf. ISBN 0-679-44602-8 Erlingsson, U (2004). Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy Land , Miami: Lindorm. ISBN 0-9755946-0-5 Flem-Ath R, Wilson C (2001). The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization, Delacorte Press Frau, S (2002). Le Colonne d'Ercole: Un'inchiesta, Rome: Nur neon. ISBN 88-900740-0-0 Gill, C (1976). 'The origin of the Atlantis myth', Trivium, vol. 11, pp. 89. Gordon, J.S. (2008). 'The Rise and Fall of Atlantis: and the mysterious origins of human civilization', Watkins Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-905857-24-1 Grgemanns, H (2000). 'Wahrheit und Fiktion in Platons Atlantis-Erzhlung', Hermes, vol. 128, pp. 405 420. Griffiths, JP (1985). 'Atlantis and Egypt', Historia, vol. 34, pp. 35f. Heidel, WA (1933). 'A suggestion concerning Platon's Atlantis', Daedalus, vol. 68, pp. 189228. Jakovljevic, Ranko (2005) Gvozdena vrata Atlantide, IK Beoknjiga Belgrade. ISBN 86-7694-042-8 Jakovljevic, Ranko (2008) Atlantida u Srbiji IK Pesic i sinovi Belgrade. ISBN 978-86-7540-091-2 Jordan, P (1994). The Atlantis Syndrome, Stroud: Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-3518-9 King, D. (1970). Finding Atlantis: A true story of genius, madness, and an extraordinary quest for a lost world. Harmony Books, New York. ISBN 1-4000-4752-8 Luce, J V (1982). End of Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend, Efstathiadis Group: Greece Martin, TH [1841] (1981). 'Dissertation sur l'Atlantide', in TH Martin, tudes sur le Time de Platon, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, pp. 257332. Morgan, KA (1998). 'Designer history: Plato's Atlantis story and fourth-century ideology', Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 118, pp. 101118. Muck, Otto Heinrich, The Secret of Atlantis, Translation by Fred Bradley of Alles ber Atlantis (Econ Verlag GmbH, Dsseldorf-Wien, 1976), Times Books, a division of Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., Inc., Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016, 1978 Nesselrath, HG (1998). 'Theopomps Meropis und Platon: Nachahmung und Parodie', Gttinger Forum fr Altertumswissenschaft, vol. 1, pp. 18. Nesselrath, HG (2001a). 'Atlantes und Atlantioi: Von Platon zu Dionysios Skytobrachion', Philologus, vol. 145, pp. 3438. Nesselrath, HG (2001b). 'Atlantis auf gyptischen Stelen? Der Philosoph Krantor als Epigraphiker', Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 135, pp. 3335. Nesselrath, HG (2002). Platon und die Erfindung von Atlantis, Mnchen/Leipzig: KG Saur Verlag. ISBN 3598-77560-1 Nesselrath, HG (2005). 'Where the Lord of the Sea Grants Passage to Sailors through the Deep-blue Mere no More: The Greeks and the Western Seas', Greece & Rome, vol. 52, pp. 153171. Phillips, ED (1968). 'Historical Elements in the Myth of Atlantis', Euphrosyne, vol. 2, pp. 338 Ramage, ES (1978). Atlantis: Fact or Fiction?, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-10482-3 Settegast, M. (1987). Plato Prehistorian: 10,000 to 5000 B.C. in Myth and Archaeology, Cambridge, MA, Rotenberg Press. Spence, L [1926] (2003). The History of Atlantis, Mineola, NY: Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-42710-2 Stiebing, William H., Jr. (1984). Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions and Other Popular Theories about Man's Past. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-285-8.. Szlezk, TA (1993). 'Atlantis und Troia, Platon und Homer: Bemerkungen zum Wahrheitsanspruch des Atlantis-Mythos', Studia Troica, vol. 3, pp. 233237. Vidal-Naquet, P (1986). 'Athens and Atlantis: Structure and Meaning of a Platonic Myth', in P VidalNaquet, The Black Hunter, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 263284. ISBN 0-8018-3251-9 Whitshaw, Elena Maria (1928, Reprint 1994), Atlantis in Spain ISBN 0-9328-1322-4

Wilson, Colin (1996). From Atlantis to the Sphinx ISBN 1-85227-526-X Zangger, E (1993). The Flood from Heaven: Deciphering the Atlantis legend, New York: William Morrow and Company. ISBN 0-688-11350-8 Zhirov, Nikolai F., Atlantis Atlantology: Basic Problems, Translated from the Russian by David Skvirsky, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970

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